How to Apply for National Trust Fund in Nigeria

 Apply for National Trust Fund in Nigeria By Yourself

  • To apply to the National Trust Fund in person applicants must go to any office that is part of Tertiary Education Trust Fund in Nigeria.
  • The address and contact information are available on the following website: Link

  • Visit the office and get an application form for the National Trust Fund from the appropriate department.
  • Check to see if you have all the required documents on the “Required documents” section on this page.
  • Fill out the application form by filling in the necessary information in the appropriate fields. Once you’ve completed filling out the application form, be sure to attach all required documents.
  • The completed application along with the supporting documents must be submitted to the office. The applicant can be provided with an application receipt following the mandatory interviews and verification procedures.
  • The completed application and the supporting documents will be sent to further verification and validation.
  • If all documents are verified to be in order and your application meets the criteria established by the board, it will then be accepted as well as the person applying will be be informed about the approval via either email or phone.
  • In addition, within a specified time frame, the funds will be credited to the account of the applicant’s bank.
  • In addition, applicants is able to check the status of his or her request by calling the office in which the application was made.

Documents Required For Apply for National Trust

  • The completed application form
  • The plan of the project
  • The problem is described in the statement.
  • Identity Proof
  • Proof of Registration/Incorporation
  • Project costs and expected output return
  • Conceptual framework for the Study
  • The project’s profitability
  • Three-year audited accounts
  • Account Statistics
  • Cash Security

Office Locations and Contacts

Tertiary Education Trust fund, No. 6 Zambezi Crescent,
off AguiyiIronsi Street,
FCT Nigeria.
Phone: (+234) 8008383863
Web site: Link
Contact Link: Link
Zonal office: Link

What are all the Eligibility

Any tertiary establishment owned by the state of Nigeria which is facing challenges in any way and is requires financial assistance to address the issue, is eligible to apply.


The service is typically completely free.


The fund will continue to be in operation until the end of the issue or challenge.

The Information You Need

  • Title of the project and goals
  • Research Duration
  • A Statement of the Problem
  • Project Goals
  • Research Methodology
  • The Project’s Activities as well as Output
  • Timeline of the most important projects
  • A List of Indicators for Activity
  • Study Place
  • Environmental and ethical considerations
  • The name and the DOB for the principal researcher
  • Gender and Position
  • Email address
  • Qualifying and Area of Specialization
  • Name of the Organization and Department
  • Other pertinent information about research Partner and Mentees
  • The specifics of the study

Documentation is needed

  • A tertiary school or educational establishment in Nigeria which is facing challenges in any way and is requires financial assistance to help compensate for it, may utilize the Tertiary Education Trust Fund.
  • Tertiary Education Trust Fund has been established and has been given the responsibility of making, managing and paying taxes to public universities in Nigeria.



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