How to Register Marriage or Divorce In Iraq

Register Marriage or Divorce In Iraq By Online

  • A divorce or marriage is required to be registered with an office of the Civil Status Department Office.

A copy for the certificate of marriage signed by either the Embassy of General Consulate, should be sent along and authenticated copies with the Husbands’ and the Wife’s Civil Status ID cards for the Civil Status department which issued the Husband’s ID card. Status ID card to register the marriage and to open a new family page.

If you reside outside of the countryPlease contact the nearest consulate or embassy that can give you the necessary information for the registration of either a divorce or marriage. The following link provides a list of information about consulates and embassy : Iraq Embassy and Consulate Information

Required Documents For Register Marriage or Divorce

To Register Marriage

  • A counterpart to the wedding certificate certified at the Embassy of the State or General Consulate.

Copies of Husbands’ ID cards and the wives Civil Status ID card.

The Document is required

This guideline provides details on how to register the marriage or divorce in Iraq.



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