How to Export of Nuts and Shea Butter In Mali

Export of Nuts and Shea Butter In Mali By Online

  1. The Exporter should go to an authorized custom broker’s office and provide the original copy of your export invoice for examination by the official authorized to do so, on which you will be instructed to pay broker charges in cash, with a cheque or Bank transfer. Upon making payment you will be issued with a transit request.
  2. Go to your local Directory General of Trade, Consumption and Competition office of the DGCC, Single Window for Foreign Trade section, and pick up the form for the Request for Intent to Export form. Attach the following documentation Transit order and Export invoice. They will be reviewed with the CCIM agent. Pay the 1500 FCFA and get the CCIM payment receipt as well as the acknowledgment slip that identifies the date of the withdrawal of the documents.
  3. On the day of withdrawal you should visit the DGCC office and withdraw all of the documents listed below on the acknowledgement slip.
  4. The official who has authorized the exporter must then go to a branch of a bank to present the following documents: Export invoice, 7 copies of export intention.The bank stores its Bank copies in the name of BCEAO and then sends it to BCEAO.
  5. The exporter or authorized broker will then return back to DGCC the six copies of the export intent to transmit the file at the Customs Office to be processed. The following documents must be submitted: RCM certificate, tax identification card and valid import/ex to be registered with the computer system of the DGCC.
  6. Head towards your local Phytosanitary Control Division of the Regional Directorate of Agriculture office or the control post to take your Verification request form, complete it in a precise manner and send it to the official who is attending and then forward it to the division’s head office for examination and after that, he/she will send officers from the control post to your site for an inspection. Note: You will need to cover travel expenses if your inspection site is located more than 1.
  7. The report’s findings will be provided the person who applied and should any modifications or enhancement is needed, Corrective Action and Preventive Action Report (CAPA) report will be issued and you will be required to fix the issue.
  8. After the successful implementation of the CAPA A follow-up inspection could be carried out by the inspectors to assess the efficacy of the process (where it is applicable).
  9. If the official authorized to sign it confirms that all conditions are met as per the requirements to apply and you are issued with a signed phytosanitary certificate and the certificate of origin (at {a cost of the cost of0.000 FCFA and 5 000 FCFA and 5000 FCFA, respectively) .
  10. Go towards then the Agency for the Promotion of Exportsand the Apex Mali office and collect the form “A” complete it in a precise manner and attach the following documents: Export Intent, Bill of Lading, Phyto and then submit them at the desk of the secretary, to be sent to the appropriate office for processing and issuance of the certified certificate of origin .
  11. Go towards go to the Maharouf Establishment office and submit the original documents, namely Export invoice, Transit order and Export intent to the agent in charge. You will receive an invoice for freight indicating the amount and you will be required to pay the amount in cash or by cheque. {The reason for this is the hire of a truck”transporter” to transport the products to the port in Dakar).
  12. Then , visit your local Malian Council of Road Transporters office and present the proforma invoice for export to be reviewed and approved by the CMTR agent. Then, you can obtain an Export Consignment Note at an amount of 2500 FCFCA.
  13. The authorized broker will then go to The Regional Customs Directorate office in Kati in which is the CCIM agent section and purchase the CCIM blank form for the cost that is FCFA 2000, in cash.
  14. The broker will then create the export declaration for goods EX 1 that is online through the ASYCUDA system. After completing the declaration, the broker needs to print it then sign and stamp it.
  15. Go to head to Regional Customs Directorate office in Kati Deferred control unit and present the following documents in original form to be vetted by the director of the deferred control office. Then, you can obtain an export declaration, namely EX1 that is which is covered. Head into the office of account to obtain the Liquidation bulletin that lists all the costs to be paid to customs.
  16. Go to the Treasury Customs agent to pay the liquidation slip. You will receive an acknowledgement and payment receipt slip which identifies the date of withdraw of the certificate.
  17. When the date of withdrawal is reached, take the signed Export declaration “Exit Agreement” in addition to the copy of original .
  18. The driver of the truck should go to the customs {check points checkpoints(in Diedieni and Diema), Kaye N’DY, Same) (in Diedieni and Diema) (Kaye N’DY, Same) for the purpose of being registered and identified in the register. They should then provide the export declaration “Exit agreement” Original copy for examination by the customs agent who will then issue the driver with a passage ticket.
  19. The following documents, namely: Driver’s license, Gray card, Thumbna must be presented to the gendarmerie and police check points located at the Regional Customs Directorate in Kaye to be checked, the driver will then have to purchase the existing ticket for a fee that is 1000 FCF.
  20. The driver will then present the note of consignment in front of an agent of the CMTR agent who is at that same checkpoint . The note will be recorded and validated, and then let the truck go through to enter Senegalese territory.

