How to Buy your local authority House or flat In Ireland

Buy your local authority House or flat In Ireland By Online

Get in touch with for assistance with the Housing Department of your local authority.

Office Locations and Contacts

Housing Department of your local authority

Housing association


Tenant Purchase scheme for Apartments (TPAS)

  • The new scheme took effect on the 1st of January, 2012.
  • In order for an apartment complex to be eligible for designation as the purchase of tenants, it has to include at least 5 apartment units (other that community-based apartments) Do not contain residential units and retail spaces that are designed for seniors. Meet the criteria as laid out under section 51 in the Housing (Miscellaneous Regulations) Act 2009
  • In addition, at minimum 65percent of tenants must agree to the that the complex is designated.
  • If apartments are sold in a specific complex authorities for housing assign ownership of the entire complex to an owner management firm. This management firm will then rent all apartments back to the authority, with the intention of continuing leasing to tenants who will then be given the option of purchasing them back from the authority.
  • Sales will follow an increment purchase method. There will discounts of 40 %, 50 60 percent or 60 percent off the purchase depending on the income of the household. Additionally, there will be an authority charge for local authorities that is reduced by a specific amount every year.

Before the apartments are first sold

Housing authorities have to perform a significant amount of preparation before they can offer an apartment to tenants. This includes: assessing the viability of apartments The calculation of annual maintenance costs to calculate the annual cost of service for buyers of apartments. Consulting tenants and holding the vote

Leasehold Purchase Program (for houses)

The scheme is available to tenants with at-least one year of tenure. It will be shut down before the year’s end. It will be replaced with the Incremental Purchase Scheme, which permits those who are eligible as social tenants to purchase an apartment through a local authority or approved housing authority at a reduced price.


  • The cost of the home is the market value estimated by the city’s authority in the current status of maintenance and condition less discounts. The structure of the house is considered and any increase in market value due to the improvements that you have made to the property is not taken into consideration when formulating the cost.
  • If you do not agree with the valuation of your local authority of your property You can challenge it with a valuation certification by a certified valuation expert. If there’s a major distinction between the original valuation and the valuation provided by you, it will be referred to the Valuation Office by local officials. the matter for review by Valuation Office. Valuation Office.


You could either take out an mortgage from banks or building societies or you could request a regional municipal mortgage. It could be a variable rate loan which means that the amount of repayments increase or decrease according to general interest rates, as well as the rate is fixed for the initial 5 year of loan.

Rules of the Tenant Purchase Scheme

  • You have to be an owner or occupant of an authority residence for a minimum of one year to be eligible to purchase it through the Tenant Purchase Scheme.
  • You are entitled to the benefit of a reduction of 3percent of the worth of the property for each calendar year of tenure of a house owned by a local authority up to the max of 10 years, plus 3,810.
  • Stamp duty is due on all rental properties purchased by tenants. The maximum amount payable is 100.
  • If you intend to sell your home within the 20 years following the date of purchase or prior to the time you’ve acquired the full ownership of the property, you must be granted the permission from the authority in your area.

Documentation is needed

  • Local authority tenants who live in houses or apartments might be able purchase their houses by the local authority using different purchase plans.
  • In general the majority of local authority homes are included except for houses that are used by people who are older. Flats and apartments weren’t previously included However, a brand newly-created Tenant Purchase of Apartments Scheme (TPAS) was introduced in January 2012 – read below for more details.
  • Local authorities may exclude homes from the plans either due to reasons of proper estate management, or due to their structural state; or if they intend to make repairs on them.

External Links

Public Service Information Buying your local authority house or flat

Incremental Purchase Scheme

Mortgage with a bank or building society



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