How To Register a Birth In Chile

How To Register a Birth In Chile

  • Find your local office at the Civil Registry nearest to where the birth occurred.
  • Get the background required and ask for the for the baby’s enrollment.

Documents Required Register a Birth

  • Proof of delivery
  • Identity card valid (in in good shape)

When the father could not establish marriage:

  • Identification card of him and his mom (in great condition)

If a third party who is acting for parents joined through marriage:

  • Proof of delivery
  • only one branch of one of the parents that applied for registration, and indicating the names that are assigned to the child are the same as their personal details are correct.
  • identification card of the person applying (current well-maintained)

If a person who is acting for the parent isn’t married to the parent,:

  • Delivery confirmation
  • One power that allows the applicant to submit a birth Certificate with the names that will be attributable for the baby (a) and personal information of parents
  • Branch, through deed, to honor his son (s) on behalf of you in the event that it is appropriate.
  • Identity document of parent who authorizes to authorize (valid and in good shape)
  • Identity card of the applicant (valid and in good shape)


  • If there isn’t a marriage, the parent could be able to recognize the child through an extension of the child’s name to any civil official (the procedure is not expensive) or by executing a deed before a Notary.
  • Cases that are exceptional
    • If there is no proof of birth The birth could be proved through evidence from witnesses of 18 years old. They must show their identity cards. They have personal contact with the mother and have affixed oaths to the civil official or the facts and circumstances surrounding the birth.
    • Children born to an unidentified or abandoned mother: The parent or institution responsible for the child has to visit one of the offices for civil registration to find out how to apply for registration.
    • Ages 18 and over It is required to seek out additional information at one of our locations.

Office Locations and Contacts

  • Telephone Number 600 370 2000

To view Chilean Civil Registry and Identification location offices, go to this site: http://www.registro

How To Register a Birth In Chile
How To Register a Birth In Chile and click on the “Offices and Times” tab.

What Are All The Eligibility

To be eligible, you need to have experienced a baby in Chile.


  • The registration is absolutely free.


This registration is valid forever.

Processing Time

The registration takes place immediately.


  • Births in Chile need to be registered in Chile’s Office of Civil Registry and Identification in the area (territory) in which the birth took place.
  • In the event that the child’s birth has been acknowledged with a birth certificate issued by the hospital at the time that the mother gave birth to the baby, on the birth certificate the mother is identified as the woman who is listed in the certificate issued by the hospital.
  • If paternity is the issue in the absence of an actual wedding, the father has to acknowledge the child at the moment he’s required to sign the document or could register later, through a public act.
  • In the first 30 days following when the baby was born, an birth certificate can be signed exclusively by either the mother father on their own or through an agents.
  • If there are issues with the birth registration offices that serve The birth registration can be done in a different location, with an email request an email to the civil officer.

Requirements Information

  • The full name of mother or father.
  • Residency
  • RUN
  • The date of birth

Documentation is needed

Birth registrations aim to provide legal proof of the birthplace of a person as well as establish family relations which determine their rights in relation to this. It also records the information and activities of enrollment which impact the marital status of the person.

Information that can be useful

  • In accordance with the new law on parentage, it’s important to keep in mind parents who sign the register, it will be recorded the child’s name, i.e. this is a way of recognizing the child.

Other uses for the document/certificate

The birth certificate is used to get birth certificates and an identification card.

External Links

Civil Registry and Identification:



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