How To Register a Death In Afghanistan

How To Register a Death In Afghanistan

If you want to register a death you must fill out an application form and submit the medical certificate confirming the reason for the death, signed by a physician to the District Registration Office. District Registration Office.

To record a death, you must submit the Death Notification Form that outlines the reason for death to the nearest Registration office. You can get this form from the physician who treated the deceased in the last illness. Then, you must complete the Part 2 . On the death notification form. which contains vital information related to the deceased such as the birth date, job title, as well as and the number for the death. Then you have to complete your name on the Register with the help of the Registrar. You must bring a your photo ID to sign the death certificate.

Documents that are required Register a Death

  • ID
  • Medical certificate

Office Locations and Contacts

Director Vital StatisticsCivil Registration Department
Ministry of Interior
Mobile: 0799 32 $341
You can also get in touch with village Maliks
Contacts of the Ministry of Interior Affairs

How To Register a Death In Afghanistan
How To Register a Death In Afghanistan

What Are All The Eligibility

A death that occurs in Afghanistan is recorded by:

  • anyone who is a relative of the deceased that knows the details that must be recorded (this is not limited to a relative through marriage)
  • an individual present at the time of the death
  • A person who is responsible for funeral arrangements
  • the administrator or executor of the estate of the deceased.
  • The governor, the matron, or the chief officer of a public building in which the death took place
  • A person who lives in and is accountable for a home or other accommodation in which the death took place.
  • A person who finds or who is in charge of the body

The majority of deaths are recorded by a loved one or a relative of the dead. The registrar is likely to let one of the individuals listed above to do therefore if there aren’t relatives in the area or they are unable to be identified.


The process of registering a death is completely free, however, standard charges to death certificates.


The death certificate doesn’t expire.


Both deaths and births must be recorded within six months.

These registration centers are generally located in districts and larger villages.

Parents and their relatives must notify all deaths to the village chiefs or local authorities. They will notify the appropriate municipal or registration bureau on specially printed forms available from the department of registration. The forms must be completed in accordance to the guidelines included within the Regulations for Bookkeeping of Registration, and must be submitted along and the identity card of the decedent. If the deceased does not have any relatives or parents The village head or any other local authorities will be accountable for the reporting of the death.

The doctor in charge of the medical care of a person prior to their death, or who examines the body after death must sign and complete an official medical certificate of the cause of death. The certificate must be issued within the first 48 hours of the death and must be handed by the funeral home director. The doctor does not have to provide information about the cause of death to a person in circumstances in which death can be reported to the coroner.

Requirements Information

  • District, province, region and village
  • Date
  • The full Name of deceased
  • Father’s name is the last initial of the dead
  • Numbers and registration number of the book as well as the book’s pages
  • The address of the person who died
  • The age of the deceased
  • The deceased’s nationality
  • Obligation of the deceased
  • The date and the reason for death.
  • The deceased’s marital status
  • The deceased’s sexual partner
  • Tazkira phone number for the dead If male
  • Names of fathers’ names addresses, addresses, Tazkira numbers and the seals and signatures of the father relatives, witnesses and funeral services man. Four signatures must be provided.
  • The seals, signatures, and stamps are signed by the head of village as well as the regional officer, the census secretary and the governor of the district.

Documentation is needed

The death registration is the official document for the deceased. The registration is performed by the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages . you can find the address of the closest registry office in the telephone directory.

Deaths must be registered promptly. You must have the written approval of a Superintendent of Registrar to record any death that was not registered within a year from day of the event.

Information that can be useful

In certain instances, there are occasions when the Civil Registration Service are obliged to inform the Coroner of an untimely death. Depending on the response of the Coroner, they may want to investigate the issue in more depth. In the event of this, it is the Civil Registration Service will work together with the relative as well as the office of Coroner.

There could be an inconvenient delay when an inquest or postmortem is performed and you won’t receive the medical certificate or Death Notification Form till the outcome is available. The death will automatically be declared when there was an inquiry or postmortem is conducted by a Coroner, and the Coroner’s Certificate has been accepted from the Registrar.

Other uses of the document/certificate

If you’re registering your death in the registry, you may obtain duplicates of your Death Certificate in the same manner.

External Links


In the event that the death was the subject of an investigation by a coroner The death will be recorded but without the motive for death. This is known as an “incomplete” death registration. If needed the death certificate may be provided at this time.

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