How to Apply For Register a Business in Hong Kong

Apply For Register a Business in Hong Kong

Selecting the name of a business

The name of the business could appear in Chinese, English or both.

If you are using the case of a Chinese name, it is possible to can include English alphabets but not English words. If you would like to add symbols, whether in the Chinese names or English name, you can only use the following symbols may be utilized:

  • In Chinese names: strong >?,?,?, ? (?,? , ? (?, Is it ? , :, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,? and?
  • To use for English Names: ! #, %, and, *, “, (, ), +, -,, :, (, .”,, >, @, /, and
  • The following names cannot serve as a company name:
    • A name that suggests the company is in fact incorporated and has only a small liability, even when it’s not
    • when the business is formed under limited liability the name that suggests that the business is formed under an alternative identity, e.g. an organization “ABC Limited.” is not able to use the business name such as “XYZ Limited.”
    • An indication of an affiliation with the government or any other public institution, when there isn’t any connection, or was ever established.
  • You are able to apply for several business names under the name of your company. However, each additional business name will be considered as a separate branch of the company. The name of the business that is registered must follow the same regulations mentioned earlier.
  • If you run multiple businesses, you must be sure to register each business individually. Each business can be registered under its own name.

Download Business Registration Application Formulas

You can obtain the application forms by sending an email to or faxing an application to the number 2824 1482. Be sure to include your name, your address to contact along with the form number as well as the amount you need within your inquiry.

You can also request the form by visiting the Business Registration Office at 4/F of Revenue Tower, Wan Chai.

Submit the Formula

  • In person In person: In person: Visit at the Business Registration Office at 4/F Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
  • By mail: Send the application to P.O. Box 29015 Gloucester Road Post Office, Hong Kong.
  • Online: Fill out the form online via electronic tax 
  • (for sole-proprietorship or partnership registration and branch registration only). The electronically signed application authenticated. To learn more about online submission of forms, visit out the this link or look up the online demonstration.

Get the business registration Certificate

  • In person: Pick up the certificate at the New Application Counter in the Business Registration Office at 4/F, Revenue Tower, Wan Chai.
It is given within thirty minutes after receipt of a properly filled application.
  • Through the post or GovHK:
It is given within two working days after receiving a an application that is properly filled out.

Required Documents For Register a Business

for Individuals

  • Formula 1(a)
A duplicate of the person’s Hong Kong identity card. If you are not a Hong Kong resident the identity cards or passports that is issued by Mainland (Note number 1)

For a corporate body: (Note #2)

  • Formula 1(b)
A duplicate of the Certificate of Incorporation or its equivalent issued by the appropriate government authority at the time of incorporation. If the document mentioned above doesn’t appear to be written in Chinese or English Please also provide an authentic duplicate of it in English as well as the Chinese translation of it.

For partnerships:

  • Formula 1(c)
Copy of each partner’s Hong Kong identity cards. Non-Hong Kong residents should have copies of identity cards or passports that are issued by Mainland (Note # 1)

For an unincorporated body of individuals:

  • Formula 1(c)
A duplicate of the officer’s principal Hong Kong identity card. Non-Hong Kong residents should have an original passport or identification cards that are issued by the Mainland (Note number 1)

For branches:

  • Formula 1(d)


  • If the principal officer does not reside at Hong Kong, he has/they must appoint a Hong Kong-based person to act as their agent to facilitate business registration. If that is the case, fill out and return the application the IRBR177 or provide an appointment letter that outlines all the details of the agent , including their name and Hong Kong identity card number, as well as his address. A photocopy of the Hong Kong identity card must be included in the application.
  • The form can be used by any company outside Hong Kong, regardless of whether they have to be registered pursuant to Part XI of the Companies Ordinance or body corporates that were formed under other laws within Hong Kong.

Office Locations and Contacts

Business Registration Office4/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
For inquiries, call Call 187 8088
Inland Revenue Website

A New Counter for Business Registration Applications
Available from Monday through Monday through Friday (except all public holidays)
8:45a.m. until 5:00p.m.

If you plan you to settle the fees and receive the certificate of registration for your business on the same day make sure you submit your filled application to the counter personnel at least 30 minutes before the closing time.

Pay Counter
Open from Monday until the end of Friday (except all public holidays)
8:45a.m. until 5:00p.m.

Counter for inquiries
Available from Monday through the end of Friday (except all public holidays)
8:15a.m. until 5:30p.m.

If you would like to get the updated business registration certificate at the same time send your notice of change and details to the counter personnel within a minimum of 30 minutes prior to its closing.

Public Search Counter
Open from Monday through the end of Friday (except the public holiday)
8:15a.m. until 5:30p.m.

What are all the Eligibility

“Businesses” which need to have a registration pursuant to Hong Kong law:

  • any type of commerce, trade or professions, such as craftsmanship or calling designed to earn money
  • any club that provides facilities, services, and exclusive club facilities to its members to enjoy social interactions or leisure
  • any company that is which are registered within Hong Kong in accordance with the Companies Ordinance or any non-Hongkong company which has established a location of business there. Hong Kong, regardless of whether they actually conduct any type of business or business in Hong Kong.
  • Every non-Hongkong company with an office representative or liaison within Hong Kong, or has let out their property within Hong Kong, regardless of whether or not it has an office or a business location there. Hong Kong.

Note: A person who only holds an office or employment position is not considered to be operating any kind of business and isn’t legally required to file for a business registration.


Levy money is used for to fund the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund. For more information, go to this page on the Labour Department Website.

Documents to Utilize

Specification Forms:

    • Formula 1(a) – Application by an individual to register of a business operated through him/her Hong Kong
    • Formula 1(b) – Application to register a company
    • Formula 1(c) – Application to form a partnership, or unincorporated body

Formula 1(d) – Application to establish a branch for business transactions in Hong Kong


  • Partnership, Sole-proprietorship and Unincorporated bodies of people and companies that are not Hong Kong-based, and a branch for business must be registered within a month from the date it started to conduct business transactions.
  • Please note: Inland Revenue Department (IRD) will not consider business registration applications that never existed or have not yet begun operations.

Documentation is needed

The business needs to be registered in order to have legal status. It grants the business registered with it rights and obligations necessary to conduct transactions in the certain transactions that are prohibited by law.

Information that could be helpful

Inability to register the business in time:

  • Anyone who does not make an application for a business registration will become guilty of an offense and is liable to a fine of up to $5,000 and to a prison sentence of one year.
  • Anyone who applies for a business registration longer than 12 months after start of business must pay:
    • Business registration fee and levy for the current fiscal year; and
    • Any business registration fees and levies for past years in accordance with the section 7(3) 7(3) of the Business Registration Ordinance.

For more information: click here



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