How to Obtain Permit to Purchase Hunting/Sporting Weapons and Ammunitions In Uzbekistan

Obtain Permit to Purchase Hunting/Sporting Weapons and Ammunitions In Uzbekistan By online

  1. Take all the documents you’ll have to submit to be considered for the application.
  2. Fill out this application.
  3. Forms to apply for an authorization to purchase sporting or hunting weapons and ammunition are approved by the Department during the week, between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm from 2:00pm until 6:00 pm.
  4. After all the required documents have been provided by the entity or the applicant, a decision on the grant or rejection to issue the license will be issued within a maximum of thirty days.
  5. If an application for an authorization is rejected by the authorized authority applicants can appeal against the decision. Re-examination of the documents could take around 10 working days before it is completed.

Required Documents For Obtain Permit to Purchase Hunting/Sporting Weapons and Ammunitions

for legal entity:

  • A completed application form that outlines that the entity’s name company and its address (postal location) and its form of the organization. The application form is required to be sent directly to the Defense Ministry to obtain weapons and ammunition from the storage facilities for military forces.

For people:

For combined and threaded arms:

  • Form of application that is completed
  • Document that proves that the applicant is an active participant in the Society of Hunters and Fishermen in Uzbekistan
  • Medical Certificate of Fitness stating an applicant’s fitness to fit enough to carry out the weapons permitted by the permit
  • Valid identification document

For weapons with a smooth bore:

  • A completed application form and hunter’s ticket in the event of a shortage (with a note about the payment of the dues during the year)
  • Medical Certificate of Fitness confirming an applicant’s fitness to able to carry out the weapons permitted by the permit
  • Valid identification document

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of UzbekistanTashkent ul.Yu.Radzhaby d.1 Index 100029
Phone: (+99871) 231-32-32 / 252-70-01
Helpline: 233-39-39
Additional Contact Phone Numbers to the Ministry of Health. Ministry

Patrol and Public Safety Department
Tashkent ul.Yu.Radzhaby d.1 Index 100029
Phone: (+99871) 231-36-36, 233-95-36
Helpline: 231-13-63


This service is available by legal entities such as departments, ministries, enterprises institutions, organisations educational institutions, and individuals who are members of the Society of Hunters and Fishermen founded in accordance with the laws in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Documents to Utilize

Formulary to obtain Permit to purchase Sporting and Hunting Weapons along with Ammunitions

Processing Time

Once all documents required have been provided by the entity or the applicant, a decision about the grant or rejection for the application will be made within a maximum of thirty days. Re-examination of documents can take approximately 10 working days to complete.


It is the responsibility to the General Administration Department in charge of public security to issue permits to purchase hunting/sporting firearms and ammunitions to companies or individuals who qualify to apply for such a permit. The department is part of Uzbekistan’s Republic of Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs (main office located in Tashkent).

Documentation is needed

The following steps will show you how to obtain an authorization to purchase sporting or hunting weapons and ammunition in Uzbekistan.

Information that can be useful

A permit is not valid to an entity or person based on the following reasons:

  • Incomplete documents.
  • The applicant isn’t qualified to apply for the permit due to the legal status of the applicant’s entity.
  • The form filled out by the applicant is filled with incorrect or inaccurate details.
  • The issuance of the visa to the person applying could not guarantee that order and security within the nation will be protected.

People who meet the following criteria could also be refused the right the right to apply for a permit:

  • Mental illness
  • Anyone who repeatedly violates the laws of order in the public
  • Users who use alcohol, but not for medical reasons and also other intoxicating substances (for use) that are a result of this substance
  • Criminal cases in which individuals are indicted that have an order in place cannot be revoked or canceled convictions for serious crimes or crimes that involve explosives, firearms or explosives.
  • People who are sentenced to prison for premeditated crime;
  • Individuals who are released conditionally from prison , with mandatory labor or individuals who are found guilty of religious extremism and terrorist acts.

Note: This resolution is not applicable to firearms that are made by hand.

External Links

  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Website:



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