How to Apply for Refugee Visa / Identification In Malawi

Apply for Refugee Visa / Identification In Malawi By Online

  • Anyone seeking asylum status within Malawi must submit his application at the Department of Refugees.
  • When it receives an request for refugee status the Committee is required to examine the application and make the inquiry or inquiry regarding the applicant.
  • The committee invites applicants to present an explanation
  • In the event that the Committee finds necessary, and then give refugee status to the applicant
  • The applicant then is informed by the committee of its decision made by the committee.

Office Locations and Contacts

Malawi Department of Refugees

Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security,

Private Bag 331,

Capital City, Lilongwe 3,


Tel: +265 1 789 177;

Fax:+265 1 789 509


All refugees who are over 18 years old in Malawi.


The process to obtain an Malawian Visa or card for refugees is not free of cost


The refugee Visa/card has validity during up to five (5) year.

Processing Time

It takes about 30 days to complete the refugee visa or card.

Requirements Information

  1. Name
  2. Sex
  3. Birth date
  4. Nationality
  5. Address
  6. Contacts

The Document is required

A refugee Visa/ID (also known as a refugee ID) is an identification card for all refugees living in Malawi. It is a plastic ID card that is issued by Malawi’s government Malawi through the refugee department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It provides security to refugees when they leave the camp.

Other uses for the document/certificate

  • This card will be utilized to provide food assistance to refugees.
  • The refugee card provides refugees protection in an refugee’s camp.

External Links



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