How to Obtain a Drivers License In Isle Of Man

Obtain a Drivers License In Isle Of Man By Online

Isle of Man driving licence Isle of Man driving licence comes in two parts:

  • Part 1. A photograph card that contains the photo of the license holder as well as the name, address and date of birth for the driver. The layout of the photo card can be compared to that of the European Community Driving Licence.
  • Part 2 . A note that contains additional details and limitations of the license.

Both of the parts have to be signed and retained by the holder of the licence for it to become valid. Both of them also display the types of vehicles that the owner is allowed to drive, whether as qualified drivers (‘F”= ‘Full Licence’) or as a less sedentary driver (‘P”= ‘Provisional Entitlement’). Limitations on driving privileges are indicated by codes that are placed alongside each category. Their significance is explained in part 2 of the licence.

Applications for an driver’s licence can be downloaded on the internet or purchased from Post Offices in the Isle of Man as well as Department of Infrastructure’s license office

Ground Floor
Sea Terminal Building
Isle of Man

Filling out the form and paying the application cost

  • The payment can take forms of cheque that is payable at IOM Post, unless you are sending the application back in the Department of Infrastructure and then the cheque will be made due to the “Isle The Man’s Government’. Please ensure that the cheque is crossed , and the name of your address are inscribed on the back of your cheque.
  • You may also make your application at all Post Office counters and payment can be made with a debit card, cash, cheque or postal payment.

Renewal of Your License

  • License holders will be notified about renewal of their license 1 month before the expiration date. License holders are also able to choose to renew the license for up 2 months in advance of the expiration date.
  • Reminders are sent out to the address on the driver’s licence system, consequently if you changed your address but did not notify the licensing office of the change, you won’t receive a reminder that your driving license will expire. It is legal to inform the licensing office about a change in address.
  • Name change for address or name form

Limited Emergency Licences

Emergency driving licences are obtained through the payment of 32 in addition to the regular cost. Driving licenses issued in an emergency can be obtained at the Post Office Licensing Office, located opposite Hyundai Garage, Cooil Road, Braddan, Isle of Man. It is available from Monday through the Friday (except Bank Holidays) 9:00 to 5pm. For more information, call us at +44 1624-698525.


  • You are driving while your application being processed
Full license applicants are able to continue driving unless they are removed from the driving test or have been advised by a medical professional not to operate a vehicle. Additionally, those with expired licenses should not drive until they have received a new license, so make sure to submit an application for renewals in advance.
  • Provisional licenses:
First Time applicants are not allowed to drive until they get their licence. If you are renewing your license, you can continue driving as long as your license is in good standing, otherwise you will need to wait for the new license to be issued.
  • Personal changes:
You should inform your Licensing Office of any changes in your personal situation through the form DL1 to cover medical reasons, or the form D2 for any changes in your name or address. The address should be the address at which you reside on your home on the Isle of Man. Failure to inform any pertinent medical condition changes is a criminal offense that can result in the maximum fine of 1,000.

Required Documents For Obtain a Drivers License

The address you have on your ID must be the address that you live in the Isle of Man. A club, business or hotel address will not be accepted if the applicant does not reside in the Isle of Man. When applying for a provisional license your first time fresh applications, and replacing a lost licenses require two forms of proof of identity, which include evidence of age and photo identity, for instance, passport and birth certificate. A photo that has been endorsed can be used as a proof of identity as well. Applicants can make use of both of their current license to prove their identity. The identity document will be sent along with the application in order to allow the security check to be conducted. Renewal applications may make use of their existing license as proof of identity. The use of bank cards is not used as proof of identification with no an exception.
  • Photographs
All applications must contain the most recent passport-sized colour photo of the applicant photographed with their face fully open without hat or dark glasses photographed on photographic paper and not mounted. The identity of the person applying on the back of the photo.
Endorsed Photograph: Missing new provisional, new and all renewal applications for licenses must be accompanied by the photograph in colour which has been endorsed on the reverse by writing “I certify that this photo is an exact representation of (title or title)’. The endorser should fill out the appropriate section of an application form. It can be done by the British citizens, British subject or citizen of the commonwealth who has been in contact with you for at least two years. The applicant must have the qualifications of legislator justice of peace minister of religion advocate, bank employee police officer or school teacher, a reputable civil employee, doctor, or other person with similar standing. Note that someone with similar standing can only be approved in the sole discretion of the Licensing Office. A family member shouldn’t be able to countersign. A person who countersigns should not be allowed to do so. Licensing Office will check authenticity of countersignatures and in specific circumstances may request additional documents to prove identity.

Office Locations and Contacts

It is possible to visit any post office located in Isle Of man and apply for a driver’s license. Here is a website that provides further details about it: More details


The applicant must be 16 years old in order to have the ability to drive one of the following vehicles:

  • Invalid carriage. A carriage that is invalid a motor vehicle that weighs less than 254kgs unladen. It is made and built, not simply adapted, to be used by an individual suffering from a physical impairment or disability, and only for use by that person
  • Tractor for agricultural use
  • Motor car (which is a good vehicle that weighs not more than 3,050kgs unladen)
  • Motorbikes for children not over 125cc, mower or pedestrian-controlled vehicle

The applicant must be 17 years of age to have the ability to drive one of the following vehicles:

  • Motor tricycle (for instance, Reliant Robin), and motor bike (other than a learner’s motor bicycle).

The applicant must be 21 years of age have the ability to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any other vehicle, as well as all public service vehicle (minibus or bus). A licence issued by the Road Traffic Licensing Committee is required for driving any public service vehicle.


To get a Provisional license:

  • First issue 21.
It covers the cost of providing an hazard perception and theory test DVD, along with a temporary licence.
  • Renewal: 17

To get a complete license:

  • For people who are under the age of 65 : 35
  • For those over 66 For those aged 66: 32
  • For those over 67 Age: 29
  • Age 68 for those who have reached 68 For those who are 26
  • For those over 69 Age: 23
  • For those over 70 20 years old or older
  • For those over 71 For those aged 71: 17
  • For people who are 72 years old or over: 14
  • For licenses granted on medical grounds with a shorter term:
    • 3 years: 14
    • One or two years 9

Others Fees

  • Adding groups/categories: 17
  • Eliminating endorsements 17
  • Duplicate license: 17
  • Licenses issued for medical grounds, for a reduced-term:
    • 3 years: 14
    • 1 – 2 Years 9

emergency licenses Additional 32 dollars to regular cost


Full license:

  • For people who are under the age of 10 years of age
  • For those who are 66 years old 9 years old
  • For those who are 67 years old 8 years old
  • Age 68 for those who have 7 years
  • For those who are 69 years old : 6 years old
  • Age 70 and over 5 years old or older
  • For those who are 71 years old 4 years old
  • For those who are aged 72 or older : 3 Years

Licenses granted on medical grounds can be valid for three years, two years, or one year.


Driving licences can be obtained through Isle of Man Post, they are licensed by the Department of Infrastructure to issue driving licences. The office for licensing at the Department of Infrastructure deals with applications for driving licences for new residents who have moved to the island and also addresses concerns concerning medical qualifications to drive..

The Document is required

A driver’s license is a legally valid license issued by the State. It demonstrates a person’s ability to drive a motorized vehicle like a motorcycle or truck, car or bus, on public roads. Laws regarding the issuance of licenses differ in each jurisdiction.



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