How to Obtain Business Residence permit (BPR) In Malawi

Obtain Business Residence permit (BPR) In Malawi By Online

  1. Make sure you have all the necessary documents required for this application.
  2. Check out the Malawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC) One Stop Service Centre (OSSC) office in your area to get the application form.
  3. Fill out the application form, and attach all required documents in one file
  4. Visit the OSSC office of the department of immigration to fill out your application in full.
  5. The representative will scrutinize the application to confirm whether it is in compliance with all criteria.
  6. After the verification of the application is completed After verification, you must pay the upfront fee in the amount of $1100 to an FDH Bank Counter located in any of the Immigration offices. You will then receive the receipt for payment.
  7. Once you have paid upon payment, the BPR will be registered in your passport . Other processes are in progress to create your actual passport.
  8. Your application will go through additional security checks. You are required to go to the OSSC office to have fingerprints to be taken, and to conclude the security process.
  9. After the process at the end of the process, these documents are delivered directly to the Ministry of home Affairs and Internal Security to be approved by the minister.
  10. When you have met all the application conditions, your BRP Permit Certificate will be issued and you will need to pick it up at the MITC office.

Application Online

  1. Go to the Malawi E-Permit Portal using this hyperlink: Apply Online
  2. You can create an account simply by clicking the “Login” link on the information bar. Select “create your account” then set your account and login.
  3. After you’ve logged into your account, click “New” in the bar of information to start your application. Once you have logged in, open the Drop box. Scroll down until you find “Business Residence Permit BPR” and an additional drop box will open. Within it, choose the category of permit you would like to submit an application for .i.e. Trade, Manufacturing etc.
  4. Scroll down the page to read about the permit. Cross verify that you’ve got the documents required
  5. On the last page, click “Apply Today” to begin your application
  6. Complete all of the information required on all the forms and send your application to be processed and the issuance of your BRP Permit

Required Documents For Obtain Business Residence permit (BPR)

  • Complete application forms must be submitted in duplicate
  • Two passport size photos
  • Business Registration Certificate Certificate of Incorporation as well as *Articles of Organization
  • Police clearance report from the country of origin
  • Profile or business plan
  • Bank statement not less than USD50,000.
a. The Bank Statement has to be taken from a Malawian Bank
b. The US$50,000 must be transferred to the account from outside the country.
3. C. Bank account must have a business Account that is registered under the company name
D. It is suggested that the Bank Account be an account that is a Foreign Currency Denominated (optional)
  • MITC Investment Certificate
  • A letter of introduction from the applicant
  • A copy of the passport
Be aware that all documents must be duplicated and all certificates should be authenticated by the Commissioner of Oath.

Office Locations and Contacts

The Chief Executive Officer
Malawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC)
Aquarius House – First floor
Private Bag 302
Capital City
Lilongwe 3
Tel: (265) 1 771 315 / 770 800
Fax: (265) 1 771 781
E-mail :
Site: Link
Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services, Malawi
Blantyre – Immigration Head Quarters
PO Box 331, Blantyre, Malawi
Telephone Number Call Number: +265-1823777
E-Permit Contact Details: Link


  • Foreign Investors of all kinds


  • Processing and Issuance Fee $1100 upfront
  • Prescribed fee: $7500 based of BRP category you’re applying to


  • Five years, and it is subject to renewals

Processing Time

  • Within five working days.


  • Make sure you have all the necessary documents prior to submitting your application in order to avoid any inconvenience or having your application denied
  • Verify that the information that you provide are accurate

The Information You Need

  • Personal details
  • Passport Details
  • Dependent details
  • Applicant details
  • Documents
  • Review sectio

Documentation is needed

  • This permit permits you to carry out businesses in Malawi legally

Information that could be helpful

  • The Investor’s Handbook: PDF

External Link

  • Department of Immigration Malawi: Link



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