How to Obtain Permit for Au Pairs In India In Iceland

Obtain Permit for Au Pairs In India In Iceland By Online

  • Make sure you have all the documents you’ll need to be able to apply for the process.
  • Download, fill in and complete and sign the application form, then sign and download the application.
  • Make sure you pay an amount for the fees for processing.
  • Make sure to send your application through certified mail, addressed to Directorate of Immigration, Skgarhl 6, 105, Reykjavk. Make sure to include the receipt for payment when you mail in your application.
  • The permit application must be approved prior to that applicant’s arrival in Iceland. When the person applying for the permit is in Iceland at the time the application is completed, it won’t be considered until evidence has been provided to prove that he or she has left Iceland.
  • When the visa is issued, the applicant who requires visa will be issued the D-Visa at the nearest Embassy that issues visas in behalf of Iceland. The application must specify the embassy where the applicant plans to obtain the visa.

After arrival in Iceland

  • The majority of foreigners must have a medical exam and present an official medical certificate to the Directorate upon arriving in Iceland. To learn more
  • The applicant should be able to show their passport at the Directorates office or the closest District Commissioners office to be photographed.
  • After the medical certificate has been provided and the photographs of the person who is a foreign national have been taken The permit will then be granted and the card will be sent to the address of the applicant.
  • The date that the permit was granted, is the day that officially begins residence in Iceland. 

Required Documents For Obtain Permit for Au Pairs

  • Completed Application Form
  • A contract or au-pair agreement written between the parties The contract is accessible through the Directorate of Immigration.
  • One passport-sized photograph of the person applying (35mmx45mm)
  • Photocopies of the applicant’s passport Its validity should be at least 3 months beyond the time period of the permit proposed.
  • Initial Criminal Record for the applicant. The document has to come from the nation or country in which the applicant has lived in the last five years. Criminal Record Check must be at least 6 months prior to submitting it at the Directorate. Note that applicants who have lived within Canada or the U.S.A. or Canada during the past five yearsand are planning to apply for an residence permit in Iceland should submit an Criminal Record Check based on fingerprints provided from the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the U.S.A. and/or by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Canada.
  • Medical Insurance: This insurance should cover at minimum 2.000.000 The insurance is issued by an insurance firm that is authorized to offer the services of Iceland. The insurance should be valid for a minimum of six months.
  • Documents to prove financial capacity The family that hosts has to provide documentation that proves the financial capacity.
  • Authorization The applicant could give an individual living in Iceland the right to inquire regarding his request.
  • Housing certificate The applicant must demonstrate that they have secured accommodation for the length of time for which they are applying. This certificate has to be attested by the owner of the property in the presence of two adult.


  • Foreign documents issued in other languages than English or any among the Scandinavian languages must be translated using an certified interpreter.
  • The Directorate can request the authenticating foreign documents.

Office Locations and Contacts

Directorate of ImmigrationAddress: Skgarhl 6, 105 Reykjavik
E-mail :
Phone: +354 510 5400
Fax: +354 510 5405
The office hours are Monday through Friday 10:00 am – 22:00 pm


Conditions to be met before a permit can be issued

  • Meet the minimum requirements required for a residence permit. For such as financial assistance, medical insurance, and the housing is secured.
  • The applicant must not be younger than 18 and must not be more than 25 years old.
  • A contract signed between the person applying and the family of the host.
  • The host family must offer free accommodation and food to the person applying for housing.
  • The au-pair should have their own room in the home.
  • The host family will pay for the return of the applicants to their home country at the conclusion of the term.
  • The applicant is granted sufficient time to study Icelandic as well as for engaging in interests and hobbies.


Application fee for permit, for those older than 18 years old:

  • The first date of issue 12,000 ISKR
  • Renewing the license The permit is renewed for 6,600 ISKR
  • Permanent Residence permit 12,000 ISKR

Application fee for permit for those who are younger than 18 years:

  • The first date of issue First issue of the permit: 6,000 ISKR
  • Renewing the license The renewal fee is 3000 ISKR
  • Permanent Residence permit Permit to stay in the country for a period of ISKR 6,000


  • If the applicant chooses to withdraw their application, or when the application is refused the fee for application that the applicant paid may not be returned.
  • Be aware that your bank may charge a processing charge for international transfers. If this fee isn’t paid in a separate transaction the bank may deduct the funds from the transferred amount. The result is that there are not enough funds transfer into Icelandic Directorate of Immigration. Icelandic Directorate of Immigration. Thus, the process of processing your application could be delayed until the full processing fee has been paid.
  • Bank fees are not included in the figures above.

Payment for the processing fee

Make your payment payable into the Directorate of Immigration account. Directorate of Immigration account

Icelandic social identification number or security number = 670269-6399
Bank information – IBAN IS59 0516 0541 0541 1973 6702 963 99
Bank: slandsbanki, Kirkjusandi, 105 Reykjavk.

Don’t forget to print off the payment receipt and attach it to your application.

When depositing your cash when you deposit your payment, you need to provide your name and birthday as well as the same information that you have printed on your passport.


  • Permit issued to au pairs is granted for a maximum time of one year. It is not renewable.
  • The Au-pair permit cannot be considered when applying for permanent residence permit.

Processing Time

It can take between 90 and 120 to 90 days (on an average) after the date that all required supporting documents have been received by Directorate to review your application. If documents supporting your application are not present or are not up to date, processing times could be longer.

Documentation is needed

  • Residence Permits issued to au pairs is considered to be a type of cultural exchange, which is not classified as a student or an ordinary work permit. It is highly unlikely that someone from outside the country will use this category to live at the residence of a family member because that is not thought of as the primary motive behind this kind of permit.
  • The following steps will show you how to obtain an apartment permit that is issued to au pairs.

External Links

  • Directory of Immigration Website<=en



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