How to Apply for Planning permission for building a house In Ireland

Apply for Planning permission for building a house In Ireland By Online

If you have questions about planning matters or the application to get permission to plan, you can call the chief officer for the Planning Department of your local authority.


  • You must make a payment to the local authority along with the application. The current cost for a building permit application the house is around 65 euros.
  • It is also possible for you to be required to contribute towards for the development of any water supply, road or sewerage system or other works that may be required.


  • In Ireland The law in Ireland requires that you obtain planning permission for almost any major development. It is important to know of this from the beginning, that if you do not obtain planning permission in the instances where the law requires it, you could face penalties that could result in large fines, or even prison.
  • It is not necessary to contact the authority for planning before seeking permission for planning however it can be extremely beneficial to discuss any issue that you’re unsure about. This can help you avoid a lot of time later.
  • The general plan for the area you would like to build your house is known as”the development plan. The plan is drafted by your local authorities and provides the objectives of your local authority regarding the use of specific areas in which you reside (i.e. residential areas, industrial zones and agricultural areas and more.). It is recommended to study the plan for development before you apply to get planning approval.

If you are planning to clean the site you’ll need planning permission. If you’re proposing to:

  • Create or expand an access to a road that is public or
  • Demolish the structure that was used as a dwelling, or
  • Demolish a structure within an area called a terrace, or in a structure that is connected to a different building under separate ownership.

There are a variety of types of planning permissions, and for a detailed explanation of the various types it is recommended to study the information on the Planning Permission General.


  • It is mandatory to give an open notice of your plans prior to making an application for permission to plan. This can be accomplished by putting the notice in a local circulated publication (your local authority may have an inventory) and posting an online notice that can be easily understood. There are the details of information to be included in notices and the required structure of the notice on the application for planning.
  • The application must be submitted at the authority in two weeks from the date of publication in the local paper. The notice for the site should be posted prior to the date you submit the application. It must be displayed for at least five weeks following that. (Please keep in mind that the nine days of Christmas, which runs from December 24 until January 1 is not considered when calculating the five week period).
  • You should not begin construction prior to receiving the permission to build.
  • Sometimes, planning permissions are subject to certain conditions, which might require changes to your plans.
  • Planning permission is usually granted 5 years.
  • In the event that the authority rejects your application, they’ll explain the reasons for this. You then, will be given a month to appeal the rejection in the form of An Bord Pleanla. (An Bord Pleanla is the nation’s Planning Appeal Board).

The Information You Need

  • A map of where you are
  • Layout plan or site layout
  • Plans, elevations,, and sections
  • Copies of notices to the public (newspaper and website)
  • A plan that shows the position of a site announcement or notices

The Document is required

If you want to construct your home in Ireland it is necessary to obtain planning permission from the local authority prior to beginning building.

External Links

Public Service Information Planning permission for building a house

Planning Permission: General

Appealing a decision on planning permission



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