How to Apply for Hospital treatment in another EU/EEA Country In Ireland

Apply for Hospital treatment in another EU/EEA Country In Ireland By Online

  • It isn’t possible to download a form E112. It is necessary to contact the Local HSE Office for more details regarding an appointment for treatment abroad.

If you’ve been recommended to a treatment in another country and you have been referred to a hospital for treatment, the HSE will authorize the treatment by granting you E112. E112.

Office Locations and Contacts

Local HSE Office


To be eligible for hospital treatment in another EU/EEA Nation in the EU/EEA, you must be a permanent living in Ireland. In other words, you need to be currently living in Ireland and have plans to stay here for the duration of one year.


  • A person with the status of “ordinarily residents” within Ireland is one who lives here and is planning to reside here at least for a year.
  • The recent European Court of Justice cases could mean that the rulings are more widely applied however, this isn’t completely evident. (View additional information on this subject in the section “The European Court of Justice and the Watts Case’, below).
  • The other EU member states include Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Malta, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria.
  • The EEA member states include Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
  • The Health Service Executive may refer patients to different countries (i.e. outside of the EU/EEA region or Switzerland) or also agree on the terms of referral, however this is not covered by the scope of EU regulations.

EU rules

  • The rules regarding the right to receive hospital treatment in a different EU/EEA member state or Switzerland rules are applicable to each member state.
  • The regulations don’t address the right to access services in your country, nor do they require any nation to offer a particular service to its citizens.
  • They do state that you may be sent to an other Member State to receive treatment under certain situations. There isn’t any legislation in Ireland concerning the circumstances under where you could be eligible to receive treatment to another country. It is the Department of Health have issued guidelines for Health Service Executive Health Service Executive on the application of these guidelines.
  • EU regulations stipulate that a person from one Member State can enjoy medical benefits on the same terms as those who are citizens of another Member State provided that they are authorized by the institution that is competent in the state of his/her residence. The institution that is competent that is in Ireland is called the Health Service Executive.

This authorization cannot be denied in the event of

  • The procedure in question is one of the advantages provided to the state of origin’s law and
  • The patient cannot receive the treatment in the time typically required for receiving it in his/her condition of their home, taking into account of the current state of health and the possible progression of the illness.

It is important to note that any state member can issue authorisations to treat patients in a different members state on more extensive basis. The regulations only specify that such authorizations can’t be refused, and does not set out the timeframes within which they can be granted.

The cost of this treatment is initially borne through the Member State providing it . However, the state that provided it is reimbursed by the state that provided it.

Guidelines for guidelines to Health Service Executive (HSE)

Guidelines for Health Service Executives from the Department of health. Health Service Executive (HSE) define the requirements for transfer to another country in the EU/EEA or Switzerland:

  • The application needs to be evaluated prior to your departure however, some discretion could be granted in urgent situations.
  • A consultant from the hospital must present medical proof of the specifics of your medical condition. The consultant must confirm that:
  • the treatment in question is not available in this country.
  • medical emergency for treatment
  • there is a fair medical prognosis
  • The treatment is thought of as an effective form of treatment for medical conditions and
  • The treatment is carried out in a hospital that is recognized or another institution, which is in the direction of a licensed medical professional.

Formula E112

The normal procedure is that an individual who is authorized to travel to another member state to receive treatment will be issued the form E112 to verify the right to the treatment. The release of Form E112 signifies a commitment by HSE Health Service Executive (HSE) to cover the costs of treatment.

Other arrangements

The arrangements made outside the rules of EU Regulations, e.g. arrangements to transport the patient to a non-EEA or non-EU country, or to make private arrangements for treatment, are thought to be in violation of the terms of Regulations as they are not covered by the Regulations. Health Service Executive (HSE) does not have to pay the cost associated with the arrangements. In certain circumstances the HSE could make a contribution to the cost of the treatment. For instance, it could cover the cost of treatment at private institutions in the other EU/EEA countries, or Switzerland that are offered to the health authorities of these countries to treat of patients in the public sector on the basis of a contract. In such instances, HSE Areas may have to confirm they are comparable to those charged on patients who are from the country of their origin.

European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the Watts Case

  • On May 16, 2006, the ECJ issued a major ruling in the case that concerns legal rights for EU citizens to travel to member states to use services. The case, (the Watts case) related to the right of an EU citizen to seek an E112 authorization in order for health care services in a member state. In the E112 scheme the member state is not able to deny an application for an authorisation if the health care is usually offered in the home member state but is not offered to the person without delay.
  • The ruling from the ECJ was that to deny an E112 approval on the basis of waiting time the public health system must demonstrate that the waiting period isn’t more than acceptable, based on an objective medical evaluation of the needs clinically etc. of the patient concerned.

Required Document For Apply for Hospital treatment in another EU/EEA Country

If you’re a resident of Ireland and require hospital care that is essential and not accessible in Ireland The Health Service Executive may authorise the delivery of this treatment in another EU/European Area (EEA) Member State or Switzerland provided that certain conditions are satisfied.

External Links

Public Service Information Hospital Treatment in another EU/EEA country

European Court of Justice

Department of Health



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