How can we keep children away from mobiles and other electronic gadgets?

I have to answer this question during every parenting session I hold and just talk about my experience to the people in the audience. In this case, I’d like to do the same. If your child is between 0 and 12 years old it is a great idea.

The first step is to be prepared to confront some hard facts about you and your partner. Ask yourself, where was it that your child learn to enjoy TV/Mobile/Gadgets, etc? Do you (or your spouse) do you have a habit of watching these when he is around? It could be you’re using WhatsApp, FB, Twitter and even Quora. Do you switch on your laptop when the child is in the room, or even for work? If you answered yes, then you are the change you would like to witness within your kid. When we have parenting discussions, if I notice that the first few seats or rows are empty, I ask the people in the audience, “how many of you wish your child was sitting on the bench that is the first one in the college or at school?” Many of the parents, particularly those in the final few rows are able to raise their hands and I then tell them to begin with themselves! If you’re already sitting down on your bench at the beginning then how do you ask your child to do that?

Keep in mind that children will not listen to your advice, but they’ll be influenced by your actions! Be a role model for them. In my workshops, “Children won’t do what you say they should do They will follow what you say!”

After they’ve established a routine of watching TVand playing games on mobiles and devices, what else do they do? We humans are curious creatures when we discover something exciting and new that we want to know more about, we will explore it. Children are especially attracted by new things.

My son is now 10 and a year old. About 4 years ago, we were concerned regarding his “Gadgetting” behaviors. One of the first things we both did was to turn our phones into in silent mode. We stopped watching television. We then met with his friends at our house and I, together with my son as well as his friends were playing Bayblade (or whatever it’s written) games. We came up with IPL type tournaments. After a few weeks, it was a success but the kids were bored. We then switch for carrom games. We then switch on the channel to Ludo, Scotland yard, business as well as snake and ladder and so on. The key thing is that you need to play with them, be their friend, not their father.

Recently, we purchased B. R. Chopra’s Mahabharata and Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayana The one we watched in our youth. I have contacted all his friends to go and watch the film. We all have fun watching it.

He’s not saying that the man doesn’t watch television or play with gadgets but he is focused on the matter. He spends about an hour per day playing with gadgets, and about two minutes on Sundays.

Give them something that is more thrilling than toys, and children will not touch them.

If your child is an teen that is between the ages of 13-16-17 years old, then the answer will be different. If you’re not friends to your kid, then the first step is to establish friendship with them. The child should feel very happy sharing the day with you, and not being able to hide things. Remember, it’s not your job to oblige them to share. In our home we share all day long with each our children, which includes my son. We know his closest friends, what teachers he prefers and isn’t fond of, and so much more about my son’s daily life.

Enrolment is a term used to describe it. It is mandatory to register your kid. This means that your child has to decide not to watch television or play with gadgets, etc. Talk to them, seek to understand their world. Parents are prone to believe that what we do is the right thing for our children. This may be true however what’s the purpose in it if your children aren’t inclined to follow the rules?

We hope this answer can help. It’s a long answer, however, so is our issue.

Best of luck!

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