How to Register Commercial House In Uruguay

Register Commercial House In Uruguay By Online

  1. Go to the Office at the office of Army General Command.
  2. Current Form of Registration for Commercial Homes as well as the required documents.
  3. Make the payment.

Required Documents For Register Commercial House

  • Identity card copy of the owner
  • Fotocopia Certificate Enrollment BPS
  • DGI Certificate of Registration for Fotocopia
  • Judicial Record Certificate
  • Certification through Notary Signatures
  • Title Enabling Possession and Acquisition of Weapons ( THATA) in the event of the sale of Armament
  • Identity Card if Auctioneer joined through Attempt to Armas.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of DefenceArmy General Command
In Montevideo:
Logistical Support Command Army – Material and Equipment Service Division National Register of Arms – Inspections Department Av of Instructions 1925 Annexe
Tel: 2354 0326 / 27
Fax: 2355 4153


Register of Commercial House: 3 adjustable units (UR)

The Document is required

Here are the steps for registering commercial houses in Uruguay. This procedure is required by businesses that are in the field of selling ammunition or arms and rematadores arms as well as importers of weapons, ammunition as well as pyrotechnic and hazardous substances, to register.

External Links

Registration of Commercial House:


If they’re registered they have to file monthly reports detailing the progress of their merchandise sales. They may also be scrutinized through the Service.



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