How to Import of Cereals In Mali

Import of Cereals In Mali By Online

  1. All cereal importers are required to first be insured. Go to an insurance agency and request an insurance certificate for an expense i.e. insurance premium.
  2. The next step is to go to an authorized custom broker office and present one of the copies of the initial insurance document and packing list for the imported items, which will be reviewed by the authorized official. On that day, you are advised to pay broker fees in cash, with a check or Bank transfer. Upon making payment you will be issued with a transit request.
  3. Importers will require an official cheque drawn by your bank to make the fee for the Import Verification Program (PVI). This amount will equal 0.75 percent of the cost of the merchandise.
  4. The request could be submitted on regular paper or an application form that you can obtain from your bank. Then make the request for a cheque certificate and the check at the counter at the bank. If you are approved, you will receive the cheque that is certified within 30 minutes.
  5. Head to the Bivac Mali/Bureau Veritas office to submit the importer’s intention original copy to be checked with the counter-agent who will issue you with a verification document.
  6. Your broker or the importer should visit your broker or importer to visit the Directory General of Trade, Consumption and Competition, also known as DGCC. CNPM agents office. Make two copies of the form for the import purpose and fill them out accurately. and attach the following original copies:”Certified Check, Insurance Certificate, Transit Order” to be confirmed through the agents.
  7. The copy of the import intent approved from the DGCC is then sent along with all necessary documentation (request to import intent and invoice) to Bamako BIVAC office. Bamako BIVAC office to be examined.
  8. After receiving the file upon receipt of the file Bamako BIVAC office issues a sequence number and electronically sends the intent to import it for importation to BIVAC Regional Centres (CRE).
  9. The concerned CRE contact the seller and asks to provide information regarding the technical specifications of the products as well as an exact copy of the proforma invoice, the address and the date to conduct the inspection.
  10. The day of the inspection the CRE will send its inspectors to examine the quality, quantity of goods, tariff headings, prices of goods, etc. If the goods are in good condition and satisfied with its findings, the CRE will prepare an AvD Verification Certificate (AVD), in the event that the goods are to undergo corrections in the event of anomalies. CRE prepare an Notice to Refuse Attestation (ARA).
  11. This Certificate (AVD or the Certificate (AVD or) is sent electronically via CRE, to be sent electronically by Bamako Liaison Office, to be given to the importer through the Counter Service of the BIVAC-Mali Bureau.
  12. Send the following documents: Tax identification card, RCCM certificate or Import/Export license. DGCC, General Secretariat office to be added to the DGCC computer database. You will be issued the dump.
  13. The importer is asked to provide a verbal name of the company for whom you are purchasing the CCIM receipt is issued, after payment of an CCIM fees of FCFA 1,500 dollars in cash to the CCIM agent in the DGCC office.
  14. The importer should obtain 2 copies of the intent To Import Demand Form through the broker you have authorized and they have an electronic version which they are able to share on request. Submit them with the following original copies of documents: CCIM receipt, Transit order, 3 copies of Insurance certificate to the Single widow registration office located at the DGCC office. They will then record the information and recorded with an agency.
  15. The DGCC agent reviews the conformity of the file. If there is problems the file is sent to be corrected, when the file is in good order, the file will be sent into the circuit internal within the single window of processing, including the visa with the intention for the import of papers (6 duplicates) to be collected by you , the applicant within five working days.
  16. Then, you should submit these documents: International Bank for Mali, {an invoice in the form of a roforma, customer account number, intention for import (Customs/importer) and a signed import intent (Bank) and a signed intention to import (Bank to BCEAO) Import intent confirmed by the bank (Customs in the case of DGCC as well as BCEAO) required to be confirmed by the bank’s business manager.
  17. you will then be advised to pay a fee of FCFA 4,680 in cash or by direct debit and then you will be issued a signed
  18. Go to the DGCC office and present the Intention to Import (Customs) documents to the one-stop shop verification and the ventilation room agent. The document will be checked and then for transmission.
  19. Then, go to your local Regional Customs Directorate in Diboli and hand in documents, including the Senegalese transit declaration and the customs agent who will then record the information in a register to record the amount of vehicles going through the customs station. You will receive an acknowledgment of receipt that identifies the date of withdrawal from the document.
