How to Import of Hydrocarbons In Mali

Import of Hydrocarbons In Mali By Online

  1. Every importer of hydrocarbons is legally required to be insured. Go to an insurance agency and request an insurance certificate for an expense i.e the cost of insurance.
  2. The next step is to go to an authorized custom broker’s office and provide one of the copies of the initial insurance certificate as well as the packing list for the imported items, which will be examined by an authorized official. Upon this, you will be advised to settle broker fees by check, cash or Bank transfer. Once you have made the payment the broker will issue you with a transit-order.
  3. The importer will require an official cheque drawn by your bank in order to pay the amount for the Import Verification Program (PVI). This amount will equal 0.75 percent of the value of the merchandise. The request can be made on normal paper or on an application form that you can obtain from your bank. You then make a request for a cheque certificate and the check at the counter at the bank. If the request is approved, you will receive the cheque that is certified within 30 minutes.
  4. Head to the Bivac Mali Bureau veritas office, and bring the importer’s intention original copy for verification at the office of the counter agents who will issue you with a verification document”VA.
  5. Your broker or the importer should visit your broker or importer to visit the Directory General of Trade, Consumption and Competition DGCC, CNPM agents office. Make 2 copies of the form to import intent Fill them in accurately, and attach the following original copies:”Certified check,” Insurance certificate, Transit order” to be checked through the agents.
  6. An official copy of the intent to import that is issued through the DGCC is then sent along with all supporting documents (request to import intent and invoice) to Bamako BIVAC office. Bamako BIVAC office to be examined.
  7. When the file is received, after receiving the file, the Bamako BIVAC office issues a number sequential and electronically communicates the request to import the file for importation to BIVAC Regional Centres (CRE).
  8. The concerned CRE contact the seller and asks to provide information regarding the technical specifications of the product as well as copies of the proforma invoice, and the location and time to conduct the inspection.
  9. The day of the inspection the CRE will send inspectors to examine the quality, quantity of goods, tariff headings, prices of the goods, etc. If the goods are in good condition and satisfied with its findings, CRE will issue an AvD Verification Certificate (AVD), in the event that the goods are required to be subject to corrections in the event of anomalies. CRE issue an Notice to Refuse Attestation (ARA).
  10. The certificate (AVD or the Certificate (AVD or) is sent electronically via CRE, to be sent electronically by Bamako Liaison Office, to be given to the importer through the Counter Service of the BIVAC-Mali Bureau.
  11. Submit the required documents: Tax identification card, RCCM certificate or Import/Export license. DGCC, General Secretariat office for registration in the DGCC computer database. You will be issued dump.
  12. The importer will be required to communicate verbally your name to the company to whom you are purchasing the CCIM receipt is issued, after payment of your CCIM cost of FCFA 1,500 dollars in cash to the CCIM agent in the DGCC office.
  13. Importers should get 2 copies of the intent for Import Form to the broker you have authorized and they have an electronic version which they are able to share on request. Submit them with the following original copies of documents: CCIM receipt, Transit order, 3 copies of Insurance certificate to the Single widow registration office located at the DGCC office. They will then record the information and approved with an agency.
  14. The DGCC agent examines the compliance with the file. in the event of an issue the file is sent to be corrected, if the file is in good order, the file will be sent through the inner circuit within the single window of processing, and affixing the visa on the intent of importing documents (6 duplicates) to be picked up by the applicant within five working days.
  15. Then, you should submit these documents: International Bank for Mali, {an invoice in the form of a roforma, customer account number, intent for import (Customs/importer) Signature of intention to import (Bank) and a signed import intent (Bank to BCEAO) Import intent that is signed (Customs in the case of DGCC as well as BCEAO) must be confirmed by the bank’s business manager.
  16. you will then be advised to pay a fee of FCFA 4,680 in cash or by direct debit and then you will be issued a signed
  17. Check out the DGCC office and present the Intention to Import (Customs) Document to one-stop shop verification and the ventilation room agent. The document will be verified and to be transmitted.
