How To Export Goods In Chad

How To Export Goods In Chad

1.Start by conducting an analysis of the market

  • The exporter should first determine where or she plans to export the goods or services
  • After visiting the country, the individual wants to sell his/her products or services
  • Collect information on what market is available, items or services that will be available to be sold in the market as well as the previous current and prospective customers of the service or product;
  • Analyze the information gathered and make sense of it.
  • Additionally, you should conduct research about the characteristics, habits of spending and requirements of the targeted market.

2.When the research is completed and the exporter has a satisfactory answer, the requirements with exports to the particular market, the exporter must go to the customs department of Chad to determine the requirements to export the goods or services he has specified to Chad to the country of sale;

3.There after the preparation of all necessary documents. Then, the exporter will declare the products or services that are to be exported at the Customs Department to clear customs and technical inspection.

  • In this instance, the exporter should be advised about the requirements for customs and restrictions, and pay if required;

4.After clearance at the customs department , the exporter will then go on to terminal and port handling. The exporter announces the items to be shipped to clear at the port of departure Inspections and payments are made, if required;

5.The product is then transported from the warehouse (in Chad) to the port of exit and then to the port at which the goods exit to the country of origin;

Documents that are required Export Goods

1.Bill of lading

2.Certificate of the country of origin

3.Commercial invoice

4.Customs export declaration

5.Electronic cargo tracker note (ECTN) 5. Electronic cargo tracking note (ECTN) Chad

6.Packing list

7.Terminal handling receipts

8.Transit document

9.Payment slips

Office Locations and Contacts

Direction Gnrale des Douanes et Droits Indirects ONG

Ministry of Finance

BP 427. Chagoua area

NDjamena, Chad


Ministry of Commerce & Industry

B.P. 424, N’Djamena

Telephone: (235) 522 179 / 520 867, (235) 235 66 2919 85, (235) 522 153

Telefax: (235) 522 199 / 522 733

E-mail address:

What Are All The Eligibility

Anyone, whether business or personal, who meet the criteria can export products.


  • Exporters pay about $6,615 USD. The fee is broken down into the following categories:
  • Document preparation, US$880
  • Technical control and clearance for Customs US$330
  • Terminals and ports handling US$405
  • Inland transportation and handling of US$5,000


A person who is able to meet the standards can make an export at anytime.

Processing Time

  • Exportation can take about seventy-three (73) days. Steps require different days, for instance the following:
  • Documents preparation takes 39 days
  • Clearance of customs and Technical controls 3 days
  • Terminal handling and ports handling for 3 days

Inland transportation and handling for 38 days


1.Find out the terms of export before you decide to sell;

2.Ensure that you meet all conditions for exporting from Chad;

3.Be aware of all federal regulations , clearance/custom rules, duty taxes and other duties;

4.Be informed of documentation required to export the product you are planning to export.

5.Be aware of the restricted and prohibited items;

The Information You Need

1.Name along with the address the exporter

2.Business names and addresses in Chad

3.Details of goods and services that are to be exported

4.Country of importation

5.Details of the importer’s name in the country that is importing;

Documentation is needed

Exporting goods involves selling products to markets outside the boundaries of a specific country. In Chad the government, by way of its department for customs oversees exports of goods out of Chad.

Information that could be helpful

1.An exporter can export up to 1000 cigarettes, 250 cigarettes or one kg of tobacco at any time.

2.It is crucial to know that the Chadian laws on exportation of goods is based upon CEMAC (a association of West African Countries) Customs Code.

Other uses for the document/certificate

  • It expands the markets for locally produced items;
  • Profits and sales are increased for an exporter
  • Exports increase the revenue of a country by taxation
  • There is a high level of exploitation of materials, as producers try to be able to compete with foreign markets;
  • Builds stronger relationships with various nations;
  • It promoted trade with other countries;

External Links

How To Export Goods In Chad
How To Export Goods In Chad



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