How to Apply for Study Permit In Malawi

Apply for Study Permit In Malawi By Yourself

  1. Make sure you have all the necessary documents for your application . Then, visit the office of the immigration department in your area to get the application form.
  2. Please fill out the application in the correct manner and attach all required documents.
  3. Complete your application to the immigration office to be verified by an immigration official at the front desk
  4. The official will review your application and send your application to the office back for final determination of approval by the head immigration office.
  5. If your application is accepted after which you will be officially informed and you will go towards the FDH Bank Counter at within any of the Immigration Offices within Malawi in order to settle the fee for the application and get the receipt for payment.
  6. Send the bank slip in the Immigration Department and obtain your full study permit.

Application Online

  1. Go to the Malawi online permit portal by clicking this hyperlink: Apply online
  2. You can create an account simply by clicking the “Login” link in the information bar. Select “create your account” Proceed to setting your account and log in.
  3. Once you’ve signed into your account, click “New” in the top of the information bar to start your application. Click on the drop box, and scroll to select “Study Permit (ST)” and a second drop-down box will open. Select the category that corresponds to the type of permit that you would like be applying for i.e. study permit or research permit
  4. Scroll down the page to read about the permit. Then cross make sure you have all the documents required
  5. On the last page, click “Apply Right Now” to begin your application
  6. Fill in all the information required on all pages, and send your application to us to be processed and issued the ST Permit

Required Documents For Apply for Study Permit

  • Complete Application Form from
  • Copy of Passport showing the data page
  • Letter of cover from the sponsor or applicant
  • A letter of acceptance from an Educational Institution in Malawi
  • Medical certificate (Optional)
  • A police clearance letter from the countries of the origin (Optional)

Office Locations and Contacts

Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services, Malawi
Blantyre – Immigration Head Quarters
PO Box 331, Blantyre, Malawi
Telephone Number Phone Number: +265-1823777
E-Permit Contact Details: Click Here


  • Anyone from outside the country who plans to attend a school or conduct research in Malawi or conduct research on education.


  • $100


  • Valid for one year , it is subject to renewal

Processing Time

  • Within five working days.


  • Renewals for the ST are required 3 months expiry date.
  • Employement is not permitted with this type of permit
  • There is no way to add dependents to this permit.

The Information You Need

  • Personal details
  • Passport Details
  • Applicant details
  • Documents
  • Review section

The Document is required

  • This permit permits you to travel to Malawi and to study at an accredited Educational Institution.

External Links

Immigration Department: Link



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