How to Register Business Association (NonProfit Organization) In Myanmar

Register Business Association (NonProfit Organization) In Myanmar By Online

  1. To register a business association or non-profit non-profit, the applicant must make contact with for registration with the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA).
  2. The first step for the applicant must ensure that the name for which he will be registered has not already registered. It is recommended that the following forms be followed.
    • Form for checking names (bought by DICA (or downloaded via on the DICA web site) Application forms
  3. In Step Two, you must obtain the appropriate application forms from DICA or the DICA website.
    • Application cover letter
    • Application form
    • Registration declaration (Form 1)
    • Declaration of the legal version
    • Certificate of translation
    • The form for registering office is in use.
    • Statement of the association’s objectives
    • The list of executive members
    • Things that are not included in MoA and AoA
  4. Complete the aplication form and submit it together with the required documentation to DICA.
    • Application cover letter
    • Application form
    • Registration declaration (Form 1)
    • Declaration of the legal version
    • Certificate of translation
    • The form for registering office is in use.
    • Statement of Association Objectives
    • The list of executive members
    • Memorandum of Association
    • (MoA) (MoA) executed in the presence of witnesses
    • Articles of Association (AoA). Signed in the presence an authorized witness
    • A brief biography of each executive member, with:
      • Copies of NRC.
  5. Recommendation letters are required from the appropriate departments in order to help the association or the group.
  6. The application is presented to the committee that is in charge.
  7. Following approval from the ministry, the ministry, a fee payment is required.
    • The payment order will be for the association registration fee. You will receive a payment receipt voucher.
  8. Find a registration certificate or licence for the non-profit organization.

Office Locations and Contacts

The following link gives contact details of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration : Contact Info


To check the name, it’s 1,000 Kyats

Registration fees :

500 kyats to be used for a national-level association
300,000 Kyats at state and regional levels
100,000 kyats to township-level associations

Documentation is needed

This guideline provides information on how to register either a non-profit or a business entity in Myanmar.

External Links

More details on how to register with an Association or Non-Profit Organization



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