How to Apply For Renew Business Registration in Hong Kong

Apply For Renew Business Registration in Hong Kong

  • About one month prior to the date that your expiration date of the Business Registration Certificate expires, the business registration renewal request note will be sent out by the Business Registration Office to you.
  • Once the payment is made the demand note will be an official business Registration Certificate.
  • If you do not receive the demand notice If you do not receive the demand note, you must inform the Commissioner by writing within one month of the expiration date of your current Business Registration Certificate.
  • If the renewal demand note has not been received prior to the expiration date of your Business Registration Certificate and Branch Registration Certificate or you’ve lost the renewal demand note the renewal may be completed in person or via mail:
    • In person: Go to in person at the Business Registration Office with your old Business Registration Certificate and make a request for a new demand notice. If your address for business has changed, but you are not aware of it, and the Business Registration Office has not been notified, you must also fill out this form IRC 3111A (Notification of Change in Business address) to inform the Bureau of the change.
    • Postal mail: Send an imagecopy of your original Registration Certificate for Business Registration Certificate with a crossed check in the name of “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region” to the Business Registration Office. A Business Registration Certificate will be sent to your business address shortly after. If your address for business has changed, be sure to include an explanation regarding the address change that includes the number of your business registration and business name, as well as the your old and new official address for your business or office and the date you changed it.

Note The renewal demand note will be printed on plain A4-sized paper.

Required Documents For Renew Business Registration

  • A Business Registration Certificate expiring/expired

Office Locations and Contacts

Inland Revenue DepartmentRevenue Tower
5. Gloucester Road,
Wan Chai,
Hong Kong

Business Registration Office
4/F Revenue Tower
Phone: 187 8088

Contact Number:
8:15 am 8:30 am – 5:45 pm

The New Business Registration Counter
8:45 am – 5:00 pm

Shroff Office:
8:45 am – 5:00 pm

Documents to Utilize

Information on Change in Business Address

The Document is required

This process provides you with information about how to renew the registration of a company.

External Links

Inland Revenue Department



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