How to Import Heavy or Light Motor Vehicle In Mali

Import Heavy or Light Motor Vehicle In Mali By Online

  1. Any importer of a light or heavy motor vehicles must first for insurance. Go to an insurance agency and request an insurance certificate for an expense .
  2. The next step is to go to an authorized custom broker office , and present one copy of the initial insurance certificate as well as the packing list of import goods to be examined by an authorized official. Upon this, you will be instructed to pay broker fees in cash, with a check or Bank transfer. Once you have made the payment the broker will issue you with of a Senegalese transportation order.
  3. The importer must then go to The Regional Customs Directorate/Dibola Secondary Office and provide an official Senegalese transit declaration form to the customs agent. The copy will be verified and recorded in the register in order to determine the amount of vehicles going through the customs station. The customs agent will issue an acknowledgement of the date on which you retracted your declaration.
  4. The authorized broker will visit the customs office at the time of the redraw date to pick up the Senegalese transit declaration. He will provide the number of the declaration. He then draws the document to discharge in a register.
  5. The broker should then head to the customs controller’s office to submit the form for the addition of employees. The form must be signed and stamped prior to the submission by the broker. Then, he should attach the Senegalese transit notice. Then, he presents it to the customs official for confirmation by the manager of office. the broker will be instructed to make payment of FCFA 10,000 in cash per shipment.
  6. The Regional Customs Directorate office, head of brigade section , will send a customs agent to conduct an inspection of the motor vehicle , to assess its roadworthiness.
  7. Then, you should go to your local Regional Customs Directorate office, customs controller department and withdrawal Senegalese transit declaration as well as overtime payment receipts against that Senegalese transportation declaration.
  8. If you are an importer, then go towards your CCIM Agent section after you will be notified to pay FCFA the amount of 2000 cash and then you will be issued with the CCIM empty form.
  9. The broker who is authorized to do so, then create the transit declaration “IM8” which can be made online via the ASYCUDA system. After completing the declaration, the broker must print it and then sign and stamp it.
  10. The broker will then have to visit the One-Stop-Shop for clearance of vehicles and provide an original copy of each of the documents listed below: IM8/ Diboli Statement, Proforma invoice, for the customs officer for examination. You will be issued an IM8 statement along with the deposit that is due to be paid.
  11. The broker will then forward an IM8 copy IM8 together with an amount for the deposits as well as the Senegalese Transit Declaration to Regional Customs Directorate/Dibola Secondary office.
  12. The customs official then adds the IM8 number into the declaration into the ASYCUDA system. He examines the information that is entered by the broker authorized and then compares it to the physical file where shows the amount on the IM8 was recorded and issues the T1 certificate following the payment of taxes.
  13. The agent will then present the T1 declaration that has been signed to the importer or driver. The diver, along with the vehicle may then depart the customs zone and go towards the Regional Customs Directorate office in Same send all originals of documents: signed T1 declaration, IM8 declaration with deposit amount to be checked by the responsible person and licensed.
  14. The driver or importer will receive a transit or passage ticket, which must be handed over to customs at subsequent checks to show your vehicle’s been checked at the same post. Go towards Kaye, the Regional Customs Directorate main office in Kaye and present the same documents registered on the Register.
  15. The vehicle will be brought to the checkpoints listed below. i.e the Mobile Intervention Brigade checkpoint in Kaye and Kati.
  16. The person who imports (or the broker authorized by the importer) is then required to go to the expert office at the National Transport Office (ONT) and provides all originals of these documents: Insurance certificate for customs clearance, Identity card, Gray card to be checked with an ONT Car professional.
  17. The expert in car travels to the vehicle in order to verify the information contained in the documents as well as the car itself. He examines the year of first of circulation as well as it’s chassis numbers … He reports the results of the confrontation to the Verbal de Finding (PVC) and then signs it.
  18. The person who is importing (or an authorized agent) creates a duplicate from the PVC. He may choose to allow the expert in car repair forward the completed PVC document in the direction of Regional Directorate Regional Directorate (he then makes one copy prior to sending and then gives 2,500 FCFA the expert in car) or carry it on his own (the car expert will register the that the document has been delivered to the importer or the broker authorized in the register).upon the registration, you will receive the delivery slip number ONT.
  19. The broker will then go for the DGCC section to make the need for an imported certificate that is stamped at 200 FCFA, as well as the “yellow” print of the certificate to import filled with the vehicle’s information as well as the Gray card to facilitate customs clearance. They then submit the documents for review by the DGCC agent who checks the validity of the documents against an account of the findings (PVC) which is sent out on a the dispatch slip of Regional Transport Department. Regional Transport Department
  20. In the event that the broker is confident with the documentation correct and he is satisfied, he attaches the visa and sends the visa to be approved by the agent for commission to the tax department for processing the file as well as redrawing the certificate of import referred by the tax section, after the payment of the 1,000 FCFA fee for registration.
  21. The authorized broker visits the one-stop tax office to submit an original copy of these documents: and pays stamp duties of (25,000 FCFA annually plus 5,000 FCFA for the current calendar year) in cash. Also, you can get the declaration of import, the T1 manifested document.
  22. The authorized broker then goes to the Regional customs directorate office in Kati and buys from the representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mali (CCIM) the printout at a cost of 2000 FCFA on which his declaration will be printed, the IM4 declaration-automobiles and the liquidation bulletin , signed certificate of release for consumption (cost of 5000 FCFA) are issued.
  23. The importer is then required to go towards The Mali Technical Services office and provides the following documents{ “Export of the Expertise Finding (PVC) and a temporary permission to travel and the fee of FCFA 5500 for the technical visit and FCFA 2,500 for cash. Then, get the receipts.
  24. The MTS agent performs its technical examination of the automobile in-house as well as records the vehicle’s information within the MTS system (vehicle type and chassis number, etc.) and issues the Technical Inspection Certificate and Vignette-Technical Control|}.
  25. The importer will then go to the registration section of the National Transport Office (ONT) with the following documents to be inspected at the ONT agent. He will then issue an official Declaration of entry into circulation (DMC) which identifies the amount that must be paid (Pay tax) i.e that amount to 31,500 FCFA .
  26. Go to the cash counter of the ONT to pay the tax on the DMC Then, go to the registration section , show the receipt of payment and request the Receipt of Proviso Gray Card.
  27. The file is sent via email to National Directorate of Land, Maritime and River Transport (DNTTMF) to be processed for the creation of the gray cards. The gray card is given back to the Regional Directorate, to be collected by the importer using receipt for the Provisional Gray Card and the identity card within 30 days.
  28. The importer will then go for”Mali plaque” at the ONT “Mali plaque” section of the ONT. They then provide documents in original form of documents for the agents to be confirmed by the person which is then issued”Mali Plaque “Mali Plaque” informing the amount to be paid to cover the license plate cost of 12,000 FCFA for two number plates.
  29. When you pay when you pay, you will receive with a receipt of payment “Mali Plaque “indicating when you need to return to”Mali plaque “Mali plaque” section of the ONT office to collect the license plate, along with the receipt of payment as well as your identity card. Gray card.

