How to Notification requirements for Marriage In Ireland

Notification requirements for Marriage In Ireland By Yourself

Submit the three month marriage certificate to any Registrar, but it the notification must be delivered in the person of the couple.

Required Documents For Notification requirements for Marriage

  • Passports can be used to identify yourself.
  • Birth Certificates (must be stamped with an apostille If they are not issued by the Civil Registration Service in Ireland)
  • Original decrees of divorce regarding all prior divorces, if one of you divorced. Additional details will be required if the divorce was a foreign divorce , and you’ll need an official English copy of the decree of divorce.
  • Original dissolutions for any previous civil partnerships, if one of you is the dissolution of a civil partnership
  • Nullity decree final as well as an official letter from the court to confirm that there was no appeal filed or filed if you was a part of an annulled marriage or civil partnership which has been annulled in an Irish Court
  • Death certificate of the spouse who died and the previous marriage certificate in case one of you has been widowed.
  • PPS Numbers

Office Locations and Contacts

You can find a list of Registrars offices by following the link below

Contact details for your local Registrar are also available from your Local Health Office in the Health Service Executive (HSE)


You must pay an additional fee of 150 for notification.


From 5 November 2007 the couple who is planning to marry are required be able to provide notice in person of their intentions to marry to the Registrar in the minimum of 3 months prior to the date for the wedding. The notice may be made an Registrar of any kind.

If you schedule an appointment to see the Registrar,, you will be advised of the details and documents you have to bring. In general both you and your prospective spouse must bring the necessary documents.

You must also give details about your planned wedding, such as:

  • If it’s either a religious or civil ceremony
  • The date and place of the wedding
  • Information about the proposed solemniser for the wedding
  • The names and birth dates of the witnesses proposed
  • Additionally, you will need to pay a fee for notification of 150.

In order to attend the Registrar’s office you’ll have to provide a statement of no restriction.

The Registrar will send acknowledgement to both of you and to the solemniser proposed of the wedding, acknowledging the date of the receipt of the notice. It does not give you the right to get married.

If all the necessary information is provided and there is no obstacle to the marriage the Registrar will provide you with the Wedding Registration Form.

Notifications via post

  • If you or your loved ones are in another country or are in a position to not attend the Registration Office due to serious illness, you must seek out a Registrar for permission to send your three month notice via mail. If you are granted permission and the Registrar is notified, the Registrar will email an application form that you have to fill out and return.
  • It is still necessary to arrange to meet with the Registrar at least five days before the wedding to sign the formal declaration. This is necessary before the Marriage Registration Form can be issued.

Court Exemption Order

  • In some special situations such as the event of a severe illness, you may be able to obtain an Court Exemption Order allowing the marriage to go ahead without the three-month notice. Contact either your local Circuit Family Court or the High Court in the area in which you reside for more information on what you can do.
  • This is a non-formal process. You can make an application in person (without employing a lawyer). There is no fee for the court to file an application for an Court Exemption Order. If you do hire an attorney representing you you’ll be required to pay the lawyer. The court will ask that you show:
    • There are good reasons to submit the application
    • The granting of An Exemption Order is in the best interest of both people who are planning to marry.
  • If you’re granted the Court Exemption Order, you must still arrange to meet with the Registrar minimum 5 days prior to the date the wedding date in order to sign the marriage certificate. This is necessary before the Marriage Registration Form can be issued.

No impediment to the declaration

  • If you visit the Registrar, you’ll be asked to make a signature in the presence of the Registrar an affirmation that you are aware of no legal impediment to your marriage proposal.

Marriage Registration Form

  • The Marriage Registration Form (MRF) is a kind of marriage licence. It permits couples to get married and you need one to be married legally in Ireland. If there’s no obstacle to the marriage, the Registrar can issue an MRF. In the event that you can bring documents and the information needed at the time of the meeting the Registrar could be in a position to issue an MRF immediately.
  • If the wedding does not occur within six months from the date of marriage as stated on the MRF the new MRF is needed if you intend to get married. You must follow the notification process.

Requirements Information

  • 1st and 2nd Party Surname and forename
  • PPS number (if it is known)
  • Date of marriage
  • Location of Marriage and the denomination (if any)

The Document is required

  • Since the enactment part 6 of the Civil Registration Act 2004, those who notify a Registrar post five November 2007 that they have an intent to be married in Ireland must provide three months’ notice personally to the Registrar. This applies to all weddings that are solemnized by a Registrar or in accordance to religious ceremonies and rites. The Registrar doesn’t have been the sole Registrar of the region in which you live or the place you plan to get married.
  • You must make an appointment to see the Registrar to receive the notice. To ensure that the notice is sent at least three months prior to the date that you planned to get married, it is recommended to schedule your appointment at least a month before the date.
  • If you’re planning to marry in a civil ceremony, and a different person will be the solemnizing the wedding, you should be in touch with the Office of the Registrar’s Office for the district that you are planning to marry in.

External Links

Public service Information Notification requirements for marriage

Part 6 of the Civil Registration Act 2004

Getting married by religious ceremony



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