How to Apply for 3 Duty Reduction Granted to Industrial Businesses Approved In Morocco

Apply for 3 Duty Reduction Granted to Industrial Businesses Approved In Morocco By Online

  1. Visit for the Office of Ministry of Industry, Trade and Economic Upgrading.
  2. Bring all the necessary documents.
  3. Show the documents.

Required Documents For Apply for 3 Duty Reduction Granted to Industrial Businesses Approved

  • Application
  • Copy of the corporate statute
  • The copy of the trade registry
  • The agreement of the supervisory department (Department of Health and Trade)

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Industry, Trade, Energy and Mines

Phone: +212 7 76 18 68Fax: +212 7 76 62 65
Place: Rabat, Morocco


Representative or legal entity.


There isn’t a cost.

Processing Time

It can take three days to process.

Documentation is needed

The applicant needs to file an application along with an attached file to the Central Administration of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Economic Upgrading to obtain the required authorization to be eligible for the reduction in duty on customs under the tax on domestic consumption on alcohol that is produced or imported within the area of concern that is granted to industrial companies that have been approved by the department of supervision.

External Links

3 Discount on duty granted to industrial companies that have been authorized by supervisory departments in accordance with the domestic consumption tax on alcohol produced or imported within the territory of concern:



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