How To Obtain Temporary Resident Permit In Canada

How To Obtain Temporary Resident Permit In Canada

If you’re a citizen of one of the visa-free nation The visa office for your particular region or country could possess a specific request form to apply for temporary residency permits. It is recommended to check with the visa office for information the specific procedures for applying. In the event that you are not eligible, you need to apply for an application for a temporary residence visa and accompanying documents to show the reasons why you’re not allowed to enter Canada and the reasons for you to travel to Canada.


You might be required to go to an interview in order that an officer is able to evaluate your application.

Documents Required Obtain Temporary Resident Permit

  • Original application form
  • One photographcopy copy from the one (1) document from a federal or provincial/territorial government-issued photo identification or, If it is not available or not available, a photocopy of a international recognized or government issued photo identification prior to your entry into Canada.
  • Photograph of one (1) document of government-issued or internationally recognized identity from outside Canada prior to your entry into Canada which indicates the fact that there was an error in the recording of your personal details.
  • A photocopy of all legal documents that show names, sex, or dates of birth has changed. This is only required in the event that you acquired a legal name or a date of birth change prior to becoming a permanent resident and/or entering Canada.

For a comprehensive list of documents required, follow the hyperlink.

Office Locations and Contacts

Canadian Citizenship and Immigration Offices

What Are All The Eligibility

To be admissible for a temporary residency permit, your requirement to be able to stay or enter Canada must be greater than the dangers to your health or safety for Canadian society according to immigration or a border service officer. If the cause for which you cannot enter the country seems to be minor it is important to prove the reason for your visit.


The applicant must pay a fee (C$200) to pay for the processing costs of the application to obtain a short-term residency permit. The fee cannot be refund if your permit is rejected. Go to the visa office’s website for specific payment guidelines.


The permit is normally granted for the duration of your stay in Canadafor instance, a week for attending an event. You must depart Canada on the date of expiry of your permit, or obtain another permit before the existing one expires.

Documents to Utilize

Formulas for applications

Examples of Documents

Processing Time

Once your application is accepted, your application is processed, and then you’ll be informed whether your application has been accepted or rejected. Processing times may alter. You can find the most current processing times from the site.


  • Anyone who wants to come to Canada either as Permanent or Temporary Residents, have to be able to meet the requirements of Canada’s immigration laws and regulations, particularly in relation to security and health.
  • There is no assurance that you will receive an interim resident permit. If you wish to obtain a permit you’ll have to pay a processing cost that isn’t refundable.
  • It is important to note that this permit could be revoked from an official at any point. The permit will cease to be valid once you have left Canada unless you’ve specific permission to leave and return.

Requirements Information

  • Personal Details
  • The Immigration Histories
  • Personal Background
  • Residency Obligation
  • Application for a Declaration of the Applicant

Documentation is needed

  • An Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) could be granted, at the authority by Canadian Immigration Authorities, to people who are unadmissible to Canada due to medical or criminality concerns that permit the entry or staying in Canada in the event of compelling circumstances.
  • If you’re not allowed to travel however you have a justification to visit Canada which is justified by your circumstances, you could be issued a temporary residency permit.

Information that could be helpful

  • When deciding whether or not to issue an unauthorized temporary resident permit, the Canadian Immigration Visa officer will evaluate the inadmissible’s requirement to remain or enter Canada against security and health hazards to members of the Canadian population.
  • The Temporary Resident Permit can issue for a time period that is not more than three years. It can be extended outside of Canada. The permit ceases to be valid when the holder leaves Canada or re-entry was not permitted. been approved when the permit was issued. issue.
  • In certain situations the holder of an Temporary Resident Permit may receive Canadian permanent resident status within Canada.

Other uses for the Document/Certificate

A TRP permits a person to get over their inadmissibility specific reasons and for a specified duration of time. The applicant must show that there is a valid reason for them to enter Canada. If a person is found to be inadmissible for criminal reasons to Canada is inadmissible to Canada for study, work or visits, and is barred from making an application in the hope of obtaining Canadian Permanent Residence. An Temporary Resident’s Permit can aid an unadmissible person to get entry into Canada however, only for temporary reasons. Also, TRPs can only be utilized to enter Canada as an international worker, foreign student, or visitor, but not to apply for permanent residency applications.

External Links


  • It is crucial to remember that those who are eligible for rehabilitation, but haven’t yet made an application and are awaiting admission to Canada and are not able to apply for TRPs but for TRP but also for Criminal Rehabilitation as well. The Criminal Rehabilitation program is the lasting solution to the problem of criminal inadmissibility and a TRP is temporary bridge to avoid inadmissibility.
  • Candidates are able to apply for a TRP at a Canadian visa offices or at the port of entry. The Canadian government encourages citizens to apply early in case they are aware that they need to travel to Canada and are not allowed to enter.



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