  18. After the consignment is entered after the entry of the consignment, visit at the Regional Customs Directorate in Diboli and hand in an official Senegalese transit declaration document to the customs agent for it for recording in a book in order to determine how many trucks that pass through the customs station. The customs agent will issue an invoice indicating the date when the consignment was removed.
  19. The broker who is authorized goes to the customs department on the date of withdrawal to get the Senegalese transit declaration. He provides the number of the declaration. The document is then withdrawn against discharge in a register.
  20. The broker should then head to the customs controller’s office to submit the form to request additional workers. This form should be stamped and signed by the broker. He then attaches the Senegalese transit notice. Then, he presents it to the customs officer who will then ask for his signature. If the Office Manager is not present. the broker will be instructed that he must pay FCFA 10,000 in cash per shipment.
  21. The broker leaves the complete dossier (including payments receipts) to the brigade agent. The brigade’s officer transfers an office administrator the files for the purpose of carrying out the document control. The office manager then sends files to brigade’s head who, along with his agents arranges the physical control of the goods while in presence of an approved broker. He then sends that file (Senegalese transit declaration as well as the payment acknowledgement for the TS) and the payment receipt to the broker following the inspection.
  22. The importer should then go towards then go to the CCIM agents section after which you’ll be advised to pay FCFA to pay 2000 cash and you can also get the CCIM Blank form.
  23. The broker who is authorized to do so, then create the declaration of transit IM8 that is online through the ASYCUDA system. After completing the declaration, the broker must take it to print and sign it, then stamp it.
  24. If you are an importer, then you should visit then the Regional Customs Directorate in Dibola and hand in an IM8 IM8 for the customs officer in the account office . You can then get the Liquidation bulletin. It lists all the costs that must be paid to customs.
  25. Go to the customs agent to make payment on the liquidation slip. Then, you will get an invoice for the payment. After that, go to the brigade section to present your documents (receipt, IM8 declaration, Senegalese transit declaration to|) to the|to} agent who will verify the accuracy of the document and issues the T1 declaration that has been signed as well as an Escort order.
  26. The driver/importer will then hand over the documents of transit (IM8 as well as T1) to the agents who are located at the Same checkpoint (located near the entry point to Kayes) and they will forward the documents towards the Customs Office (entry post) to be scanned for the car, the goods and the issuance of the passage ticket.
  27. The following original documents : Driver’s license, Gray Card, Thumbnail, must be brought to the gendarmerie and police checkpoints located in the Regional Customs Directorate in Kaye to be checked and you are then advised to pay the following charges in cash{ , a vehicle exist ticket for 1000 FCFA, plus VAT on transportation, (i.e. If the item is destined to Bamako The taxes are 10,000 FCFA. In the case of goods outside Bamako (in different cities ) or in the sub-region), |it’s 25,000 FCFA}.
  28. The driver then goes for Kati to Petroleum Product Office in Kati and provides the original copies of the to the registrar, to be registered in the entry register of the truck and issue the admission voucher for each driver.
  29. The driver park his truck near the BPP park entrance , and informs the broker authorized of his arrival to allow the broker to complete the formalities for customs clearance prior to taking the vehicle off.
  30. The broker is then taken for the Petroleum Product Office and recover’s the TI manifested, the BIVAC bulletin, the S110 statement unit.
  31. The broker purchases directly from the representatives of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mali (CCIM) the CCIM blank printout form the cost of FCFA 2000. On this form, the declaration of the broker will be printed, as well as the declaration IM4 and the liquidation bulletin that outlines the tax requirements that have to be paid, at a cost of 10,000 FCFA. procure a signed T1 Declaration and signed exist permit[
  32. The person in charge at BPP park entrance BPP park entrance examines the documentation (gray card and sticker, as well as the insurance) of the vehicle as well as the size and nature of the tanker truck as per the permit for exit. If everything is in order the driver receives the registration certificate for the vehicle along with the insurance certificate , and then allows the vehicle to go.

