How to Obtain Authorization to Sell Property to a Minor In Mali

Obtain Authorization to Sell Property to a Minor In Mali By Yourself

  1. The applicant must visit the court office in your jurisdiction and register your interest in the court clerk’s office or desk and,
    • Gather the necessary forms and correctly fill themin;
    • Attach all required documents (see the document required below for the required document) Also, attach all the required documents (see required document below)
    • Submit the documents for verification and recorded.
  2. The file is then sent to the secretariat of President of the Tribunal office for review After review, the president issues a deposit warrant.
  3. Then, you will be instructed to pay the deposit order charges on the receipt, following which you will be provided with an acknowledgement receipt.
  4. When the payment is received, the President of the Tribunal will register the file and determines the date of hearing, and then assigns it to the Chamber capable of judging the case.
  5. The applicant will be issued an acknowledgment that identifies the date for court hiring .please remember that you are legally required to attend the appointment.
  6. When the date for hiring is scheduled, the deliberations take place within the Council chamber. The tribunal will examines the petitioner’s real motives for selling the goods or property and the benefits that children gain from the process.
  7. The tribunal is also able to listen to the minor’s declarations. The judge then has the option whether to grant or deny the authority.
  8. The judge makes his/her decision within 15 days, and then submits the document to the registry of the court to be registered. The chief clerk distributes the consignments as well as the bulk for the applicant who presents his/her identification documents to be validated.
Note If the judge denies the appeal, the person who filed it can appeal to the court, or to the clerk at the court who will prepare the appeal.

Required Documents For Obtain Authorization to Sell Property to a Minor

  • A request stamped with 200 FCFA addressed to the President of the Tribunal. Tribunal
  • Legal document that proves the ownership of the property or goods.
  • The consent of one parent (case in which both parents reside together)
  • A supervisory report of a supervisory
  • The minutes of the deliberations of the Family Council submitted to the Court to be approved by the Court.
  • Valid identification document

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Justice, Keeper of Seals
Address: Cite administrative – Building n deg 12 – 3rd floor Mali
BP 97 Bamako MALI
Telephone: (+223) 2001511/20236898/20226756
Website: Link


Anyone of legal age who wants to sell property to minors.


Legal fee is a deposit amount of 7000 FCFA

Processing Time

The process usually lasts for 45 days, but it is dependent on the fees by the Tribunal. The law doesn’t specify any deadlines.

The Information You Need

  • The full Name of petitioner/applicant
  • Identification document details
  • Contact details for the petitioner or applicant
  • Address of residence in Mali
  • The full name of the minor or age
  • The details of the child’s close relatives
  • The nature of the property or goods that are to be to be
  • The value of the item or property
  • The applicant’s declaration

The Document is required

Anyone who wishes to sell their property to minors who do not have a parent or guardian living in the home is required to get an permission from the law courts.

External Links

  • Link
  • How to Obtain Authorization to Sell Property to a Minor In Mali
    How to Obtain Authorization to Sell Property to a Minor In Mali
  • Link



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