How to Inter Country adoption In Ireland

Inter Country adoption In Ireland By Online

The assessment of suitability is only conducted through the regional adoption services provided by the HSE or the recognized Adoption Society. You can contact Adoption Authority for information on accredited adoption societies. Adoption Authority for information on accredited Adoption Societies.

Required Documents For Inter Country adoption

  • A letter of intent informing you of the country you will be taking your adoption from
  • Photocopies of passports (and the passport of your partner)
  • Two passport-sized photographs of yourself (and the spouse of two)
  • It is the Declaration of Eligibility and Suitability (not a duplicate)
  • An email from the Adoption Authority stating how many children you can adopt.

Office Locations and Contacts

Adoption Authority of Ireland

Shelbourne House
Shelbourne Road
Dublin 4

Tel: (01) 230 9300 Homepage: Email:

Adoptive Parents Association of Ireland

Ms. Helen Gilmartin
Co. Wicklow

Tel: +353 (0) 404 45184 Fax: +353 (0) 404 45700 Email:

International Adoption Association (Ireland)

Terenure Enterprise Centre
17 Rathfarnham Road
Dublin 6W

Tel: (01) 499 2206 Fax: (01) 490 3238 Homepage: Email:


Residents of Ireland who are seeking to adopt in another country must ensure that their eligibility and suitability are determined prior to their travel abroad, in the event that their adoption decision is to be recognised by Irish law.

Adoption Act 2010 Adoption Act 2010 commenced on 1 November 2010 and created an Adoption Authority. It also resulted in Irelands adoption of the Convention on Protection of Children and Co-Operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (the Hague Convention). Since then, the only countries that are recognized by Ireland to adopt intercountry are those who have signed the Hague Convention or those that they have a bilateral deal with. Anyone who has been granted a certificate of eligibility and the ability to adopt prior to that date are able to adopt from a non-Hague bi-lateral or non-bilaterally negotiated country if it is confirmed by the Adoption Authority is satisfied that the country’s standards conform to the Hague Convention.

If you are considering adopting outside of one of the Hague Convention country you should be sure:

  • The adoption is in accordance with the conditions and terms in the Hague Convention
  • The agency or agent you choose to work with is certified with the Central Authority in the country you’d like to adopt from
  • The agency you hire can provide an official Article 23 Certificate from a Competent Authority in that country for your adoption

Information about the Hague Convention and a list of Central Authorities, Accredited Bodies and Competent Authorities is available through the Hague Conventions website.

Assessment process

If you want to adopt in a different country, you must to go through an assessment conducted from the Health Service Executive (HSE) or an accredited Adoption Society. The report of the assessment is transferred on to the Adoption Authority. It is the Adoption Authority is an independent legal body that is responsible for making statements of eligibility as well as the suitability to adopt internationally. This is crucial, since you’ll need to provide these documents to authorities of foreign adoption to prove that you are accepted for adoption in another country. The Declaration runs for twelve months.

When choosing the Country of Origin

Before you decide on the nation you’re planning to adopt it is important to be aware of:

  • If the law of adoption in the nation is recognized by Irish Law.
  • If the adoption is recognized when you return home.
  • The most important requirement for the recognition granted under Irish law for an intercountry adoption requires that the adoption is fully in line in accordance with the terms of an international adoption that is defined by Irish Law. It is the duty to Adoption Authority Adoption Authority to decide whether the law under which an international adoption is carried out conforms to the specifications of Irish law, and also to decide whether the order from abroad is eligible to be recognized in this country.
  • It is crucial to verify in advance with your local Adoption Authority whether the adoption law of the country you’re looking to adopt in is compatible in accordance with Irish adoptive law. This will allow you avoid embarking on an expensive and time-consuming procedure that is not legally recognized in Ireland.
  • An extensive list of accepted countries is available through the Adoption Authority. If you have any questions regarding a specific country, you can reach the Authority directly to obtain more information. Adopters who want to adopt from one of these countries submit their applications to the appropriate Central Authority for adoption via the Adoption Authority. Children who are referred for adoption of these states are handled via the Adoption Authority and no third parties are involved in the process of adoption.

Looking for a Referral

If you’ve decided on the country of your origin it is important to request an appointment with an adoption agency or foundation within the country of origin. You can make this request through the Adoption Authority in the case of any of the countries mentioned above and directly through the country of your origin. You must ensure whether the agency that you are considering is trustworthy and any fees are transparent and are paid for.

In all cases you should contact the agency:

  • Information about the child this is vital because it could affect your decision on your capacity to raise the child.
  • Medical information, which is what medical issues the child may have. Parents’ groups often recommend to collect the necessary medical information, and have it translated in a way that is independent. It’s also possible to consider the types of health checks or vaccinations your child could require, and whether you or another members of your family may require vaccination. An early awareness of any possible issues will be of huge advantage to your child since any intervention he or she may require could be implemented as fast as is possible.
  • If your child has spent time in an institution, you may have concerns about “Post-Institutionalisation”. The Parents’ Network for Post-Institutionalised Children (PNPIC) will be helpful.

If you’re thinking about an international adoption, it’s important to speak with other parents of adoptive children. They usually have firsthand knowledge in the adoption process, and are in a position to provide guidance and assistance.

Immigration Clearance

In order for the child to become a citizen of the state, immigration approval is required from the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) located in the Department of Justice and Equality. The approval will be granted after the individuals who are planning to adopt from abroad have completed the assessment procedure and have received an official declaration of their eligibility and suitability to their favor through the Adoption Authority.

To request an Immigration Clearance Letter, you have to mail your request to:

Foreign Adoptions Unit,
Immigration Services Section,
Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service,
First Floor, 13/14 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2
Tel: (01) 616 7700,
Local local number: 1890 551 500 (10.00 am until 12.30 midnight, from Monday through Friday)

It is necessary to include:

  • A letter of acceptance informing you of the country you will be transferring to from
  • The passport photocopy (and that of your spouse’s)
  • Two passport-sized photographs of yourself (and one of your partners)
  • It is the Declaration of Eligibility and Suitability (not an exact copy)
  • The letter of the Adoption Authority stating how many children you can adopt.

These will be sent back to you along with the Immigration Clearance Letter, when cleared. You’ll need to show your approval to an immigration officer upon your go back to Ireland.

The Child is collected and brought to Home

Laws for adoption abroad differ widely. The agency that handles adoption in the country of your choice will help you navigate the procedure.

If you travel to the country to collect your child, you’ll stay for a few days, or even longer. It is important to use your time properly:

  • Discover the kid’s life through the years: his or her surroundings, daily routine and play. Also, learn about the relationship with other children. This will help for managing the transition into the new house.
  • Gather any documents/photographs and other items that you could include in the child’s “storybook” of their life.
  • Allow your child the chance to observe you in your “safe” space that can assist with the process of introducing an unfamiliar family.

Requirements Information

  • Full name
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • The country and the place where you were born are recorded on the Birth Certificate
  • Identification Number of the Person
  • Current Nationality
  • Address of residence

The Document is required

In Ireland recently, there has been a growing number of adoptions by children from abroad. The residents of Ireland who are looking to adopt abroad must be able to have an eligibility assessment and their suitability evaluated and verified prior to traveling to another country.



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