Required Documents For Export of Nuts and Shea Butter

  • Proforma invoice
  • Identification document
  • Insurance certificate 9 copies
  • List of packing materials
  • Check certification receipt/certified check
  • Request for export intent
  • Transit order
  • DNA Certificate of Origin – 4 copies
  • Formula “A” Certificate of Origin 4 copies
  • The bill of landing is 5 copies.
  • Tax identification number document
  • The phytosanitary certificate
  • Checklist for inspection
  • Export invoice
  • Request for verification – 2 copies

Office Locations and Contacts

Directorate General of Trade CONSUMPTION and COMPETITION (DGCC)Address: Bamako Coura NIMAGA building just in the front of the Odonto Stomatology Center, Bamako 201
Tel: (+223) 20 21 23 14
Fax: (+223) 20 21 80 46

Phytosanitary Control Division
Address Medina Coura, Bamako Mali
Tel: (+223) 65-82-13-14

Address: 2nd floor, former Air Afrique building, Quartier du Fleuve, Bamako
Tel: (+223) 20 22 11 44

MAHAROUF Establishment
Address: Sokoniko, Bamako
Tel: (+223) 20-20-75-25

Address: Hippodrome, Rue: 238, Porte: 235, Bamako
Tel: (223) 20-21-00-68
Agent CMTR
Tel: (+223) 79-48-38-43 / (+223) 60-13-19-74

Address: Kati
Customs agent
Tel: (+223) 76-47-75-56


Exporter who wants be able to trade Nuts as well as Shea Butter from Mali

Processing Time

The estimated processing period (between {different steps various steps (cumulatively) is 4-7 working days

The Information You Need

  • Exporters name
  • Exporters’ address
  • Exporters TIN/PIN
  • Agent’s are known by their initials
  • Agents’ address
  • Agents processing TINs and clearing office
  • Registration number
  • The date of the export
  • The country of origin of the goods
  • Tax invoice value
  • Bank and financial data
  • Identification, Date and Nationality of the vehicle at the point of entry.
  • Office of departure
  • Where to store products
  • Distribution of packages and packaging
  • Calculation of the duties.

The Document is required

The Shea butter and nuts must be declared as well as comply with the rules of customs and the standard required by Directory General of Trade, Consumption and Competition DGCC in order for them to be allowed to leave Mali.

Information that can be useful

More details about the documents that are required
Certificate of phytosanitary

  • The Regional Directorate of Agriculture must conduct certain inspections on the merchandise (in particular , quality inspection) for them to to obtain the phytosanitary certification as well as the certification of Origin. The certificates are issued to the owner for export of his product.

Certificate of origin

  • The document of origin that proves the origin of the merchandise can allow you to enjoy certain benefits in some countries, notably on the level of customs.

Export intent

  • The intent to export is crucial for an operator who would like to export his product. This document permits other administrative bodies (Customs and administrative control bodies) who are involved in the process to have specifics about the goods that have to be exported from the country.

Transit order

  • Transit orders are the documents that allows the authorized broker to work for the benefit of the economic operator. The contract is binding on the broker authorized by the government.

DGCC registration

  • The registration in the database computer at the DGCC is a requirement for the first import or export process for an economic operator.

External Links


How to Export of Nuts and Shea Butter In Mali
How to Export of Nuts and Shea Butter In Mali



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