How To Export of Goods In Cameroon

How To Export of Goods In Cameroon

To export out of Cameroon an exporter must follow these steps:

1. Begin by obtaining a merchant register and a tax payers card issued by the Ministry of Economy and Finance

2. Visit the Ministry of Commerce and register;

3. Visit the customs department to learn about the export requirements;

4. Plan for the transport of goods from the destination country of import

5. Gather all documents needed and prepare all documents needed;

6. Send goods that are intended for export to an Customs Office or to premises approved as such by Customs Service. Customs Service.

7. To declare exports through the countries of CAEMIC / the Union of Central African States CAEMIC or CAEMC An applicant has to complete the following steps.

Be sure to have enough financing for the operation and it must be using the currencies of your country you are importing to.

Verify your order and get a form for the process of transit from customs.

8. To be a certified export customs brokers applicants must go through these steps:

  • Make an application and address it directly to Director General Customs and The Chairman of the National Advisory Committee on Customs Brokers. Make sure that the application is acknowledged
  • National Advisory Committee then proceeds by examining the application. In this instance the committee justifies the submitted documents and gives an opinion that is then endorsed in a document signed by the entire membership.
  • If the decision is favorable and the application is accepted A visit to the location of the applicant will be made by the commission general and it also includes a review of the proceeds of his charges. The visits allow the commission to verify that:
  • The applicant owns an office space and office equipment;
  • The applicant is a staff member;
  • Customs documents;
  • Other materials that are required
  • Following the visits The application is accepted and the applicant is notified.
  • The applicant must go to the Customs office to fill out D6 and D3 declarations.
  • The application must then be ultimately accepted in CACEU / CAEMC. Union of Central African States CACEU and the Central African States CACEU CAEMC. In this instance,
  • A business makes 10 (10) duplicates of all previously submitted documents and puts them in a file
  • Then, submit the file in the direction of chairman National Advisory Committee and to the executive secretariat of Union of Central African States CAEMC or CAEMC to register the file;
  • In its next session, they will have the commission along with the Minister of the Union of Central African States will then vote on their opinions.
  • If the opinion is favorable If the opinion is positive, a notice to those interested is published in the official publication from CAEMIC / the Union of Central African States CAEMIC or CAEMC.

Documents Required Export of Goods

  • Tax clearance documents / certificate
  • Export permits for restricted and prohibited products
  • Certificate of Origin (CO)
  • Documentation of financial concreteness (in the currency of the the country to which it is destined)
  • A valid business license is required.
  • Ten million(10 000 000) Cfa in francs (brokers);
  • The curriculum outline for the promoter(brokers);
  • A copy of the birth certificate;
  • A copy of national ID card
  • The police clearance document;
  • The evidence of ten years of service (brokers);

Office Locations and Contacts

1.The Societe Camerounaise de Surveillance, SGS

Director for Customs Valuation

Telephone: (+237) 22-20 2541


2.Agence des Normes et de la Qualite, ANOR

National Agency for Standards and Quality

The General Director Charles Botoo a Ngon

P.O Box 14996 Yaound, Cameroon


Telephone: +237) 2222-6496


3.Ministre des Finances (MINFI)

Telephone: (237)22220079

Fax: (237)22233717

4.Direction Gnrale des Douanes (DGD

Telephone: (237)22202546

Fax: (237)22203771



What Are All The Eligibility

Any person or company is able to export products..


  • Materials made of green (rubber cocoa, cocoa, coffee and cotton etc.) are duty-free.
  • Export duties on other products amount to 2percent of the total value the products.
  • It is crucial to remember that the law on finance in Cameroon includes some exemptions for exports, for example:
  • It has lifted export duties on products made in Cameroon,
  • Medicines are exempt from customs duties and tax and VAT payments,
  • Exempts duty on exportation of cocoa coffee, cotton sugar therapeutic plant, palm oil, and banana.


There is no expiration date so long as the person meets the requirements. They can export at any point in time.

Documents to Utilize

Export Declaration Forms


1. A business owner who wants to export should begin by determining if their business is in the right position to export.

2. Letters of application must be printed in a notebook with a date, signed and stamped

3. You should be aware of the requirements for exporting prior to starting;

4. Labels should be in both English as well as French;

5. Anyone who is interested in becoming brokers must demonstrate commitment to join a trade union once the license is granted.

6. In order to be approved as a broker by the Union of Central African States the company must be in operation for at minimum 6 (6) years;

7. A broker who has been approved must be registered with the National Corporative Grouping the period of three (3) month.

8. If a broker is not able to sign up with the national corporative grouping approval may be revoked from the director general of Customs.

9. If a broker has been approved by the Central African States, CAEMC and CACEU the broker must be enrolled to all customs system.

10. Be informed of all regulations of the government and clearance/custom rules and duty taxes

11. Be aware of all documents required prior to exporting, and be is aware of prohibited and restricted products

12. Prior to exports, the company or person must be registered legally

13. Transporters should not use any route in the hope to bypass Customs offices on borders on land.

14. Customs value is the value of the product at the point of off-take, announced on the date when the declaration was registered as a declarant by the Customs office, and in the event that applicable, the cost of transporting the goods from the point of departure until the point of entry.

15. Exporters are exempted from the burden of Export taxes, duties, and other similar taxes and

16. The value of duties and taxes imposed by customs on exports is calculated through market price lists.

17. To transport products through the member countries in the Union of Central African States (CAEMC) CAEMC exporters must submit the declaration on customs the form D15;

18. Always take a road-based transport option when moving goods through member states from the Union of Central African States CAEMC; .

The Information You Need

1. Name and address of the importer

2. Information on the type of products / services that are exported

3. Exporter Name

4. Name of the business and address

5. Corporate Registration Number

6. Registered Business Address

7. The status of the company;

8. Extract from the legal notices journal;

9. Statistical number;

10. The number of the register of trade

11. Certificate of approval or agreement (acknowledging that the business owner can be an exporter)

The Document is required Export of Goods

Exporting refers to selling products to the market outside beyond the borders of a specific country another. Cameroon permits export of all kinds of items.

Information that could be helpful

To export products associated with flora and fauna, an exporter has to get approval. For instance: pandas, monkeys, lemurs, elephants, rhinoceros, cranes parrots, marine turtles and snakes Big Cheetah leopards, tigers, and other species.

Other uses for the document/certificate

  • The source of the new market for local residents;
  • Exportation maximizes the utilization of resources
  • Improves relations with other nations

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