How to Apply for Licence to Operate a Captive Marine Mammal In Bahamas

Apply for Licence to Operate a Captive Marine Mammal In Bahamas By Online

  1. For an application for Licence to operate the Captive Marine Mammal Facility in person, the applicant needs visit the Department of Marine Resources in the state in which they reside.
  2. The address and contact information are listed in the “Office Contacts and Location” Section.
  3. Visit the office and obtain an application form to apply for a Licence to operate a Captive Marine Mammal Facility. You can get it from the department responsible. It is also available for download by clicking here Link
  4. Fill out the application form by providing pertinent information within the sections. Affirm it by signing it after you have completed it.
  5. After filling out the application form, ensure you’ve attached all the required documents on the “Required documents” section on this page.
  6. Then, you can submit your application in person at the appropriate office.
  7. After approval of the application The applicant will then be asked to pay the fee.
  8. Permits will be given to the applicant within 5-10 days.

Required Documents For Apply for Licence to Operate a Captive Marine Mammal 

  • The completed application form.

Office Locations and Contacts

Department of Marine Resources
East Bay Street
P.O. Box N-3028
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 393-1777
Fax. (242) 393-0238
The hours of operation are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, from Monday to Friday, excluding the public holidays.
Family Islands Contact Information : Link

How to Apply for Licence to Operate a Captive Marine Mammal In Bahamas
How to Apply for Licence to Operate a Captive Marine Mammal In Bahamas


  • The applicant must be able to access an establishment that is in compliance with the specifications set forth within the Marine Mammal (Facilities) Regulations.
  • The applicant should be able to show the manpower and financial resources in order to run the facility in line with Marine Mammal Regulations.


The minimum fee is BS$10,000.00

Documents to Utilize


Processing Time

The License is available within 5 to 10 working days.


A floor plan of the facility at a scale no less than 1/8 inch up to the foot is required with the purpose of each room or division and enclosure for marine mammals.

The Information You Need

  • Name of the applicant
  • Address
  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • The nationality of the applicant or, in the case of a corporation with beneficial owners of the company, their nationality, and percent ownership
  • Location of Facility
  • A description of facility which includes:
    • Dolphin enclosures
    • Equipment and facilities for food preparation
    • Food storage facilities
    • Facilities for staff
    • The type and amount of water that is available to prepare food items and washing down
  • Information on captive dolphins and the an acquisition plan for the same
  • Proposed professional/managerial staff for the Facility
  • Description of the proposed programs which include:
    • Educational programmes
    • Medical and veterinary programs
    • Quarantine program
    • Exhibits or public/dolphin programming
    • Research and development programmes in the field of science
    • Marine mammal training programmes
    • Marine mammal propagation program
    • Pest control programs
    • Programmes to control the quality of air.
  • Signing of the Applicant
  • Date

Documentation is needed

Request an permit if you intend to conduct commercial activities that involve marine mammals, or are planning to take the hold, import, and export marine mammal.

External Links

Please click here to find out more information.

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