How to Obtain a Malian Nationality by Naturalization In Mali

Obtain a Malian Nationality by Naturalization In Mali By Yourself

  1. The declaration is made before a judge if the declaration is made in Mali or at Malian consulate or embassies in the event that the declaration is made outside of the country.
  2. The offices and judges representing Mali overseas then forward the application dossier for Malian Ministry of Justice. Malian Ministry of Justice.
  3. Your application file will be sent to the judicial or public authority for approval and taken by the minister of Justice within 12 months.
  4. After the expiration of the one year period as well as in the event of no any opposition from the government The Ministry of Justice will approve the declaration and also sign the declaration’s original copy.
  5. Then, you will be informed about the result of your request via phone or letter from the office of the judge or Malian consulates or embassies you made the application , in case the request is denied, no reason will be provided for the decision not to issue the certificate.
  6. Once you have been informed about the decision, return to the office of the judge or Malian consulates/ambassies with your identification document and calm your citizenship certificate after paying the required fees.

Required Documents For Obtain a Malian Nationality by Naturalization

  • A request for a stamp addressed to the Ministry of Justice. Ministry of Justice
  • Copy of birth certificate
  • Criminal record bulletin deg 3
  • Certificate of residency
  • Counter and certificate of visit at the counter
  • A certificate of good living and morals
  • Taxation certificate or tax exemption
  • If appropriate it is, the marriage certificate and the spouse’s passport of nationality.
  • Additional documents may be requested to be provided by the judge’s office/embassy.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Justice, Keeper of Seals
Address: Cite administrative – Building n deg 12 – 3rd floor Mali
BP 97 Bamako MALI
Telephone: (+223) 2001511/20236898/20226756
Website: Link

How to Obtain a Malian Nationality by Naturalization In Mali
How to Obtain a Malian Nationality by Naturalization In Mali


The applicants must meet the following requirements

  • The person must reach the age of 18 years, unless, in the case of minor, they benefit from the naturalisation given to his parents.
  • He/she must have living in Mali for at least 10 years prior to the application.
    • But, the time limit is reduced to 5 years in the case of applicants who have provided exceptional services in Mali as well as for children that was born in Mali to parents who are foreign
  • The person should have moral character and good character.
  • He/she shouldn’t have been sentenced to a sentence of greater than one year imprisonment, that is not expunged by rehabilitation, in connection with an offence that is in violation of the law, which, as per Malian law to a conviction for serious offenses or a sentence between two and five years of imprisonment, or for any one of the crimes against correction, not exempted through rehabilitation, or for the possession of stolen property or swindling, or breaches of trust.
    • Note: Foreign sentences cannot be taken into account. In this situation, the decree of naturalisation must be made on the recommendation of the Supreme Court.
  • The person should be able to justify their integration into his/her Malian community.
Please Take Note

  • A minor who is 15 years old can apply for naturalization under the approval of the person or entity who has parental authority or guardianship.


CFAF100 stamp


The certificate is valid for life and must be stored safely as there is no duplicate issued in the event of loss.

Processing Time

The processing time is one year following the registration and notification to the Ministry of Justice.


Important note

  • Within one year from the date of this declaration, government may , by decree, oppose the naturalization as a way to obtain citizenship.
  • Anyone who is granted citizenship through registration can be stripped of citizenship if it was been obtained through fraud or false representation or concealment of any significant fact.
  • The legality of a declaration may be challenged through the Prosecutor’s Office, or any other interested party in the event that the civil court has issued a decision that has been declared definitive.

Requirements Information

  • Name of the person applying
  • Address for residence in Mali and around the world
  • Birth date/place of birth.
  • Marital status (if relevant)
  • Spouse’s full names
  • The nationality of the spouse
  • A declaration from the applicant

The Document is required

  • Citizenship refers to the status of someone who is recognized under the law or custom of a sovereign state as an official member. Every country is free to choose the conditions in the circumstances it will accept people as citizens of its country, and the conditions that will determine when this status can be removed.
  • In Article 237 in the Persons and Family Code state that it is possible to acquire Malian nationality through naturalization of foreigners is permitted as long as the applicant (Declarant) fulfills the criteria that are set out in the Mali citizenship law.

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