  20. The broker who has been authorized will visit the customs office at the time of withdrawal to pick up the Senegalese transit declaration. He will provide an identification number. The broker will then withdraw the document in lieu of discharge in a register.
  21. The broker will then go to the customs controller’s office to fill out the form to request additional workers. This form should be signed and stamped prior to the submission by the broker. He then attaches the Senegalese transit notice. Then, he presents it to the customs officer who will then ask for confirmation by the manager of office. the broker is directed that he must pay FCFA 10,000 dollars per shipment in cash.
  22. The broker then releases the complete document (including payments receipts) with the brigade’s agent. The brigade officer transfers this file to office managers to begin the process of document control, and then forwards files to brigade’s head who, together with his assistants arranges the physical control of the goods with the approval of the authorized broker. The broker then issues that file (Senegalese transit declaration as well as the payment invoice for the TSA) and the payment receipt to the broker following the inspection.
  23. If you are an importer, then you should go for your CCIM Agent section after which you’ll be advised to pay FCFA to pay 2000 dollars in cash and then you will be issued with an CCIM empty form.
  24. The broker who is authorized to do so, then create the transit declaration “IM8” that can be made online via the ASYCUDA system. After completing the declaration, the broker must take it to print and sign it, then stamp it.
  25. The importer should then go to then the Regional Customs Directorate in Dibola and present an IM8 IM8 for the customs officer in the account office . You can then get the Liquidation Bulletin, which lists all the costs that must be paid to customs.
  26. Visit the treasury customs agent to make payments on the liquidation slip. Then, you will get an invoice for the payment. When you arrive at the brigade section and present with the (receipt, IM8 declaration, Senegalese transit declaration to|) to the|to} agent who will verify the accuracy of the document and issues the T1 declaration that has been signed as well as an Escort order.
  27. The driver/importer then presents the documents of transit (IM8 as well as T1) to the agents who are located at the Same checkpoint (located at the front of Kayes) which will forward the documents towards the Customs Office (entry post) to scan the vehicle, items and the issue of the transit ticket.
  28. The following original documents : driver’s license, gray card, valid technical visit sticker must be presented to the gendarmerie and police checkpoints in the Regional Customs Directorate in Kaye for verification. The driver is then required to pay the fees listed below in cash{ or a vehicle ticket, at the cost of 1000 FCFA, plus VAT on transportation, (i.e. If the goods are intended to Bamako The taxes are 10,000 FCFA. Outside of Bamako (in different cities ) or within the sub-region), |it’s 25,000 FCFA}.
  29. The driver will then go for The Port Sec Office in Kati and provides the to the registrar for them to be entered in the truck’s entry register. He then issues an ticket to entry for the driver.
  30. The driver places on the dock, and after that, the broker authorized to do so is informed that he is arriving in the Customs Office in Kati, which then collects the TI manifest from the PSM office.
  31. The authorized broker goes to the Regional Customs Directorate Office located in Kati for processing and to pay payments for the tax/fees required{The authorized broker then pays the required fees and taxes i.e purchase the blank form CCIM for 2000 FCFA where the declaration is printed, as well as the declaration IM4 and the liquidation bulletin that outlines the tax required to be paid, at a cost of 10,000 FCFA. procure the signed TI Declaration[
  32. The broker will then go back for the PORT SEC PSM office to complete the TI declaration and then obtain an PSM invoice that identifies the amount to be paid to the cashier’s office. After that, obtain from the office responsible for the PSM.
  33. Bring the release Slip (“event Notice”) for the Custodian of the PSM and then record the number of the slip that was released as well as the serial number of the truck in a journal before giving the truck away.
  34. The driver should then proceed toward the Mobile Intervention Brigade {MI) and present all originals of these documents{ : Proforma invoice, insurance certificate Intention to import certificate and signed Transit order documentary confirmation certificate and IM8/Diboli statements T1 manifested, Im4 declaration, Declaration signed by the Director of the Research and Intervention Section (original) Release voucher (covered in Research Research) and the BMI agent who then reviews the physical and documentary checks of the items and then releases the goods after he is satisfied with the quality of goods in good order.

