How to Apply For Apply to Get Married in Hong Kong

Apply For Apply to Get Married in Hong Kong

Submitting a Notice of Intentional marriage

  • Whatever the location and when you plan to celebrate your wedding within Hong Kong, a Notice of Intended Marriage (the notice) using the prescribed form (Form MR1(S)) is required to be sent in advance to a wedding registry.
  • The laws that apply to Hong Kong states that, the marriage ceremony should be held when a notice has been presented to the Registrars office to last at minimum 15 consecutive days and no later than three months following the time the notice was filed. So, you must give your notice not later than 3 months , but minimum 15 calendar days prior the date for your planned wedding.
  • If you plan to have your wedding ceremony in the City Hall Marriage Registry or the Cotton Tree Drive Marriage Registry You must send the notice to the Marriage Registration and Records Office. If your wedding is going to be celebrated at a different wedding registry, you need to notify the registry of your choice.
  • If the wedding is performed in a licensed venue of worship, or performed by a civil celebrant for weddings, you may provide your notice to the Marriage Registration and Records Office or any other marriage registry other from one of the City Hall Marriage Registry or the Cotton Tree Drive Marriage Registry.
  • One of the of the parties (those who live or are residing in Hong Kong) may submit the Notice of Intention Marriage (the notification) at the office of the Registrar for Marriages (the Registrar) in the prescribed format that can be sent either directly or by a civil celebrant for wedding ceremonies.
  • Schedule an appointment to deliver your wedding notice. This is completed via the internet
  •  and by calling (852)3102 3883. There are two forms of booking, one with and the other without priority when choosing the wedding venue. The booking service is available 24/7 for free. The appointment is given on a first-come-first-served basis. It is important to take note the fact that just one appointment can be scheduled for every couple.
  • Send your notice the Hong Kong identity card or any valid travel documents and other necessary documents.
  • If you file your notice at the office or registry you can choose when and date of the wedding on the registry for marriage, dependent on the availability of the marriage contingent left at the registry.

If you’re looking to send the notice via an official of marriages, a civil celebrant You can consult these documents for information on what you should do and what you should know prior to deciding to hire a celebrant civil of marriages to help you plan an easy marriage ceremony.


  • To ensure that your counter processing time is less time-consuming and easier for the Registrar’s office at the time you send your marriage certificate to them, you can send in advance the necessary information needed for marriage registration by using the on-line service. It is also possible to download the required information in the Registration of Marriage (Form MR21B) to fill out and return the completed form at the time that the notice is sent. Be aware that this form isn’t an application form nor is it a notice.
  • The parties to the marriage can be married, subject to the applicable clauses within the Marriage Ordinance, contract a marriage only after notice is posted in the registry of marriage for 15 days clear, and the release of a Certificate of the Registrar of Marriages. The date you choose for your marriage you select must be within 15 days of the date of the notice, but it must be within 3 months of the validity that the notice has been issued.

Notice of marriage

  • The Part 1 of the Notice of Intended Marriage will be displayed at the marriage registry (other other than Cotton Tree Drive Marriage Registry and City Hall Marriage Registry) and Marriage Registration and Records Office for at least 15 days clear.
  • Within that time frame during that time, anyone with the right to challenge the marriage proposal may make an objection. If there is no objection within 15 clear days and the legal requirements are fulfilled and the marriage can be conducted according to the Marriage Ordinance after the issue of the Certificate of the Registrar of Marriages by a Registrar.
  • If the marriage proposal is scheduled to be held in an approved place of worship or with a celebrant of the civil service this Certificate of Registrar of Marriages will be sent directly to one of the couples or by the civil celebrant chosen by either of the parties.


  • A marriage cannot be celebrated in a licensed venue for worship, or with a celebrant who is a licensed civil official without a Certificate of the Registrar of Marriages.
  • The wedding must be held within 3 months of the date of the notice. In the event that it is not, the notice becomes null and the parties who are getting married need to file a new notice prior to the wedding taking place.

