Does China realize that the US could end trade and not want for anything? The US is not dependent on cheap steel, toys, electronics, etc.

There is no doubt that the USA produces televisions, smartphones, computers clothing and shoes, furniture, or any other many items you purchase every year from China and yet you continue buying , and China is the most preferred country where you can purchase items.

So why are you doing this if you are capable of producing these products yourself? Because China can do it cheaper and often better than the US can.

However, I’d like to look at this in a different direction. The largest market for retail in the world is, or will soon be China.

China surpasses the US to become the World’s Most Large Retail Market – EMarketer

PwC China is expected to be the largest market for retail in the world by the year 2018

My concern is why you would wish to restrict Chinese products and endure Chinese in retaliation, in the same way that China is rapidly becoming the largest buyer in the world? It would make sense to advertise American goods in China? Starbucks, Nike, Apple, Buick etc. are all major companies in China. I think you’re taking a risk by putting yourself in the wrong at the most inconvenient time. European as well as other Asian nations are likely to benefit greatly by this American actions. Edit: Here’s an updated illustration of what I’m talking about. U.S. Automobile Makers left in the dust as China’s Tariff Cut boosts Europe, Japan

The immediate result of your suggestion will be massive rising inflation across the USA and the largely surrender of the world’s biggest market in the direction of European and Asian competitors.

Here’s the latest on spending by consumers. This seems to me like an area that one would not wish to leave.

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