Required Documents For Import of Cereals

  • Certificate of insurance
  • identification document
  • Checklist for packing
  • Request for certification
  • Certified check
  • Import intent request
  • Transmit order
  • Tax identification card for tax identification
  • License for import and export
  • RCCM certificate
  • CCIM receipt
  • Intent to import form
  • Proforma invoice
  • {Intention to import Intention to importustoms)
  • Import intention signature bank
  • Import intent signed by”customers” for DGCC and BCEAO.

Office Locations and Contacts

Directorate General of TRADE COMPETITION, CONSUMPTION AND TRAVEL (DGCC)Address: Bamako Coura NIMAGA Building, just in the front of the Odonto Stomatology centre, Bamako 201
Tel: (+223) 20 21 23 14
Fax: (+223) 20 21 80 46

Address: Badalabougou, Route du Rectorat, Bamako
BP: E1489
Tel: (+223) 20 29 58 82/83/84
Fax: (+223) 20 29 58 38

Address: Boulevard de l’Independance, Bamako-Bolibana
PO Box 15
Tel: (+223) 20 22 50 66 / (+223) 20 22 51 11
Web site: link

How to Import of Cereals In Mali
How to Import of Cereals In Mali


Head of Office
Address: Diboli
Tel: (+223)66725768/ (+223)76115956

Agent for Customs
Tel: (+223) 73055400

Address: Kayes
BP: 269
Tel: (+223) 20205774

Port Secrecy (PSM)
Address: Kantikila, Kati
BP: 2454
Tel: (+223) 4497640


Importers that want to import cereals into Mali


The cost estimate is FCFA 45,098,460

Processing Time

The estimated processing time (between {different steps various steps (cumulatively) is between 2 and 15 working days.


Important note
a.Upon payment of the broker’s fees, you could be asked by the broker to cover (in the form of an advance) the charges incurred by the other steps of the process (and that will be covered by the broker as an agent for the person who imports).

  • The cost of storage of the cargo in Dakar will be 500 FFA. the consignment note LV issued through the Malian Council of Road Transporters (CMTR) costs 2500 FCFA at sub-regional level , and 1,000 FCFA at the national level and also the costs for customs that must pay at both the Diboli as well as Kati stage (CCIM printout the IT license fee and additional work).

b.The authorized broker may also handle an Intent to Import Request – but it is not legally required. The importer may complete the procedure themselves (Decree 505 of the 16th October 2000, art. 10).

The Information You Need

  • Details about the importer
  • Contact details for the importer
  • The details of the broker
  • List of products to be imported
  • The country of the source
  • Point of entry

Documentation is needed

The imported cereals have to be declared and in compliance with the customs regulations and the mandatory standard set by Directory General of Trade, Consumption and Competition DGCC in order for to enter Mali.

Information that could be helpful

More information on the required documents and the various processing stages.
Certificate of insurance

  • The owner is required to sign up to an Malian insurance in order to import his products.

Transit order

  • It is this document that authorizes the broker authorized to act for the benefit of the economic operator. The contract makes the latter liable to the broker authorized by the government.

A consignment document (LV)

  • Consignment notes (LV) is an agreement between the shipper with the carrier and shipper. It is a document that reveals the details that the shipment (nature packaging, weight and nature).

Transit declaration (Diboli)

  • It is the document for transit that is issued at the border. The authorized broker is required to issue it and to have it certified by the customs. The charges paid are the IT fee as well as the contribution towards the fund for guarantee (0.25 percent of the value of the merchandise).

Scanning (Kayes)

  • The items transported by the bodies are subject to scanning at the point of entry into the city of Kayes (sealed containers and vehicles aren’t affected).

Controls (Kayes and Kati)

  • A variety of checks are performed on the way to the place of destination by customs officials, the police as well as the gendarmerie and taxes and the brigade for mobile intervention (BMI).

Consumption release (Customs Office Kati)

  • At the customs office in Kati the broker authorized for the owner must fulfill the necessary formalities and pay the customs duty in order to take the merchandise.

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