Required Documents For Import Heavy or Light Motor Vehicle

  • Certificate of insurance
  • Valid Identification document
  • Proforma invoice
  • Checklist for packing
  • Senegalese transit declaration
  • Request for more work
  • The signed declaration of IM8
  • Gary card
  • T1 signed declaration
  • Certificate of import
  • T1 manifested
  • Liquidation bulletin
  • Certificate of release to consume
  • Valid Technical Inspection Visit sticker.

Office Locations and Contacts

Directorate General of TRADE CONSUMPTION, COMPETITION AND TRAVEL (DGCC)Address: Bamako Coura NIMAGA Building, just in the front of the Odonto Stomatology centre, Bamako 201
Tel: (+223) 20 21 23 14
Fax: (+223) 20 21 80 46

Address: Boulevard de l’Independance, Bamako-Bolibana
PO Box 15
Tel: (+223) 20 22 50 66 / (+223) 20 22 51 11
Site: link

How to Import Heavy or Light Motor Vehicle In Mali
How to Import Heavy or Light Motor Vehicle In Mali


Head of Office
Address: DiboliTel: (+223)66725768/ (+223)76115956
Agent for Customs
Tel: (+223) 73055400

National Transport Office ,
Regional Directorate of Land and River Transport.
Address: Sogoniko, Bamako
BP: 78
Tel: (+223) 20202599/20207193 /77357479
One-Stop Shop – Shop For Clearance of Vehicles
Address: Quartier Center Commercial, Bamako

Address: Sogoniko, Bamako
Telephone: (+223) 66766106

Regional Direction Regional Direction ONT, Sogoniko, Bamako
BP 2535
Tel: (+223) 20-21-42-66


Importers who want to import light or heavy motor vehicles to Mali


It is estimated that the cost will be FCFA 8,415,700.

Processing Time

The estimated processing time between {different steps the various steps) is 2-9 working days


To access ASYCUDA system

  • Sign the form at his office in the event that he has ASYCUDA access (the broker needs to have been authorized, and the software must also be running on the computer).
  • Utilize the computer and internet connection that is accessible in the room that is not marked (computer space) in the office of customs.

The Information You Need

  • Information on the importer
  • Contact details for the importer
  • Information about the broker
  • List of products to be imported by the importer
  • The country of source
  • Point of entry
  • The details of the cars

The Document is required

The heavy or light motor vehicle has to be declared and abide by the customs regulations and the mandatory standard set by the Directory General of Trade, Consumption and Competition DGCC to be permitted to enter Mali.

Information that can be useful

More details about the necessary document and the process at various stages

Certificate of insurance

  • The owner is required to join an Malian insurance in order to import his products.

Order for transit

  • Transit orders are the documents that allows the authorized broker to act for the benefit of the economic operator. The contract is binding on the broker who is authorized.

A declaration of transit to Diboli (motor vehicles ) by an person)

  • This document is the one that is created at the point of entry. The broker authorized by the law is required to provide it with information and to have it stamped by the customs. After having paid the customs duty at the point of departure (Bamako) the broker authorized to do so must pay the IT charges.

Consignment to Bamako

  • The broker authorized by the operator, on behalf of the operator completes the formalities, and also has the amount of duty and taxes to be paid at the one-stop clearing office for vehicles. The payment is made when the vehicle is brought into Bamako.

Find the T1 from Diboli

  • The T1 is an official document for transit that is validated by customs. It is the document utilized to control the merchandise. It is an electronic version of the statement that are part of the IM8 transit document, which is issued by an authorized broker at the destination office.

Controls in between Same as well as Kati

  • A variety of checks are performed throughout the journey to the destination office by customs officials, the Gendarmerie, police, and an intervention brigade mobile (BMI).

The customs clearing at One Stop Shop in Bamako

  • The Bamako one-stop shop is the only one that is authorized to collect the payment of customs duty with motor vehicles. The broker authorized to do so completes the formalities for the company. But, it is important to keep in mind this: the fact that you pay customs duty does not necessarily mean that the vehicle is registered. The registration requirements must be fulfilled at the Regional Directorate of Transport (ONT).

Register with the Regional Department of Transport (ONT)

  • After paying the customs fees the broker authorized by the operator, for the benefit of the driver must visit the ONT to register the car. Plates for licenses are given following paying the stamp duty.

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