How to Removal of a caveat In Uganda

Removal of a caveat In Uganda By Online

step 1Prepare request for the removal of caveat/withdrawal of caveat. The applicant writes an official letter informing Land Office Land Office that the 60 days have expired (lapsed) without any communication of the party who put in the caveat and , therefore, wanting to get rid of the caveat. The applicant must be in their possession an embossed document titled “Withdrawal of Caveat” or “Removal of Caveat”

  • one passport photo,
  • description of the land that is affected,
  • general receipts of payment for stamp duty and
  • registration fees.

Step 2.
Attach one photo and then sign the application for the removal of the caveat. The application or letter for the removal of the caveat as a form of assessment and the issuance of a declaration slip from the department of valuation for lands. The Applicant submits the documents along with a photocopy of identical documents to the Department of Land Registration for processing. The Photocopy is stamped “Received and then returned to the applicant.
Step 3.
Make use of the declaration slip for payment at the recommended bank. Apply for the removal of the caveat to emboss in the bank.
Step 4.
Select the embossed form to be removed if caveat is present and present it to the cashier in the office of the registrar of titles in the area where the land is located for the assessment of registration fees.
5. Step
The cashier gives a bank slips indicating the amount to pay, how much the bank to pay and description of the land which has been sealed.
Step 6
Take the bank to pay the registration fee. Bring the bank slips along with the application for the removal of caveats to the cashier’s desk to confirm the payment and stamp the document.
Step 7
Bring the complete set of original documents that include payment receipts as well as copies of them at the Office of the registrar of titles to be processed. The applicant checks with the Department of Land Registration after 10 working days for 60 days’ notice for the Caveator who filed the caveat to provide reasons why the caveat cannot be removed. A notice to Caveator is published and a receipt is obtained which is then placed in the file
Step 8.
Photocopies of the photocopies will be stamped “Received and are returned to you. and you will be advised when to look them up. at the land registry (white page or original certificate of title) is sought and taken from the room of strong.
Step 9
The Applicant examines the photocopy that is stamped with “Received” in the Department of Land Registration after 10 working days to verify that the caveat was taken off the Register.

Required Documents For Removal of a caveat

  • Removal of Caveat” or “Removal of Caveat Form 38.
  • One passport photo.
  • Description document for the affected land.
  • General receipts for payment of stamp duty are proof of payment.
  • Registration fees.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Lands,Housing and Urban Development (MLHUD).
Plot 13-15 Century Building – Parliament Avenue.
P.O. Box 7096, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 414 373 511
Tel: +256 791-622191
Tel: +256 772-463240
Web site: Ministry of Lands Housing and urban Development


  • Any individual, company, any institution or company that is the owner of Land or the Land along with the Land is subject to caveats.


  • Fees paid: Stamp duty- 5,000/=
  • Registration fees -10,000/=.


  • The Letter will be valid during the specific time frame of removal of the restriction.

Processing Time

  • The maximum processing time is one day


The recorder issues a notice of thirty days, beginning from the day of delivery in order for the Caveator to seek an order of the Land Tribunal to delay or block its removal, however, no order is issued within the stipulated time.

Requirements Information

  • Address and name of the the applicant.
  • The name and address of the person who owns the Land
  • The registration of ownership
  • Telephone number
  • Land Location
  • The reason why the caveat is eliminated
  • Declaration
  • Signing of the Applicant

The Document is required

  • The goal of eliminating the condition is to give owners of Land the right of occupation.

Information that can be useful

  • The recorder is not to take the caveat into consideration unless caveat maker has completed a declaration in Form 37 , which is specified within the Schedule to the Regulations and has verified the accuracy of a claim within the caveat.
  • A caveat can be removed through the option of voluntary removal.
  • On the basis of an order from the land tribunal based upon an application from an owner registered as a customary or tenant by occupation for the removal of the caveat.
  • The caveat is void when it expires.
  • A caveat is void if
    • an owner registered as a customary tenant by occupancy can apply to the recorder to remove it on Form 39, which is contained within the Schedule of the Regulations;
    • The recorder is required to give notice, within thirty days, beginning from the day of delivery to the caveat , or to get an order of the court to delay or stop the removal of the caveat, but the order is not issued within the stipulated time.

Other uses for the Document/Certificate

  • The other uses of a caveat are to prevent any transfer,sell,exchange, pledge, mortgage, lease or change in ownership or any transaction affecting the land or right of occupancy.

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