How to Obtain Permit to Buy Hides and Skins In Malawi

Obtain Permit to Buy Hides and Skins In Malawi By Online

  1. Make an application addressed directly to the licensed officer from the Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development in the state that your business is located.
  2. Take your most recent, identical passport size photos and sign them on the back. Have them certified by an individual who is known to the licensing officer, and considered by the officer to be a trustworthy person.
  3. Pay the application fee and attach the receipt for payment to the application
  4. Completely submit the application along with all required documents, including the fee and passport pictures at the license officer to confirm and approval
  5. The department will dispatch an inspector to examine the premises of your operation and submit the results with the department.
  6. The department will review the evidence provided by the inspector. If it meets the requirements of the standard they will then approve the application and get the permit be processed and issued to you.

Required Documents For Obtain Permit to Buy Hides and Skins

  • Application form
  • Four passport photos with signatures
  • Application fees

Office Locations and Contacts

Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development
Private Bag 2096
Tel: (+256) 0991277492
Fax: (+256) 01751349


  • Residents and citizens


  • MK: 10,000


  • In the license, it is mentioned.

Documents to Utilize

  • Application Form: PDF


  • The application must be made in two copies written in English for the licensing Officer of the region where the premises are located. It must be submitted in the applicant’s own handwriting.

The Information You Need

  • Names
  • Address
  • Occupation
  • The reason for the purchase
  • Address of the building
  • Dates
  • Signature

The Document is required

  • The documents show that you can purchase skin and hides in Malawi

Information that can be useful

  • Hides and Skins Act: Link

External Links

Malawi Trade Portal: Link



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