How to Obtain Parentage Certificate In Morocco

Obtain Parentage Certificate In Morocco By Online

  1. Visit the municipal department that is responsible for administrative credentials for the district or common department.
  2. Bring all the necessary documents.
  3. Show the documents.
  4. Request a parentage certificate.

Required Documents For Obtain Parentage Certificate

  • Family book or identity book
  • Birth certificates of individuals who have who have been able to establish a connection

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of the Interior

Avenue Mohammed V,Quartier Administratif
T 537-761-861
F 537-762-056


Any person who is interested in the subject or representative.


There is no cost in getting a birth certificate.

Processing Time

The certificate may be issued on the same date.


  • Parentsage Certificate is issued person if the following conditions are met:
    • A President from the Municipal Council of the place of residence of the individual in question and/or his designated representative.
    • The President of the Borough Council or his representative. Borough Council or his representative.

The Document is required

The following are the steps to follow to get a the certificate of parentage in Morocco.

This certificate will prove the relationship between the owner and the person identified on the certificate. The certificate is issued to the applicant in response to the requirements of a government agency based on their capabilities, or to foreign authorities. This document of administrative necessity is needed to get certain approvals from regulatory authorities.

External Links

Certificate of parentage:



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