How to Apply for GP Visit Card In Ireland

Apply for GP Visit Card In Ireland By Online

  • In order to apply for the GP Visit Card to apply, you must use the same form of application as one for medical cards. As you are waiting for your application for a GP Visit Card application is processed by it is expected that the HSE will also evaluate your eligibility for a full medical card.
  • You can download an application form to apply for an application for a GP Visa Card as well as a Medical Card. Complete the section of the form appropriate for you and send it the form to the Local Health Office or Health Centre. Be sure to include your personal PPS Number (and the PPS numbers for your children) when filling out the form.
  • Visit the Local Health Office for more details on GP Visit Cards.

Required Documents For Apply for GP Visit Card

PPS Number

Office Locations and Contacts

Local Health Office


The eligibility criteria for the majority of GP Visit Cards can be test. This means that your income is analyzed by the HSE during the application procedure. If you are eligible for an Visit to the GP Card The rules for a GP Visit Card are similar to the rules for medical cards however, the guidelines for income are higher by 50. In general, you’ll be eligible in the application process for an GP Visit Card if;

  • your combined income and your spouse or partner (if you have one) is lower than the income guidelines laid out below , which apply to you.
  • The HSE determines that financial hardship will be due to medical expenses or other extraordinary circumstances, even when your combined earnings are greater than the guidelines for income below.

To apply for an Visa to the GP Card You must reside in Ireland. In other words, you need to reside in Ireland and plan to reside here for at least one year. Learn more about your rights to the public healthcare system here. It is also necessary to meet certain income requirements to qualify for a Health Card. Also, you must meet certain income guidelines to be eligible for a card.


Limits on weekly earnings (gross less taxes, Universal Social Charge and PRSI deductions) were last revised on January 1, 2009. In order to be eligible to be eligible for GP visit card, your earnings must be in line with the following limit:

The Income Guidelines to GP Visit Card

  • Single person living on their own
    • Aged 66 and under 276
    • Aged from 66 to 69 Aged 66-69
  • Single person who lives with family
    • Aged less than 66 246
    • Aged Between 66 and 69 Aged 66-69
  • Couples who are married or living together (or one parents with children dependent on them)
    • Aged less than 400
    • Aged Between 66 and 69 Aged 66-69
  • The allowance is for the two children who are younger than 16
    • Aged less than 66 Aged : 57
    • Aged between 66 and 69 Aged Aged 57
  • Third Child’s Allowance and every subsequent child younger than 16 years of age.
    • Aged less than 66: 61.50
    • Aged between 66 and 69 years old: 61.50
  • The allowance is for the two children who are older than 16. (with zero income)
    • Aged 66: 58.50
    • Aged between 66 and 69 years: 58.50
  • Third child’s allowance and each child who is over 16 (no income)
    • Aged less than 66 Aged less than 64
    • Aged Between 66 and 69 Age: 64
  • Every dependent over the age of 16 at a full-time, non-grant-aided third-level
    • Aged less than 66 Aged less than 170
    • Aged between 66 and 69 Aged 66-69

Additionally, there are allowances to cover certain expenses that are incurred for the cost of childcare and mortgage/rent payments. The HSE don’t provide information on the exact amount of childcare and accommodation costs. They generally have guidelines for every Local Health office area which include local costs.

Allowances for travel expenses for a week for work are calculated as the cost of public transportation, or mileage at 30 cents per mile (18 cents per mile).


  • It is a GP Visit Card is a plastic card, roughly identical in dimensions to credit cards. It contains your full name/family identity, your sex information as well as you name, the address of your GP , and the validity time of the card.

GP Visit Card Reviews

  • Since every GP Visit Card is valid for a specific period, every application is reviewed in the course of period of time. The reason behind establishing review dates is that income levels can change when dependents age or any other changes could likely occur in the course of time that could affect the eligibility of a person. The dates for reviewing GP Visit cards are generally identical to those for medical cards.
  • The GP Visit Card allows users to go to their GP at no cost. The prescribed medications that are associated with your visit to your doctor are not cost-free. Instead, you could be a part of the Drugs Payment Scheme. All in-patient hospital services and out-patient hospital care connected to a medical issue are completely free. However, you’ll be required to pay certain hospital fees.


  • The eligibility for the majority of GP Visit Cards can be assessed. Your income is analyzed by the HSE in the application procedure. If you are eligible for an visit to a GP Card The rules for a GP Visit Card are in general the same as the rules for medical cards however, the guidelines for income are higher by 50. The general rule is that you’ll be eligible in the application process for an GP Visit Card if;
    • your combined income and your spouse or partner (if there is any) is lower than the guidelines for income set below for you.
    • The HSE determines that financial hardship could result from your medical bills or other unusual circumstances, even if your total income is higher than the guidelines for income below.
  • When your application to apply for an GP Visit Card was rejected and you are not granted a GP Visit Card, you will receive an email from the HSE informing you of this. This letter should also spell out the reasons the application was denied. You can appeal this decision by asking your local health department to examine your application. When you apply for an appeal, you must be aware of any changes in your circumstances since the time you submitted your initial application. It is also important to mention any pertinent concerns that may have been missed.

Alternately, you can make an appeal with the Appeals Office at the HSE. Contact information will be laid out in the request letter.

The document is needed

  • Certain individuals who do not have the right to medical cards may be eligible for an GP (family physician) Visit Card. The GP Visit Card allows those and their families that qualify to see their family physician for free.
  • In the event that, for instance the person has an illness that is ongoing and requires extraordinary and ongoing medical treatment or visits to a doctor and it is possible that the Health Service Executive (HSE) could grant a Card the person or their family in cases where their earnings are higher than the minimum. The majority of the time, it is the case that HSE will only take into consideration these requests if an ongoing medical issue is likely to create financial hardship.

External Links

Public Service Information GP Visit Cards

Section 58 of the Health Act 1970 (as amended by the Health (Amendment) Act 2005)


The law on the entitlement of the GP Visit Card

    • GP Visit Cards are covered by Section 58 of the Health Act 1970 (as modified through the Health (Amendment) Act 2005). The legislation says it is the duty of HSE “shall offer free of charges” medical services to people with full eligibility (standard Medical Card holders) as well as those who have limited eligibility and for whom it is “unduly difficult” to organize the services themselves or their dependents.
    • Individuals who are eligible for health services receive the regular medical card. People with limited eligibility who meet this requirement are issued the Medical Visit Card.
    • The legal distinction in those who meet the “undue hardship” criteria for qualifying for the standard medical card as well as that of the “unduly burdensome” requirement for the GP Visit Card isn’t fully understood. For the Visit to a GP Card the requirements are generally the same as the rules for medical cards however, the income guidelines are 50% more.
    • Cardholders with GP Visit Cards are not eligible for access to additional health care services. This means that , while they can avail free medical services however, they don’t enjoy the entire range of free medical services, such as medical cards. They don’t have the right to free prescription drugs, appliances, dental or optical services, and may be required to pay for out-patient, in-patient changes , and short-term changes in the event that they fall within one of the groups exempted.



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