How to Obtain Export Enterprise Certificate In Malawi

Obtain Export Enterprise Certificate In Malawi By Yourself

  1. Visit go to the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism office. In the office, go to the area of Export Processing Zone (EPZ)
  2. Ask your EPZ service desk staff member an application form to apply for the certificate, as well as a list of the documents you will need to fill out the application
  3. The application form must be filled out and send it along with the necessary documents, and submit it by the EPZ officer who will review the form.
  4. Verify that your application is correct, then process it and pay the application fee
  5. A EPZ officer will submit your application for processing , and an appointment for a pre-appraisal inspection of your property will be scheduled in conjunction with all parties involved.
  6. On the date of the inspection, the company will conduct a pre-appraisal which will involve a team comprised of Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) officials, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism and Labour Department officials will be visiting the business premises i.e.
    a. the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism is looking for evidence that the business has a an international market Malawi
    b. The MRA is looking to know if the company has bounded warehouses
    C. 3. Labour Department is interested in the working conditions of employees of the company.
  7. Following the appraisal, the team will then submit its findings and conclusions to EPZ secretariat, who will prepare the final report, which will be considered by the EPZ appraisal committee.
  8. The appraisal committee meets and if the business meets the requirements of the standard the committee will recommend the that the company issue an appraisal certificate. The minster is responsible for issuance. Who is the person who issues the certificate
  9. When the decision is taken and the chairman from the EPZ appraisal committee will contact you to inform you of the outcome
  10. The certificate will be completed and will be given to you within 5 working days.

Required Documents For Obtain Export Enterprise Certificate

  • Complete Application Form
  • All documents required by the EPZ officer.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism
P.O Box 30366
City center, Lilongwe Malawi
Fax: (+265) 1770680
Tel: (+265) 01775618
Email: or


  • All businesses


  • MK 5000

Examples of Documents

  • Example of the Application Form: PDF

Processing Time

  • Between 10 and 30 days

Requirements Information

  • Information about the company
  • Information about Directors
  • Details of the proposed investment
  • Declaration

The Document is required

  • The certificate confirms the fact that your business is a legally authorized export business.

Information that could be helpful

  • Export Processing Zone Act: Link

External Links

  • Malawi Trade Portal: Link



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