Notice of Marriage Intention that originates from that are not Hong Kong

Wherever and however couples will be celebrating their wedding The Notice of Intention Wedding (the notice) using the form prescribed (Form MR1(S)) is required to be sent in advance. If both of the parties are living outside of Hong Kong and they intend to marry within Hong Kong, notice may be sent by post or via an email.

by post

Send a letter directly the Marriage Registration and Records Office and request an original copy of the Notice of Intended Marriage form and information sheet “Information required for registration of Marriage” to complete. The address is:

The Marriage Registration and Records Office
3F Low Block
Queensway Government Offices
66 Queensway
Hong Kong


  • You can also contact the Immigration Department at the for the application form and the information sheet.
  • The form you fill out that you sign should have your signature authenticated by an Notary Public in the country in which you reside. The signed notice, the signed and completed information sheet, along with the supporting documents as well as the bank draft as the method of payment of the fee must be delivered by registered airmail or submitted through someone you know within Hong Kong or a civil celebrant of weddings for the Marriage Registration and Records Office.
  • Both parties are required to submit copies from their Hong Kong identity card or any other valid travel document.
  • If a person is married to someone who is under 21 years, divorced people or widows/widowers must provide documentation to back up the notice.
  • The notice is effective on the date the date of the reception of the valid notice along with all supporting documents as well as the an appropriate fee to the Marriage Registration and Records Office. The notice will be displayed for at least 15 days clear.

Affidavit to be submitted prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Registrar for Marriages

The couple must, upon the time of their entry into Hong Kong, must go to the Marriage Registration and Records Office during business hours or visit their civil celebrant. Bring the travel documents they have used and originals of any documents they had submitted previously. The party who submitted the notice must sign an affidavit to the Registrar, or the civil celebrant to prove that there isn’t any impediment to the same kindred or affinity, or other legal obstacle to the wedding. The Registrar should allow enough time so that the person who is the official celebrant or the Registrar to submit the affidavit of the civil celebrant to the Registrar for the issuance of the certificate of registration for marriages.

The Certificate of Registrar of Marriages is issued in the event of:

  • one of the parties had filed an affidavit in front of the Registrar as per Section 12 of Marriage Ordinance, Cap. 181, or an affidavit (made by an official of the civil ceremony) was transmitted by the civil celebrant the Registrar
  • No objections are received following the publication in the form of a notice, for 15 days clear;
  • All the other requirements of law are fulfilled.

The wedding ceremony can be conducted according to the Marriage Ordinance after the issue of an official Certificate of the Registrar of Marriages.

If you plan to have your wedding at an approved place of worship or with the civil celebrant of marriages The Certificate of the Registrar of Marriages will be given to you following your arrival in Hong Kong, your contact person, or the civil celebrant for your weddings.

Wedding CeremonyThe wedding ceremony could take place at any time in Hong Kong, at a wedding registry conducted by the Registrar or in a church that is licensed by a qualified minister. You can also designate an official of marriage ceremonies to perform your wedding ceremony at any time and any location that is in Hong Kong other than the office of the Registrar as well as a church that is licensed.

Prior to the ceremony every person who is part of the wedding must take a signature on a paper.

What are all the Eligibility

  • The minimum age for getting legally married Hong Kong, 16 years old.
  • Hong Kong has no residential requirements for couples who are getting married and they can be of any nationality.

The Information You Need

Submitting a Notice of Intentional marriage

  • Name and surnames of the parties
  • Marital status (Example Bachelor/spinster, widower/widow, divorced or someone who was previously married through any marriage)
  • Occupation
  • Age
  • Address of residence
  • Your full name and the name of your parents.
  • For persons who are under the age of 21 Name and address of the person who consents for the wedding (example the person or persons listed within the third Schedule in the Marriage Ordinance)

The Document is required

The marriage contract is legally binding which binds two people giving them certain rights and obligations.



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