How To Register Fishing Vessel In Cook Islands

How To Register Fishing Vessel In Cook Islands

The only fishing boats that plan fishing within Cook Islands waters or in the waters of Regional Fisheries Management Organizations the which Cook Islands is a party must be registered with the Cook Islands Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR).

These are steps for how to apply to register a fishing vessel.

  • To apply for registration, fill out an application for registration that is available through the deputy registrar (specific to the region) and they will assist you in completing your application.
  • When you are submitting your application, don’t forget to attach the following documents: Company Certificate/CISOA or CIYS membership certificate
    Carvings in addition to Markings Note, which includes current photograph of vessel ( visit our website for application forms)
    Pre-Registration Inspection ( If appropriate)
    Documentation of deletion from the prior flag ( If charter registration is required)
    The evidence of suspension from the prior charter flag (if you have a charter)
    Completed copies of all prior closed CR ( according to SOLAS Chapter XI-1 Regulations 8) ( all vessels with more than 500GT)
    A copy of the P&I policy showing the financial security of MLC Regulation 2.5 as well as 4.2 ( that is applicable for commercial vessels of all sizes; MCI demands that MLC financial security be maintained and will require proof that it has been maintained) ( applicable to commercially-operated vessels but not unmanned barges)
    Review, signed and sealed by an official of the Justice of Peace or the Commissioner for Oaths or Notary Public, Solicitor or the Registrar or Deputy Register for the Ships from the Cook Islands Registry or before any other person authorized legally to perform oaths within the country in which this declaration was made.
  • Make sure you pay the registration fee.
  • If your application is accepted through the Registrar of Ships, a Provisional Certificate of Registry is issued. The certificate becomes effective on the date of its issue and will be valid for three months. The conditions for permanent registration have to be met. The Registrar is able to extend the time of provisional registration under certain circumstances.


The Registrar might ask you to submit the required documents, if they are deemed necessary. additional surveys prior to issuing an Permanent Certificate of Registry. In the event of not submitting the required documents, it could delay registration.

Documents that are required Register Fishing Vessel

  • The completed Form 3 registration enquiry form FV
  • Ext. For 8. CISOA Request for Membership v3
  • Image of the markings and
  • Photograph of the vessel in all its glory
  • Form 10 scanned copy carving and Marking Note V6
  • If the Owner is a business:
    • Attach the copy of the incorporation documents
    • Please provide director’s contact information below and attach a scan passport from the primary contact point.
  • If the owner has a personal identity, include a the copy of Passport.

Office Locations and Contacts

Maritime Cook Islands (MCI)
PO Box 882
1st Floor Browne’s Building
Avarua, Rarotonga
Cook Islands

Phone: +682 23 848
Skype: mcicooks2

What Are All The Eligibility

The only fishing boats that are planning fishing on Cook Islands waters or in the waters of regional Fisheries Management Organizations that Cook Islands is a party are able to be registered with the Cook Islands Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR).


The Provisional Certificate is valid for 3 Months

Documents to Utilize

To download these forms, go to the Forms – Forms

How To Register Fishing Vessel In Cook Islands
How To Register Fishing Vessel In Cook Islands

  • Formula 3. Registration Request Form FV
  • For Form 10, Carving and Marking Note V6

Ext. Formula 8. CISOA Applications for membership v3


  • Every vessel is examined prior to registration. The process involves an analysis of risk for both the vessel as well as the manager. If the risk is considered acceptable, the vessel is offered registration.
  • Contact your deputy registrar to request an estimate of registration fees and the registration application form.

External Links

Maritime Cook Islands –



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