How to Apply for Reservation of Non-Governmental Organization Name In Uganda

Apply for Reservation of Non-Governmental Organization Name In Uganda By Online

  • Non-governmental organizations (NGO) is an unprofitable, voluntary citizens’ association that is formed at a national, local or international scale.
  • All NGO’s have to be registered with the NGO National Bureau Board in conformity of the NGO Bureau Act.

Application In Person

  1. It is the first thing to do. to make an application to reserve the name. This can be done on the Application Request for Reservation of Name for Organisation.You are able to obtain this form at offices of the NGO Bureau Board offices.
  2. Each organization must reserve its name at the Registrar General’s Office at the Ministry of Justice. This is done to be certain that no other entity can use your name or that the name of the company is free to use by the organization. If there is a subsequent name changes it is necessary to reserve the name made again.
  3. If the business is working with an Foreigner plans to collaborate with it , or if the Foreigner will be joining the group, it is recommended that the company review section 13 of Non-Governmental Act 2006 (amended) as well as the relevant Regulations.
  4. You must suggest 3 (3) names, in order of priority to allow the company to be registered.
  5. Fill out the request form in the offices of the Registrar General’s Ministry of Justice and pay the processing fee of Ugsh. The amount is 20,000 for registration of names and the search for names.
  6. Searching for names and reservations process takes one half of a day to be completed.
  7. After a name is accepted, it is then reserved for 60 (60) day. Reserving names can be collected authorized by any official of the company. Other parties who are who are contacted for this purpose must be authorized by the company.
  8. A person can extend the reservation at the end of the period of name reservation for an additional 60 (60) days upon payment of a second Uganda Shillings Twenty Thousand Shillings (Ugsh. 20,000).

Contacts with Agents

(There could be additional charges associated for this process). Agent Disclosure

Angualia Busiku and Co. AdvocatesContact Email :,,
Contact Phone: +256774477656, (+256774110111
Website: Links to the Website

The hours and days of operation are 8:30 am until 5:45 pm

Required Documents For Apply for Reservation of Non-Governmental Organization Name

Completed form to apply for the reservation of the name.

Office Locations and Contacts

Non-government National Bureau Board
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Plot 75, Jinja road.
P.O.Box 791, Kampala
Tel: +256-414-595945
Fax: +256 424 434 088
Website:NGO Bureau

Uganda Registration Services Bureau
5. Plot George Street, Georgian House
P.O. PO Box 6848 Kampala Uganda
Tel:+256 414 233 219,
Tel:+256 414 235 915
Fax Line Phone Number: +256 414250 712.
Website:Uganda Registration service Bureau


Anyone who wishes to establish an NGO is able to apply to secure the name.


Search for names and reservations of Ugsh20,000


  • The validity that the name has is for life.
  • After a name is accepted, it is then held for 60 (60) calendar days.

Examples of Documents

Application Form for Reservation of NAME

(Under Section 36 of the Companies Act No.1 of 2012 and Section 4(b)(1b) of the NGO Registration Amendment Act, 2006)

To: The Director of Companies P.O. Box 6848 KAMPALA

FROM: Name/s:………………………………………………………………………………………………

Tel. No/s:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Email/s: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Signature/s : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Promoting some Entity : (please tick and specify if it’s changing the name.)

Company limited by shares
Company Limited with a Guarantee
Non-Governmental Organisation

Apply for the reservation of a name(Indicate in order of priority choice) NAME CHOICE………………………………
PROPOSED NAME……………………………..
1st Choice

2nd Option

3rd Choice ……………………….

Date …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

+NB: The Reservation Is Valid for Only 30 Days From The Date of Approval

Processing Time

It takes about half one day


  1. Prior to submitting an application to Reserve the name of an NGO is submitted the applicant needs to provide their name and the NGO’s address in order to obtain approval by the director on the Non-Governmental Organizations Board. The process involves filling out the Form and submitting the completed application to Registry to conduct the search.
  2. The registry will search for and suggest a reservation.
  3. Submitting the reserved name for approval to National Bureau of NGO for approval.
  4. Make the appropriate payments and provide evidence of payment when you submit the form.

The Information You Need

Name of the applicant
Three names are proposed, arranged by priority.

Documentation is needed

  • An NGO has to be registered to be able to accomplish its goals in Uganda. To be registered, it requires a name to use. Reservation lets the NGO make a reservation for its name at the time of its registration.
  • Every Non-Governmental Organization that wants to apply for registration and/or change the name of its organization has to seek the National Bureau Non-Governmental Organizations Board approval for the name.

Information that could be helpful

  1. The Non-Governmental Organizations Board is a State Corporation established by the Non-Governmental Organizations Bureau Act (Cap 113) of 2006 with amendments.
  2. The Board is charged with controlling and empowering an NGO industry in Uganda.
  3. The Board is currently part of the Ministry of internal Affairs.
  4. All NGO requests should be completed with block lettering.
  5. All applications must include the original signatures of members and officials as appropriate.

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