How to Renew Air Service License In Niue

Renew Air Service License In Niue By Online

  1. Apply to apply for an air service licence and submit it to the Cabinet.
  2. Submit documents.

Office Locations and Contacts

Community AffairsDirector Mr. Faapoi AKSI
The Library’s Officer, Ms Amanda Heka
Contact: PO Box 77, Alofi, NIUE
Phone (683) 4019
Facsimile (683) 4391


A renewal application of a licence for air services must be submitted in writing.

  • Cabinet be made as well as
  • Be accompanied by the information as well as documents supporting the application, as Cabinet requires.

Cabinet might

  • Refuse to accept an application for renewal of an existing air-service license or
  • Grant it
    • either in whole or in parts or in whole; and
    • Subject to any condition Cabinet may deem essential to the public good.

Documentation is needed

A license for air services is required to be renewed whenever the license is due to expire or has expired.

Information that could be helpful

For inquiries regarding air service license

  • Cabinet can appoint one to conduct an inquiry in public to establish if an air service activity conducted pursuant to an air-service license is operating in accordance to its terms and conditions.
  • The person who is appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) must provide the minimum of 21 calendar days’ advance notice that he intends to keep an inquiry
    • The licensee The licensee; and
    • Anyone else he or considers to have an interest in air service license.
  • The notice must be in writing.
    • Provide the date time, date, and location set for the inquiry; and
    • Incorporates details of the subject that is to be investigated.

Air service licenses
Cabinet may cancel the air service licence or suspend it at any time that the Cabinet deems appropriate

  • When the flight service operation authorized by the licence has not established on the day that it specifies for the beginning of the operation;
  • If the licensee stops or reduces the amount of air service operation authorized by the licence
  • After getting the information of an individual designated to conduct an inquiry, Cabinet is convinced that the licensee is not operating the air service in accordance with the license; or
  • If Cabinet is satisfied the licensee has ended the air service operations authorized by the license to another person, without
    • Transferring the license to the person or
    • obtaining Cabinet’s approval for the transfer

External Links

Government of Niue



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