How to Change Name of Company In Niue

Change Name of Company In Niue By Online

  1. Visit the Registrar.
  2. The application form must be completed. The application form must be completed by the director of the Company.
  3. Submit requirements.
  4. Pay the prescribed amount.

Office Locations and Contacts

Register of CompaniesTreasury Department
Niue Public Services
PO Box 36
Phone Numbers for Contact:
Freephone in Niue

  • 010, 015 (ask for the Companies Office)

Freephone in New Zealand

  • 0508 722 434

No-cost phone service Outside Niue as well as New Zealand

  • +64 3 962 2723


  • A request for a change in the title of a business will not be considered an amending to the company’s rules in the sense in this Act.
  • When the Registrar has received a completed application and complies with the following specifications:
    • Input the new name of the company in the Niue Register; and
    • Issue an official certificate of incorporation to the company that outlines the name change of the business.
  • A name change for the company
    • It takes effect on the date indicated on the certification issued in
    • Does not affect the rights or duties of the corporation or legal proceedings initiated by and against it.
  • Legal proceedings that could be ongoing or initiated against the company in its prior name could continue or be initiated against it under the new name.

Instruction to change name

  • If the Registrar has good grounds that a corporation is registered under a name which is in violation the law at the date of registration, the Registrar is able to serve a notice in writing to the business to change its name within a time stipulated in the notice which does not fall less than twenty calendar days from the date on the day that notification is delivered.
  • If the business does not modify its title within the time that is specified in the notice the Registrar is able to make an entry on the Niue registry an alternative name for the company using its form of Company name x Limited, where x is an individual number assigned to the business by the Registrar to serve this reason.
  • If the Registrar records an entirely new name
    • The Registrar has to issue the certificate of incorporation of the company, which must include the name change of the company.

Documentation is needed

The name of the company may be changed or altered in Niue.

Here are the steps for changing the name of your company.

External Links

Government of Niue



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