How to Apply for a National Scholarship In Mali

Apply for a National Scholarship In Mali By Yourself

  1. The Ministry of Higher Education and Research Post-scholarship application filing opening and the deadline for submission of application forms (both hard paper and electronic) through the National Center for University Works (CENOU) website as well as in local newspapers and media stations.
  2. Students applying for admission must go to at the National Center for University Works (CENOU) customer service desk to collect the application form.
  3. Note that the prospective student is given one month to finish the application process starting from the date of opening the institution.
  4. Complete the form and submit it and the scholarship application directed directly to National Directorate of the CNOUS (National Center for University Work) and the accompanying documents, as specified under (“required documents Section in the section below”) at the CENOU receptionist at the branch office desk. Notify the receptionist that any application received after time will result in being disqualified.
  5. When they receive the application, the department that is responsible for scholarship at CENOU will sort the documents submitted by the academies to verify them and then examine the files.
  6. The list of beneficiaries will be made available in the CENOU website. If your request is granted, you must make contact with or visit CENOU for more information.

Application Online

  1. Go to the National Center for University Works (CENOU) Link and sign in if you already have an account. in case you don’t have an account, click “don’t you have an account? Click here”
  2. Once you log in, fill out all fields that are required and upload the application form to be processed and reviewed by the CENOU department of scholarship.
  3. After receiving the application, the department in charge of scholarships at CENOU will review the application files by the academy, and then sort the applications.
  4. The list of beneficiaries will be made available via the CENOU website. If your application is accepted, you can make contact with or visit CENOU for more information.

Please take note of this

  • The submission of the request via an organizational channel is feasible.
  • Incomplete, inaccurate, or insufficient completeness on the form, or not submitting the documents requested could result in disqualification.
  • In the event that your request is not granted If you are denied, you may only submit one request for complaint and it must be written by hand. Upon receiving the request for complaint the scholarship application will be subject to a second review from the CENOU.

Required Documents For Apply for a National Scholarship

General documents that are required:

  • A birth certificate extract
  • A transcript from the Baccalaureate.
  • If appropriate: parent’s death certificate or disability or illness certificate (such as leprosy, tuberculosisor HIV etc.)

For new holders of the baccalaureate:

  • An authentic photocopie of the identity card.
  • An official photocopy copy of the student’s ID card.

For new students:

  • A completed scholarship application form
  • Photocopies of the identity card.
  • A photocopy that is certified of the Baccalaureate diploma
  • An official photocopy the most recent certificate of accomplishment
  • The registration document should be photocopied.

Office Locations and Contacts

National Center for University Works (CENOU)Administrative City Block 12
BP E5466 Bamako
Tel: (+223) 20281788
Web site: Link

How to Apply for a National Scholarship In Mali
How to Apply for a National Scholarship In Mali


The criteria for awarding scholarships are outlined in a document accessible on the CENOU web site at: Link

  • Any Malian student who is regularly enrolled in an institution of higher education and who is under 25. The student has to show his national identification number.
  • Please take note of: Baccalaureate holders who are considered no-cost candidates cannot be eligible for the national award.


There are no fees associated with the service

Requirements Information

  • The full name of the person applying
  • The level of scholarship being sought
  • The course of study is used to prepare
  • Gender/Age
  • Birth date/place
  • Nationality
  • National identification number
  • Address in Mali/overseas
  • Contact details
  • Current Job
  • Education qualification details
  • Declaration

The Document is required

Government scholarships are aid or financial aid for students who are unable to make ends meet financially however wish to continue their education.

External Links



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