Required Documents For Import of Hydrocarbons

  • Certificate of insurance
  • List of packing materials
  • Check the certification request
  • Certified check
  • Import intent request
  • Transmit order
  • Tax identification card for tax identification
  • License to import/export
  • RCCM certificate
  • CCIM receipt
  • Request for Intent to Import Form
  • Proforma invoice
  • {Intention to import The intention to importustoms)
  • Import intention signature Bank
  • Import intent signed by”customers” for BCEAO and DGCC.

Office Locations and Contacts

Directorate General of Trade COMPETITION, CONSUMPTION and CONSUMPTION (DGCC)Address: Bamako Coura NIMAGA building just in the vicinity of the Odonto Stomatology centre, Bamako 201
Tel: (+223) 20 21 23 14
Fax: (+223) 20 21 80 46

Address: Badalabougou, Route du Rectorat, Bamako
BP: E1489
Tel: (+223) 20 29 58 82/83/84
Fax: (+223) 20 29 58 38

Address: Boulevard de l’Independance, Bamako-Bolibana
PO Box 15
Tel: (+223) 20 22 50 66 / (+223) 20 22 51 11
Site: link

How to Import of Hydrocarbons In Mali
How to Import of Hydrocarbons In Mali


Head of Office
Address: Diboli
Tel: (+223)66725768/ (+223)76115956

Agent for Customs
Tel: (+223) 73055400

Address: Kayes
BP: 269
Tel: (+223) 20205774

Port Secrecy (PSM)
Address: Kantikila, Kati
BP: 2454
Tel: (+223) 44976400

Address: Faladie, Bamako
Tel: (+223) 20-20-91-52


Importers that wish to import hydrocarbon products into Mali


Estimated cost: FCFA 45,053,180

Processing Time

The estimated processing time (between {different steps various steps (cumulatively) is between 2 and 9 working days.


Important note
a.Upon payment of the broker’s fees, you might be required by the broker to cover (in in advance) the charges relating to the remaining stages of the process (and that will be covered by the broker as agent of the company that imports).

  • These expenses are related to storage of the cargo in Dakar at 500 FCFA. the consignment note LV issued from the Malian Council of Road Transporters (CMTR) costs 2500 FCFA at sub-regional level , and 1,000 FCFA at the national level and also the costs for customs which will need to be paid on the Diboli or Kati levels (CCIM printout and IT license fees and additional work).

b.The authorized broker may also be in charge of this Intent to Import Request – however, this isn’t an obligation under the law. The importer is able to perform the process by himself (Decree 505 of the 16th October 2000, art. 10).

The Information You Need

  • Information about the importer
  • Contact information of the importer
  • The details of the broker
  • List of items to be imported by the importer
  • Country of source
  • Point of entry

The Document is required

Imported Hydrocarbon products have to be declared and in compliance with the rules of customs and the required standards as laid out by Directory General of Trade, Consumption and Competition DGCC for to enter Mali.

Information that could be helpful

More information on the required documents and the various processing stages

  • Certificate of insurance

The owner is required to join an Malian insurance policy to import his products.

  • Transmit order

Transit orders are the documents that allows the authorized broker to work for the benefit of the economic operator. The document makes the latter liable to the broker authorized by the government.

  • A consignment notice (LV)

Consignment notes (LV) is an agreement between the carrier as well as the shipping company. It is a document that reveals the details for the item (nature of the cargo, its packaging and weight).

  • A declaration of transit to Diboli (motor vehicles ) by an person)

This document is the one that is that is issued at the border. The authorized broker is required to notify the border agency and get it stamped by the customs. After having paid the customs duty at the point of departure (Bamako) the authorized broker is required to pay the IT charges.

  • Consignment to Bamako

The broker authorized by the operator, on behalf of the owner, completes the formalities and is able to provide the amount of taxes and duties to be paid at the one-stop car clearance center. The payment is made when the vehicle is brought into Bamako.

  • Find the T1 from Diboli

The T1 is an official document for transit that is validated by customs. It is the document used to take charge of the merchandise. It is the electronic representation of the statement in the IM8 transit document that is issued by the authorized broker for the destination office.

  • Controls in between Same Kati and Same Kati

A variety of checks are performed on the way to the place of destination by customs officers, police and the gendarmerie, as well as BMI, the Mobile Intervention Brigade (BMI).

  • The customs clearing at One Stop Shop in Bamako

The Bamako one-stop shop is the only one with the authority to accept the payment of customs duty with motor vehicles. The broker authorized to do so completes the formalities on behalf of the owner. But, it is important to remember this: the fact that you pay customs duty does not mean that the vehicle is registered. The registration requirements must be fulfilled at the Regional Directorate of Transport (ONT).

  • Register with the Regional Department of Transport (ONT)

After paying the customs fees The broker who is authorized to do so for the benefit of the driver must visit the ONT in order to get the registration of his vehicle. The license plates will be issued following paying the stamp duty.

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