How to Obtain a Tax Credit Certificate In Uganda

Obtain a Tax Credit Certificate In Uganda By Online

The withholding agent has to access the Uganda Revenue Authority web portal through, then

  1. Logs into your Uganda Revenue Authority account (using the TIN along with a password),
  2. Select Generate tax credit certificates on the menu of services available online on the left hand side.
  3. Produces TCC that is applicable to more than one payees,
  4. Give the return number and time for the search to be conducted for all the information to fill in,
  5. Select all and then fill in the following information if you are looking to create TCC for a single payee.
  6. Return period, Name/Tin of the payee, return number,
  7. Select search to find the information about the taxpayer that you will be able to create TCC when you generate TCC you will receive confirmation that your certificate has been has been generated successfully. A computer created message is sent out to payer along with an image of the TCC A message generated by auto is sent out to the payer by attaching the TCC and also an agent or payee of withholding tax can login to their login (TIN or password) and look under the messages received to view TCC tax credits.

Note: TCC is a shorthand in the form of Tax Credit Certificate

Office Locations and Contacts

URA Headquaters: Plot M193/M194,Nakawa Industrial Area,
P.O. Box 7279 Kampala
Phone: +256 414744000, 0800117000 (toll free)
Others offices Kampala South situated at Old Kampala Mosque,
Kampala North is located inside Bwaise (Mulago Kalerwe Round about .


A tax agent who is withholding must generate and distribute an Tax Credit certificate to the payee.

Examples of Documents;jsessionid=674e6b834fa2a643b0fbb1d6d42cbf0e6df3cf2401b441c5f10ca82a185c4aad.e34SaheMahmOa40Ra38QbN4Lc40

Processing Time

In less than an hour.


One must sign in to their account via the Uganda Revenue Authority website to create an Tax Credit Certificate and issue it to the payer.

The Information You Need

  • Login ID
  • Password
  • return date
  • The nature of the payment
  • Tin
  • Return number
  • Payee’s name (Note All returns are made online)

Need to have the Document

If a person is who is required to withhold tax from an amount paid to a recipient, must pay the tax withheld to the Uganda Revenue Authority and file the Withholding Tax return before the deadline. The tax agent who withholds the tax must generate and distribute an Tax Credit certificate to the payee. The Payee who is registered will receive an original replica of their Tax Credit Certificate (TCC) in a Received Messages message on your account at Uganda Revenue Athority’s web portal. Uganda Revenue Athority web portal

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