Allele Frequency Calculator , Formula, Calculation & Example

Allele Frequency Calculator

You can use the allele frequency calculator to calculate your chance of inheriting a particular recessive gene in your offspring.

Our tool is based upon the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium equation.

Still feeling confused?

You can read our article to learn more about a gene pool and what autosomal recessive disorders/disorders are. How they can be inherited. We will also show you how to calculate gene frequency and allele frequency.

You can use this site to find out how to calculate the frequency of alleles in the next generation or the phenotype/genotype frequency.

If you’re interested in how to see these genes effectively, visit our PCR analing temperature calculator.

You’ll also find more information about the topic! )

What is allele frequency?

The Allele frequency indicates how frequently a particular allele is found in a population. The allele frequency can be used to calculate your chances of inheriting a genetic disorder that could affect your children.

Higher frequency of certain alleles among members of the same family.

Allele is itself a variant of one gene.A gene can have two variants. This is called two alleles.One allele is always passed from the mother to the other from the father.

Gene refers to a portion of our genome that describes one trait in our bodies.Genes are an instruction manual for the cells of our bodies.

Why it is important?

Two alleles for every gene are an ingenious idea . If one of these alleles fails to work properly or is damaged, there is always another copy.

It doesn’t always work like this.

  • A gene’s two copies might be lost. This is when recessive disorders occur * (we have this calculator to help you in this situation)*.
    • Cystic Fibrosis
  • A copy one of a gene has been broken but the dominant allele towards the second one is overrun and this particular allele is dominant . This is when ***dominant disease*** occurs.
    • Huntington’s Disease
  • Sometimes only one of the genes works and the second is disabled for that reason . This is the parent imprinting.
    • Prader Wili syndrome

How do I use the allele frequency calculator

The allele frequency tool can be used to determine your chances of inheriting a particular genetic trait or recessive condition. You only need to know the prevalence of the disease within the population. This can be given in percent (%), or in a percentage (1 in 10000).

These definitions may also be used:

  • – The frequency of the wild (healthy), allele
  • – Frequency of the mutant (sickness) allle
  • Q2 – The frequency of people who have the disease (2 mutant alleles).
  • p2– The frequency of people with no disease in the population (2 healthy parents)
  • 2pq– The frequency of people with no disease (1 mutant, 1 healthy)

Carrier means a person who has one impaired allele of a particular gene. This peron does not get sick but could pass the impaired gene on to their children.The child will likely be affected if the second parent also has the same disease.

We have compiled a list of the most common recessive disorders so that you don’t need to search for them anymore!

Remember that different populations have completely distinct pules of genes . These are the sets of genes within a population. Some diseases may be more prevalent in certain populations than others.

Disease Prevalence Albinism1 in 10,000 in general populationCystic Fibrosis1:2,500 Caucasian populationHarlequin-type ichthyosis1 in 300,000 in general populationPhenylketonuria15,000 in Caucasian PopulationAnemia due to sickle cell disease1:600 African-americansTay Sachs1:3,600 Ashkenazi Jewish Population

Have you got all the numbers? What about checking your child’s height with our child height prediction calculator.

How do you calculate the allele frequency?

The following equation is used to calculate carrier frequency:

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1


  • p2 refers to the frequency of people with two healthy alleles.
  • 2pq refers to the frequency of people with one gene that is both healthy and impaired: The carriers.
  • q2 refers to the frequency of people with two impaired genes. are people suffering from the disease.

Let’s continue it with an example:

Our office was contacted by a patient whose wife is known to be a carrier of a particular disease. He would like to know how likely he is to be a carrier. The disease we are calculating affects 1 out of 1,000,000 people.

1:1000000 = 0.000001

q2 = 0.000001

q = 0.001

p2+ (2* p 0.001) + 1

p2 + 0.002p - 0.999999 = 0

We will use the quadratic equation solver here.

p could be equal to -1.0015, or 0.9985. We must choose the positive result, as it is impossible to get the negative.

Let’s find out the prevalence of carriers:

2pq = 2 * 0.001 * 0.9985 = 0.001997

1 / 0.001997 = 501

Our patient may be a carrier if 1:501.

What is the Hardy–Weinberg equation?

This tool is actually a Hardy–Weinberg calculator. We use this equation for the calculation of the frequency of alleles within the population.

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

The following descriptions will be found in the usual description of this formula:

  • 1 The whole population who has a particular gene
  • p2 – homozygous dominant (AA)
  • 2pq – heterozygous (Aa)
  • Q2 (homozygous recessive)

What does really mean?

  • The dominant is one in which a trait has almost always visible. These alleles are usually marked A. For certain traits to be manifested, only one dominant allele is required. Curly hair has been a popular dominant trait.
  • The recessive allele represents the gene of lesser strength. These are usually marked , which is a. If both the recessive and dominant alleles are present, a trait will only be visible. Straight hair would be an example of a recessive characteristic.
  • Homozygous is when two copies of the exact same gene are found in a cell, with two different alleles. This combination could be dominant: AA or recessive aa.
  • Heterozygous refers to two copies of the same gene. This mix should be marked Aa.

The Hardy-Weinberg equation calculator works because all people with recessive diseases can be described aa. We also know that all carriers can be described Aa.

To see how it works in practice, take a look at the Blood Type Calculator – you might also find out what type of blood your baby has! [B][A]


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