How to Adoption of a Child In Mali

Adoption of a Child In Mali By Yourself

  1. The government agencies responsible for the adoption process for adoption in Mali is The Ministry for the Promotion of Women, Children and the Family and the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.
  2. Particularly, more specifically, the Regional Directorate for the Promotion of the Family and the Child also known as the National Directorate, has jurisdiction for the child’s identification procedure including the home study, as well as the issue of a certificate which authorizes the orphanage’s release of the child to its adopted parent(s). The court of civil jurisdiction is the sole authority to issue or deny the legal adoption certificates.
  3. Candidates begin by identifying an appropriate child to meet their needs. In this instance applicants look at Mali (it is possible to find it in children’s orphanages) to identify the child that is able to meet the requirements they want.
  4. Note: There exist no privately-owned adoption services in Mali. All adoption cases are handled by the Regional Directorate for the Promotion of the Family and the Child as well as the National Directorate and the competent civil court.
  5. When the perfect child who is in compliance with the requirements of adoptive parents is discovered The applicant is then required to write an appeal letter for the protection of children department for an internal adoption or the central authority responsible for the process of inter-country adoption.
  6. Potential adoptive parent(s) have to submit an application in order to be deemed suitable to adopt by the Regional Directorate for the Promotion of the Family and the Child as well as the National Directorate office. The application should include a letter of solicitation from prospective parent(s) directed to the Directorate Head Directorate for the Promotion of the Family and the Child of and accompanied by specific documents supporting the request .
  7. The application should include the reasons behind adoption, and should specify the child’s age and gender of the child to be adopted and request the court to start an adoption proceeding on behalf the petitioner to take the adoption process forward for the child identified.
  8. After receiving the documents when they are received, the authorized office reviews and reviews the documents to confirm that all legal requirements for adoption are satisfied; and also to determine if it is the right interests for the kid. At this point, during the process of assessing the documents the authorized office can investigate or require additional documents separate from those previously submitted. If investigation is required the authorized office will forward documents submitted to the police, allowing them to conduct the investigation.
  9. Following the investigation, a report is prepared and then sent at an appropriate Regional Directorate or National Directorate to be evaluated by the National Directorate and if the authorities is satisfied with the report of investigation. The legal authority seek out the appropriate civil court to hire and a ruling on the case.
  10. When they receive an inquiry from either an organization like the Regional Directorate or National Directorate the clerk of the court determine the date of the hearing.
  11. In the course of the hearing in the courtroom, the decision is made following debates during the Council chamber, in the presence of the public prosecutor and before the adopter as well as the representative of the agency responsible for child protection.
  12. If the judge approves adoption, the court will grant the authority of parents to be transferred and transfers parental rights from the birth parents to adoptive parents.
  13. Once the adoption is approved, adoptive parents will then begin the process of processing the child’s identification document as well as travel arrangements.

Required Documents For Adoption of a Child

  • The parent(s) who adopted the parent(s);
  • Birth certificates issued by the adoption parent(s);
  • The marriage certificate is valid for couples who are legally wed.
  • Income proof (pay slips or other evidence);
  • A home study from another country could be beneficial, especially if it is translated into French;
  • Consent to adopt, in writing, accompanied by the signature(s) of the biological parent(s) in the event that they are not known, and verified by Notary Public.
  • Identification documents of both the adopted parents(s) and the biological parent(s) If known,
  • Other documents that are requested by the authority in charge.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry for the Promotion of Women, Children and the FamilyRegional Directorate for the Promotion of Families and Children
Address: Djicoroni Para, Cite Administrative, Building N deg 4
Post box BP 2688
Telephone: (+223)20793436
Website: Link


Conditions applicable to the adoptee

  • The adoption protection option is available regardless of age. adopted. However, if the adopted person is older than 13 years of age, he has to personally agree to the adoption.

The conditions that apply to the person who adopts:

  • Adoption is a responsibility of spouses as you have an excellent life, good morals as well as a sufficient amount of income. This is the same for single women or men. But, a single male is able to adopt only an infant who is at minimum 13 years old.


  • Consignment feesrange From 7,500 F CFA up to 12,000 F CFA based on the civil court.
  • Stamp fees 200 F CFA

Processing Time

The legal process can typically be concluded within one year. However, the deadline for issuance of the decision of the court is 2 to 3 months from the date of the referral to the judge who is competent.


The process of adopting an infant from Mali typically includes these steps

  • Select an adoption service provider
  • Make an application to be considered qualified to adopt
  • You can be matched with a child
  • Investigation into adoption through the authority of the government
  • Legal court proceedings/judgment of the court
  • Take your child to school

The Information You Need

  • Name of the parent who is likely to be (s)
  • The marriage status for prospective(s)
  • Address for the applicant(s) /potential parent (s)
  • Family and personal status of the parents who are aspiring
  • Information about the child who will be adopted
  • The duration of marriage
  • Medical status of applicant(s) /potential parent (s)
  • The financial capacity of applicant(s) or prospective parent (s)
  • Three names of (3) three (3) referees.
  • Nationality of the parent who is to be the potential parent (s)

The Document is required

Adoption refers to the process of transferring parental rights from a the biological parent to potential adoptive parents. It is the process of establishing a legal and permanent relationship between the adopted child and prospective adoptive parents.

External Links


How to Adoption of a Child In Mali
How to Adoption of a Child In Mali



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