How To Obtain Employee Card In Czech Republic

How To Obtain Employee Card In Czech Republic

  • Visit the Czech Embassy (appropriate area of jurisdiction) and Ministry of the Interior office to submit an application .
  • You must fill out the “Application to Apply for an Employer Card” Form. You can download the form here: Application Forms
    How To Obtain Employee Card In Czech Republic
    How To Obtain Employee Card In Czech Republic

  • Indicate the number of the job vacancy in accordance with the central list of job vacancies which can be taken by employees with card In addition, provide the necessary information.
  • Attach the documents required.
  • Send the application.
  • A request for an interview invitation could be sent to you.
  • Make sure you pay the charges.

Documents that are required Obtain Employee Card

  • Application form
  • travel document
  • 2 photos
  • biometric features fingerprints
  • cost (1,000 CZK)
  • the documents supporting this claim.
  • The purpose of staying (employment contract or work agreement, or an agreement on future agreements or document to prove qualification, in case it is necessary)
  • accommodation (for example rent agreement etc.)
  • Financial instruments (for instance, bank statements, international credit cards etc.)
  • Criminal record extracts released by the state that grants the applicant’s citizenship as well as by the state in which the applicant was a resident for the past three years and for longer than six months.
  • on request, a certificate proving that the measures taken are effective against spreading of disease.
  • medical insurance coverage for travelers in the event of visa issuing

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of the Interiorpostbox 21
Prague 7 Letn
170 34
Telephone: +420 974 811 111 (switchboard operator)

Offices of MOI

What Are All The Eligibility

A card for employees is designed to foreign nationals from all over the globe. It is not meant for EU/EEA citizens Members States and Switzerland as well as their family members with citizenship of different states and have an identity card as relatives of citizens of the EU/EEA and Switzerland or are applying for such an identity card.


Employee Card 1000 CZK


A card for employees is typically issued during the term of the employment relationship between employer and employee, however, it is not valid for more than 2 years. There is also the possibility of extending the validity of the card.

Processing Time

The deadline to make the decision to approve an request for an employment card will be 60 days and 90 days for the case of difficult cases or when you are the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior has demanded that for the Employment Agency of the CR Regional Branch Office or the branch office in Prague to issue a statement of opinion. Capital City of Prague to make a legally binding statement of opinions.


  • A request for an employment ID card must be made personally at an Embassy of the CR in the relevant territorial jurisdiction. It is only possible to file your application through the diplomatic embassy that is part of CR located in the nation where you are a citizen , or where applicable, your state of residence that has issued the travel document or in the state where you are a long-term or permanent residency. This requirement is not necessary for a non-native national who is citizens of a country which is listed in the list of countries that allow citizens to submit an application for a visa for long-term use or permanent or long-term residence visa at the embassy or consulate of any CR (Ordinance No. 429/2010 Coll. ).
  • A person who is a candidate also has the right to apply for an employee card within the territory of CR in one of the offices under Ministry of the Interior (MoI) of the CR in the event that you’re already within the territory of the CR with a visa valid for more than 90 days, or on a long-term residence permit to serve some other reason. In this situation, you can apply for an employee card until the expiration date of your residence permit.
  • The employee card is available for application through submitting a particular application form that is titled An Application to Apply for an Employee Card in which you have to provide the number of the vacant job according to the central list of job openings that are taken by those who hold employee ID cards as well as providing all the necessary details.
  • The application to get an employee ID card must be completed in the person of the applicant. (The only exception is for applications submitted at an embassy where the embassy is able to disclaim this obligation in just circumstances.)
  • If you file your application within the area of the CR in an address of MoI CR, it applies that you submit the application in a different way (electronically or by post or via an authorized representative) and delivered to the MOI CR by the last day of the period of statutory obligation (not enough to deliver it to the post office by the end of the time period) and the process on the application won’t be initiated unless you appear in the person in the MoI CR office. MoI CR where the application was received within five days.

For applications made at an embassy, the embassy is mediator between applicant and authority accountable for the decision that can be identified as that authority, the MoI CR. Throughout the process the embassy will communicate with the applicant. At the commencement of process the embassy asks the applicant to remove any flaws in the application . The embassy also invites the applicant for an interview. The documents that are prepared by the MoI are handed over to the applicant through the embassy. Alternatively, the embassy invites the applicant to to with a visa to allow more than 90 days in order of collecting an employee ID card that is inserted into their passport.

Documentation is needed

The Employee Card a brand new type of permit to allow long-term residence in the Czech Republic where the purpose of the foreigner’s visit is employment. It is designed for those who work for Czech Republic for a period of time. Czech Republic for a period that is longer than 3 months.

A foreign national who holds an employee card can enjoy:

  • to live in the region in the CR and to be a resident of the CR and,
  • to perform the work that an employee’s card was given or
  • to be employed in the job to which is the Department for Asylum and Migration Po

Information that can be useful

The employee card is a substitute for a visa to allow an extended stay of more than 90 days with the intention of employment, a permanent residence permit to be used for the purpose of employment, and the Green Card, which will not be issued. The Blue Card will still be able be issued.

External Links

Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic


For more information, click here for more information.



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