How To Dog Registration In Christmas Island

How To Dog Registration In Christmas Island

  • Before you submit your application to undergo the procedure, ensure that you have all of the documents you’ll have to show the health of your dog.
  • To to register your dog for registration, you must visit the Shire office and fill out the required form.
  • Fill out the form completely and pay the fee for registration.
  • The Tag will be given after the dog has been registered, and must be carried at all times. Notifications should be sent to the Shire in the event of any change in ownership or the address that the dog has.

Documents that are required Dog Registration In Christmas

  • Certificate issued by an Veterinarian

Office Locations and Contacts

Shire of Christmas IslandOffice Location
George Fam Centre
2 Murray Road
Christmas Island

Mailing Address:
PO Box 863
Christmas Island
Indian Ocean WA 6798

Phone: (08) 9164 8300
Fax: (08) 9164 8304

Shire Ranger
091648300 or 0439 215 309.
(extension 242)


Dog Registration :

  • Copy of the entry certified by a certified person to the register $5.00
  • Annual registration, unsterilised dog , or bitch, unless a concessional rate is in effect: $50.00

Concessional rates for registration:

  • Sterilised dog or bitch annually registered: $15.00
  • Guide dogs: Nil
  • Pensioners’ dogs are referred to as follows: Regulation 4(2) 50 percent of the fee payable otherwise
  • After May 31 in any year, in that registration year the fee is 50% otherwise due

Three-year Registration period

  • Dog or puppy sterilized: $18.00
  • Unsterilised dog or a bitch: $75.00

Dogs who are housed in an approved Kennel establishment that is that is licensed pursuant to section 27 of the Act where they are not certified: $110.00 per establishment

Dogs that are certified through the Director of State Emergency Services as being tracker dogs. They are used to support for the State Emergency Services in the particular calendar year: $1.00

The Document is required Dog Registration In Christmas

According to the Shire of Christmas Island Local Dog Law 2001 All dogs over three months old are required to be registered. Tags will be issued after the dog has been registered and the tag has to be always on display. Notifications are required to the Shire in the event of any change in ownership or the address for your dog. Fines for an unregistered dog are currently $110 , and those who are found in public areas without tags or collars are liable to a fine of $55.

Information that can be useful

  • The tag is issued when the dog has been registered with the Shire of Christmas Island (Shire). When in public areas, the tag has to be always on display and notifications must be sent to the Shire in the event of any change in ownership or the address that the dog has. Fines for a non-registered dog currently amount to $110 and those who are found in public areas without tags or collars can be held accountable to a fine of up to $55.
  • In public places , leashes or harnesses, restraints, or harnesses should be used to regulate dogs. There are no designated exercise zones in Christmas Island. Dogs that are not properly controlled can make the owner/controller subject to the requirements in the Dog Act (CI) 1976 which could result in an amended penalty. The same is true to dogs that are disruptive, including dogs that bark or are dangerous. It is also the duty of the dog’s owner and/or the dog’s owner to clean up any excrement the dog may leave behind and eliminate it.
  • A dog pound can be found in Shire Depot. Shire Depot and nuisance or missing dogs are addressed to Shire Ranger on 0439 215 309 or 91648300 (extension 242). Additional information on registration and control of dogs is also available at these numbers or by contacting them in person by visiting the Shire Administration Office, George Fam Centre Murray Road Christmas Island.

External Links

Shire of Christmas Island



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