How To Change Name After Marriage In Austria

How To Change Name After Marriage In Austria

Name of the common

It can be accomplished by adopting the name of a woman or man and identifying a common family name. If the name is already in use with a variety of elements, and the whole name or portions thereof can be utilized.

Additionally, a name acquired through a previous marriage with the family could be the name of a common family after the marriage. A double name in prior marriages, however it is not able to be used in a different marriage as a common family name.


The spouses could also create an both derived from the family name . Double names for the common family names. To avoid confusion in names chains, however only one of them can be used ? At most, two elements of names that are already in use can be picked.

The spouse or the spouse, whose / his family name isn’t a common name, and can be determined prior to the wedding, that she or was born with an ordinary family name, and her/his family name has formed a double is the reason. The double name must comprise at least two parts.

A double name has to be separated with hyphens between the distinct components.

Children inherit the common name of their parents. It is also possible that the name of the parent. This is determined by the name of the family member that the child has. For more details on the name rights of children, they can be located on HELP .


  • Mr. Smith married Mrs. Berger. Both parties agree that the husband’s name is the family name Mller reserves. The wife prefers a double name such as Mller-Berger, or Berger-Mueller. Children may also choose by a double name.
  • Mr. Smith married Mrs. Berger. Both are of the opinion that they live an identical double name that is composed of their initials. You can choose between Mller Berger and Berger-Mueller.
  • Mr. Mller-Berger Zepelin was married to a woman. The common name is Mueller Zepelin. Because a double name can be composed of only two parts The Berger family cannot be prepended or appended.
  • Mr. Mller Zepelin got married to woman Berger-Mayer. The common name is Zepelin. The name should be Mr. Mueller is Zepelin Zepelin the future. Ms. Berger Mayer can continue Zepelin-Berger, Berger Zepelin, Zepelin or Mayer-Mayer-Zepelin.
  • Mr. Mller Zepelin got married to woman Berger-Mayer. Both of them agree that they have the same (common) name made up of their names. They are able to double names with the name part “Miller”, “Zepelin”, “Berger” and “Mayer” form ( such as Mller-Mayer, Zepelin-Berger, Mayer Zepelin etc.)

Note that spouses who were married prior to 1 April 2013 have been closed their names as of 1 September 2013 and will be determined by these rules. In the same way, the names of children born or adoption occurred prior to 1 April 2013 was confirmed, starting from the 1st of September 2013, will be determined according to these rules.

If a Spouse or a spouse has selected the double name, it is now required to be employed ( for example, in passports and driving license , as also in the contract signing).

Separate names management/ maintaining the family name of the previous

The new rules that take effect from April 1, 2013 , states that spouses who are unable to choose a common family surname are able to keep their original surname.

But, it is to be established which family names the children will carry. It could be the name of the father or mother or any combination of their names.

A clause that ensures that children will automatically be given the name of their family mother, even though this is the name of a different person.

Office Locations and Contacts

Registry Offices

To locate a registry office:

District Administrative Authority

To find the District Admin. Authority:


Municipal Department 35

Registration, Immigration and Citizenship Offices – Office management

1200 Vienna Road 93, Block C




Service number Service number: +43 1 40003535

Fax: +43 1 4000 9935010

Senate Councillor Head of Department Phone: +431 4000 35011.

The Upper Municipal Councillor the Deputy Head of Department Contact number: +43 1 4000 3513 50 01711.

Hours of operation:

Monday through Friday, 7:30 am 15:30 clock, on Thursday also from 15:30 until 17:30 clock

Except for public holidays Good Friday and New Year’s Eve (24.12.) as well as New Year’s Eve (31.12.) from 7:30 to 12:00


For more information about the rules for changing names, contact the registry office responsible for your name.

Need to have the Document

In the event of an engagement, couples can choose their names to be used in the future:

  • Common name/double name
  • Separate names management and maintaining the previous family name

Information that can be useful

Legal Basis for Changing Name

To change the name of the family One in the legally-enforceable grounds listed in this article must be:

  • The Family-/Nachname above is ridiculous or insulting.
  • The name of the previous family is difficult to pronounce, or is difficult to write.
  • If the person applying is of a foreign national and is seeking an official family name it allows for classification in the domestic:
    • The request for name change has to be submitted ? within two years of the granting of Austrian citizenship.
  • The applicant applicant would like to have to have a family name, she or was in good faith, to be legally entitled to the name of their parents.
  • The applicant applicant is seeking an ancestor’s name, which she or did earlier has
  • The pros and Family-/Nachname and the date of birth , the applicant and the applicant are in line with the data of an individual, so they acknowledge that errors could be made.
  • The applicant or the applicant is seeking to have a name or names regardless of finding a surname within 93-93c of the General Civil Code obtained (Civil Code)
  • The applicant/the applicant plans to apply not to change their surname after all. Identity according to Code 155 of the Civil Code will
  • The applicant applicant is seeking an identity that is identical to that of their registered partner or registered partner and could be associated with the application in a way that is highly personal, un-derivable legal name, whether it was preceded or later
  • The minor applicant or the person applying to the minor’s initials of the applicant that is the person who has custody (or joint control of the plays) or in the care that she or is, and the relationship between them is not just for only a brief period of time
  • The applicant applicant is a holder of Austrian citizenship along with other citizenships and is seeking to change his or her family name, which has legally transferred to another personnel regulations. The intention behind the name change is to allow the same name as the two rights of native.
  • The applicant applicant has the ability to show that the change of his or her family’s name required to avoid disadvantages in economic terms or in social interactions and can avoid the disadvantages are not avoided in any other way.
  • The applicant applicant is seeking, for reasons other than for a family name that is different (“Preferred Name”)

Note: As of April 1, 2013, a double name is now allowed for children. For more information about naming rights:

Change Name After Marriage
Change Name After Marriage

Change of the first name

The change in the name of the first of the listed statutory grounds must be made here:

  • The former first name is in a way that is offensive or absurd.
  • The first name of the former is difficult to pronounce and difficult to write.
  • The applicant applicant is of a foreign national and would like to use a name for her that helps in determining her status in the domestic:
    • The request for the name change must be submitted ? within two years of the granting of Austrian citizenship.
  • The applicant applicant is seeking to be given a first name, and has is or she has been honest enough to be eligible to get out has
  • The applicant applicant is seeking to have a first name, and the applicant has performed earlier right
  • The name of the applicant’s first and last as well as the date of birth for the applicant or the applicant are in line with the same data for an individual, therefore agreeing that errors could happen
  • The applicant or the applicant has the ability to show that the change in the name of his or her first name is required to avoid unjustly disadvantage oneself in the economic sense or in social relations and the possibility that these disadvantages cannot be prevented in any other way.
  • The applicant applicant is seeking for other reasons an alternative name.

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