How To Importing goods In Cameroon

How To Importing goods In Cameroon

1.The Cameroon procedures of obtaining an import permit have been made simpler. The person applying for the import license must follow the steps below:

  • Begin by obtaining a business register as well as a taxpayers’ card issued by the Ministry of Economy and Finance;
  • Visit the Ministry of Commerce and register;
  • If you intend to import goods that exceed CFA 2,000,000, inform that the Societe Camerounaise de Surveillance (SGS);
  • After registration, begin to clear customs tariffs, and
  • Next, arrange for transportation.

2.The Union of Central African States CAEMIC / CAEMC has some temporary admissions granted to imports.

  • The standard permanent system of admission. It is a permit for exporters who are likely to return their materials for export after having spent several days on the territory of customs. For this, the exporter is required to follow these steps the following:
  • The applicant has to submit the an application for approval to Director General Customs.
  • The customs officer scrutinizes the application, and a final decision is based on convention, an act of committees or the Union of Central African States or on the customs regulations.
  • If the proof is found applicant is found to be a successful one, they go to customs for a an official declaration under D18 mode.
  • The temporary admission system is a special one allows exporters who plan to import for a short period
  • The applicant has to submit the an application for approval to Director General Customs.
  • The customs officer scrutinizes the application and a final decision is based on convention, an act by committee of Union of Central African States or on the customs regulations.
  • If the proof is found applicant is found to be a successful one, they go to customs for a an official declaration under D18 mode.

3.Traders might decide to rely the advantage of specific procedures to clear. They can include:

  • Clearance at home aids the customer to take their goods out of entry points. To be able to carry out this method, the applicant must:
  • Have evidence of significant and consistent flow of transactions between other countries, for equipment, raw materials and accessories for them;
  • Recognized as having solvency
  • Redrawal in hoist and direct withdrawal
  • The term “withdrawal” refers to the removal of items directly from the vessel and being transported to an edging store. In this instance, the declaration should be cleared and verified prior to when the ship arrives. vessel.

Direct withdrawal. In this scenario, the goods are initially taken to a wedge store , and the withdrawal process is swiftly completed because the declaration is compiled.

Documents that are required Importing goods

  • Tax clearance documents / certificate
  • Import permits (for the importation of a certain good or service)
  • Documents for Customs Clearance
  • Copies of Commercial invoices and an invoice of the lading for all import goods.
  • The agreement or approval certificate (acknowledging that the business owner has the capacity of an importer)
  • Bank transactions must be documented (if the amount is greater than 2,000,000)
  • Pre- shipment inspection certificate
  • License for automobiles (for vehicles)

Office Locations and Contacts

1.Ministre des Finances (MINFI)

Telephone: (237)22220079

Fax: (237)22233717

2.Direction Gnrale des Douanes (DGD

Telephone: (237)22202546

Fax: (237)22203771



3.The Societe Camerounaise de Surveillance, SGS

Director for Customs Valuation

Telephone: (+237) 22-20 2541


4.Agence des Normes et de la Qualite, ANOR

National Agency for Standards and Quality

The General Director Charles Botoo a Ngon

P.O Box 14996 Yaound, Cameroon


Telephone: +237) 2222-6496


What Are All The Eligibility

Anyone who is able to meet the requirements for importation to Cameroon.


The Common External Tariff (TEC) 5-30% 1. Needs-based goods 5. Material and Equipment 10 3. Semi-processed) products 30 percent 4. Consumption imported goods 30% Value Add-on Tax 19.25 percent
There aren’t any importation costs for countries that are part of CAEMC, the Union of Central African States CAEMC. There is only a value-added tax applied;


There is no validity time provided that one fulfills the criteria, and they are able to import at any time.


1. Be aware of all regulations from the government and custom rules, clearances and duty tax;

2. Be aware of import permits;

3. Beware of restricted and banned items

4. Check that the markings on the transport and numbers match exactly on the invoices and in the goods.

5. Send documents within 48 hours of the date of arrival for a shipment;

6. Labeling must be written in both French as well as English;

7. Labels should include where the label originated, the name as well as the address for manufacturer.

8. Acceptable goods that are subject to withdrawal under hoist or direct withdrawal are perishable, heavy and perishable products.

9. A person applying for a visa must ensure that they declare every import to customs.

The Information You Need

1. Name and address of importer

2. The details of the products or services that are imported (the names and quality of the product or service being received)

3. The cost of purchasing the good

4. Country from which the products or services are coming from

5. The reason for the delay of the item and the period of time that the material is within the customs (temporary admission)

The document is needed

Importing refers to the importation of goods or services into one nation from another. Since Cameroon is part of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (in French, CEMAC) It has adopted procedures for importation of the union. The member countries share a common currency, which is administered by a shared central bank. They have a similar legal and financial structure and have the same external tariffs on imports from other CEMAC countries.

Information that could be helpful

  • In Cameroon In Cameroon, it is the Department of Price Control, Weights and Measures is the official department that responsible for regulating imports of goods.
  • If a contractor is planning to import equipment or other supplies for public contracts and the obligations are part of the government’s investment the contractor can obtain an exemption from duty through the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Other uses for the document/certificate

  • Nationals have the opportunity to purchase things that aren’t available at the local store;
  • Importation can boost the income of a nation;
  • It promotes international trade
  • Jobs are created when foreigners establish companies to import into the country.

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